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Fire Emblem Awakening when you start dreaming about it, So the other day I had this dream, I was running away from Tharja she was after me, I escaped into Libras house..Yeah okay so I'm in his house & he has 3 spas & a massive pool in his home like wow!

Anyways he said it was okay for me to hide in his home, So I was hiding under his bed (I don't know why I hid there) Then Lon'qu came & found me & told me chrom is looking for me.. I was seriously confused (Whats he doing in Libras house??)

So next thing I knew Chrom is at Libra house & wants to see me I go outside & greet him & he tells me 'I have something important to tell you' I'm really confused... Then he tells me 'I am your father' Then my dream ended like wow what a dream lol seriously crazy...

I had another one just yesterday (It involved the 2 gen this time) but I will tell that one later... Anyone else had any crazy FE:A dreams?

(Note to self don't make a topic on a 3DS again XD)

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I don't think me or Rey count.

Lucid dreaming isn't fair.

Although, too much Fire Emblem in general is probably why I had a nightmare about the Battle of Belhalla. [True story: I actually woke up in the middle of the night, in a cold sweat, screaming.... because I thought I was one of the faceless unseen soldiers in Sigurd's Army, and I was facing down Arvis... and then well, I'd suggest looking up Oosawa's impression of Valflame before anything else.]

Anyways, I once heard my best friend's little brother was dating a girl named Morgan. I said that he doesn't have the stats to be a proper support for her.

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Yeah I meant Fire Emblem Awakening dreams since thats what most would be playing at the moment anyways, I should have said that in the original post but I cant seem to edit it on my 3DS.. I fixed up my Orignal post.

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In the first week Awakening came out, I had a small dream involving Chrom wearing a chef hat using Falchion as a spatula. I uh...think he was in a home-style French restaurant. Don't even ask. I don't know why. It just happened.

I didn't have anything else until I got the kids, mine to be specific. Y'know, the whole family feels and waifu thing. I don't even remember most of it.

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I had a dream about chapter 9: Emmeryn. Like, I somehow dreamed the entire battle, and ending, in a single night. I think I was in the mind of my Avatar, or something, and it plays a big part why I can NEVER play that chapter without crying, despite going through that chapter over twenty times.

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I had a dream about chapter 9: Emmeryn. Like, I somehow dreamed the entire battle, and ending, in a single night. I think I was in the mind of my Avatar, or something, and it plays a big part why I can NEVER play that chapter without crying, despite going through that chapter over twenty times.

Wow that happened to you also?

When your house has tiles and you move 5 then stop for about a minute till you get to the fridge and you hit it a couple times then open it.

When you dream of yourself as your Avatar interacting wtih your waifu and child(ren).

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When your house has tiles and you move 5 then stop for about a minute till you get to the fridge and you hit it a couple times then open it.

...Won't lie, I did this at the grocery store once a while ago, when I first discovered Fire Emblem. That's how I met my best friend actually. He was amused that I'd gotten so into a video game and we talked about a whole bunch of different ones and... yeah.

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...Won't lie, I did this at the grocery store once a while ago, when I first discovered Fire Emblem. That's how I met my best friend actually. He was amused that I'd gotten so into a video game and we talked about a whole bunch of different ones and... yeah.

Haha thats an awesome way to meet your best friend, My house thats getting built at the moment is going to be all tiles, I could have some fun playing real life Fire Emblem in my own home! XD

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I've had Fire Emblem-related dreams before, but I've yet to have one about Awakening. This really surprises me considering how much fangirling I've done over Frederick and his pairing with the female Avatar. You'd think by now I would've had a least ONE dream about them. xP lol

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I had a dream about the game's sequel. I woke up and a trailer was online. Lucina had left to a far off land. In a tower some where, Kellam was guarding a sacred treasure. All of a sudden, a dark figure attacked him, and he dropped his lance. Lucina arrived on the scene, just to see the dark figure escape. She say a symbol on the back of his cape. Lucina asked Kellam what happened. He just said "Don't... forget me... Lucina..." And his body slumped over. Lucina took up her Falchion and resheath into her back. The sword as it resheathed turned into the game's logo. It was in Japanese. And then Lucina's narration played: "I thought I prevented the apocalypse. But it seems I have to challenge fate once again."

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Whenever I play FE: Awakening, I'm always trying to choose between Gaius, Henry, Gerome, Inigo and Owain to marry.

Apparently my brain decided it was okay to have a dream about me being the avatar.

With them as my harem.

...I don't even know.

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Ahah! I had one last night. I was in a huge plaza and there were loads of people moving around. I spied Panne and Yarne across from me a long distance away and she kept grooming him, like mothers do. Even from that distance I could see the annoyed look on his face. I lol'd.

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Another dream I had was the all of the 2 gen characters camping out in a supermarket, And I was randomly trying to pair them up in my dream (Def been playing way to much XD)

And as I paired different ones up they would complain that they didnt like this pairing so I would have to keep trying over & over but none of them for some reason liked Inigo, I dont remember much of what happend in this dream though,

but I do remember finding Inigo moping about all sad that no one liked him (which is odd cause I do like him lol) Well my character found him wandering this supermarket seeing him lonely & sad she said she would marry him.... And that ended that dream, Yeah I dont know why I have these kind of dreams about FE:A lol

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