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I kind of feel ashamed of myself at the moment


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This is silly because I've probably met more girls who would think that's hilarious and amazing than would be put off by it

Also apparently it was surprising for me to listen to Godsmack because I wear glasses and know math. High school kids, psh

Edited by Solais
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This is silly because I've probably met more girls who would think that's hilarious and amazing than would be put off by it

Also apparently it was surprising for me to listen to Godsmack because I wear glasses and know math. High school kids, psh

iirc there was an actual research (many many years ago, 2004 or so?) about the connection between being a good student and listening to really heavy shit. People shouldn't be surprised though - I mean, several decades back the peaceful hippies would listen to hard rock and avantgarde styles while the violent skinheads would go for reggae. You take from life what you require.

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This is silly because I've probably met more girls who would think that's hilarious and amazing than would be put off by it

Also apparently it was surprising for me to listen to Godsmack because I wear glasses and know math. High school kids, psh

Math is hard, it's surprising when anyone knows it! [/jealousy]

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Math is objectively easy. Art is way harder

especially erotic art

Oh ya art is impossible for me too. I remember you showed us some good art you did once (on IRC?)...I have no idea what it was but you should be proud IMO.

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What makes art so hard?

The need for dexterity, the difficulty in spacing effectively what one wants to draw in advance, the level of "commitment" with a pen or pencil or paint or whatever might involve (I mean pressing down too hard or something like that), being able to interpret the visuals in front of my eyes and understand how they should be drawn, spatial relationships...probably a lot of other stuff too. This is just for me of course.

Edited by Static Shock
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Sevvy-poo are you sure that was me

Art of love is hard to master, baby

I keep hoping that you're Crepe Knight and that we're destined to be together intimately
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The need for dexterity, the difficulty in spacing effectively what one wants to draw in advance, the level of "commitment" with a pen or pencil or paint or whatever might involve (I mean pressing down too hard or something like that), being able to interpret the visuals in front of my eyes and understand how they should be drawn, spatial relationships...probably a lot of other stuff too. This is just for me of course.

You're objectively wrong. That's for me too, not just for you.

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Art requires only an average level of manual dexterity to move a pencil, but then again so do fighting games and those aren't exactly the easiest things ever, at least not to master

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