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I find hilarious that Sumia fans hate Cordelia and Cordelia fans hate Sumia even though they're best friends.

I like both.

Also, it's perfectly possible to train Stahl, Sully and Sumia before getting Cordelia.

Actually, it's possible to train Stahl, Sully, Cordelia, Nowi, Panne, Sumia, MU, Chrom and Tharja, all at the same time. (of course I'm talking about hard/classic no grind)

Edited by Nobody
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At least she didn't pull a Raquesis/Lachesis.

Raquesis >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cordelia

Edited by Ranger Jack Walker
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Why does defending Cordelia automatically make Interceptor or me blind Cordelia fanboys and the same isnt being said about Sumia?


have you seen Interceptor's posts? Your posts are generally fine for the most part, even if I disagree with them. Seriously, look at this shit:

Credits are rolling, I already put "HND" on the leaderboard.

Cordelia doesn't need to run both offensive skills together; she has options, which is more than we can say for Sumia. We can also say that about Sumia's partners, which is probably not a coincidence. Cordelia = OPTIONS. Sumia = I HOPE NOBODY ELSE WANTED FREDERICK.

Their outfits are different. Look again, paying close attention to the sides, skirts and boobplates. Cordelia's is amazing shiny contrast, Sumia's is dull-looking poop.

[spoiler=What is better than Stahl!Severa?]NOTHING IS BETTER THAN STAHL!SEVERA.

The only thing awesome here, is the cornfield full of straw-men that you just lit up with a flamethrower.

Cordelia is perfectly serviceable at base stats, and she levels up quickly. The replacement unit, which ate the EXP that Sumia normally gets, is probably going to be kind of a badass. If it's Stahl, for instance, you even get a natural support partner for Cordelia.

Sort of like Sumia's character development, except the entire thing. This is a game with a lot of characters, and not a lot of time to spend on them. Cordelia is not up against Sir Patrick Stewart, here. She's up against Pie-face. Her survivor's guilt in Ch7 by itself makes her a more interesting character than Sumia.

It's worth noting that Cordelia notches a quantity win, here. Sumia has all of six partners with which to showcase her vapid gaze, only four of which even care enough to tie the knot with her. Cordelia has fourteen pairs, twelve of which are husbands.

This is a win for everyone involved, since it cuts down on the Sumia bullshit considerably.

I'll bet you the balance of Sumia's value as a human being -- AKA, nothing -- that you can't.

Because the kills you fed to the Black Hole of Pies and Idiocy could have gone to someone else. Ergo, you can choose Cordelia as initially 80% of Sumia's prowess, but with 100% of an extra growth unit (Miriel, Stahl, Sully, Vaike, Chrom, whoever you want) that didn't have to fight with dumbshit Sumia for EXP at the trough. And then Cordelia ends up being better in the long run, with more marriage options, and a better daughter.

It's called OPPORTUNITY COST comma son.

And now we're up to twelve people who don't read the story.

Yeah, that's a good point; there are alternatives. For example, this morning I was going to compose a beautiful love song, but instead decided to repeatedly slam my fingers in a door.

Ah excellent. Nothing like a nice non-sequitor. Nice to see some intellectual honesty here.

Think of "blind fanboy" as shorthand for "I have nothing useful to say here, oh SHI-", and it makes more sense.


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Wow the amount of childishness in this thread astounds me. Then again why should I be surprised this is the Awakening section after all.

There is no need for the word "whore" to be so casually thrown about.

Yeah, seriously. Just because I have a fangirl crush on Chris Hemsworth doesn't automatically mean I am going to cheat on my fiancee. Even Severa says Cordelia is a great mother. She was just upset that her mom died to protect her future and made up a story based on Cordelia's past so she would feel less guilty about hating her mother when she was alive. The developers were too lazy to change Cordelia's quotes but note that she can't talk to Chrom in the summer scramble if she's married. She just treats Chrome like a celebrity crush.
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And a 45% STR growth is decently reliable. And she's a good candidate for the Renown energy drop, too.

Decent for a leper, maybe. Sumia's raw STR growth is so weak that Lissa could reclass and be competitive with her.

I refuse to accept canon. Its a semi-self insert game so no two playthroughs will be the exact same.

I understand your feelings; it was kind of IS to allow a male Avatar.

Because conveniently ignoring Sumia's availability over Cordelia, her support advantage and stat averages which are identical is just illogical.

So how would you classify something like, ignoring the fact that it wasn't ignored? Party-time?

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Decent for a leper, maybe. Sumia's raw STR growth is so weak that Lissa could reclass and be competitive with her.

That's actually true, from personal experience, but it doesn't mean Sumia's not strong enough to get jobs done.

shadykid i agree with that

Edited by ZMeister
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I find hilarious that Sumia fans hate Cordelia and Cordelia fans hate Sumia even though they're best friends.

I like both.

Also, it's perfectly possible to train Stahl, Sully and Sumia before getting Cordelia.

Actually, it's possible to train Stahl, Sully, Cordelia, Nowi, Panne, Sumia, MU, Chrom and Tharja, all at the same time. (of course I'm talking about hard/classic no grind)

Exactly. As do I, but I tend to use Sumia more, mostly for the slight bias that comes with being my Avatar Silvia's best female friend, so I have a bit more experience in playing around with Sumia's options than Cordelia's, but I've meddled in both.

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Doesn't Raquesis pine tirelessly for her own brother and then hook up with Finn later regardless of who she marries

She seems to hook up with Finn after her first husband dies (canonicaly Beowulf). She's not allowed to move on or something?

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Yeah, seriously. Just because I have a fangirl crush on Chris Hemsworth doesn't automatically mean I am going to cheat on my fiancee. Even Severa says Cordelia is a great mother. She was just upset that her mom died to protect her future and made up a story based on Cordelia's past so she would feel less guilty about hating her mother when she was alive. The developers were too lazy to change Cordelia's quotes but note that she can't talk to Chrom in the summer scramble if she's married. She just treats Chrome like a celebrity crush.

Thank You

And Like I said I don't hate Sumia (Dual-Guarded so much on Lunatic Chapter 3). I just hate how most Sumia lovers find the need to bash Cordelia.

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God yes.

The problem is Raquesis situation is rather complex

Cordelia and Sumia are not

I don't actually have a problem with Raquesis at all, nor do I care for that one word in regards to all three of them, but I guess I stopped

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Just because I have a fangirl crush on Chris Hemsworth doesn't automatically mean I am going to cheat on my fiancee.

If you had an obsessive lifelong crush that continued after marriage--so much so that even your daughter knows how obsessed you are with said celebrity--I'd be pretty worried.

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Ah excellent. Nothing like a nice non-sequitor. Nice to see some intellectual honesty here.

You are either taking this thread entirely too seriously, or you are JSND's secret apprentice. I wonder what you thought about the hard-hitting, raw documentary on Cordelia's outfit.

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You are either taking this thread entirely too seriously, or you are JSND's secret apprentice. I wonder what you thought about the hard-hitting, raw documentary on Cordelia's outfit.

I need to see this.

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Raquesis >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cordelia

While I realize that was meant as an emphasis on "greater than" sign...

That made it look like Lachesis/Raquesis *BECOMES* Tiamo/Cordelia.

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