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Most useful DLCs?

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Soooo for some reason I suddenly want to get on the easy lunatic grind train and I have some money to spend on DLCs, where do I get the most useful skills (aka Limit Breaker) and which DLCs are the easiest for getting some levels to my weaker units (aka level 1 miriel with 0 exp who I never used)? If possible I'd like to avoid using the free everything trio (exp - gold - infinite reg), but if it's needed I could buy these too. Having the Dread Fighter and Bride DLCs is worth my money? Thanks for answering everyone.

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Sounds like you would want to start off small with the DLCs. And even then, I wouldn't suggest going into a DLC chapter at least until Lucina is recruited. For level grinding, I would suggest starting off with some of the low level SpotPass enemies (like Florina for instance) and work you way up. From there.

If you're feeling confident, I would also recommend the Heroes of Yore 3, Lost Bloodlines 3, and once your army is strong enough, Rouges and Redeemers 3.

And as for having Lost Bloodlines 2 and Smash Bretheren 2 being worth your money, it really depends on what you want to do with them. Dread Fighter makes for a good Hero replacement for certain characters, and Bride might be a little more ideal than War Cleric. But again, this is just my two cents here.

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Small SpotPass enemies either give me 1 exp per enemy killed or are too hard to defeat.

Anyway, with 8.48€ I could get the Lost Bloodlines Bundle and R&R3, which would give me Dread Fighter class, Limit Breaker and Paragon skills, I just need to know if I can grind on Lost Bloodlines or if I need to reach 14.47€ adding in the Golden pack.

Edited by TheIdiotNinja
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Golden Gaffe helps to get a lot of money so you can forge weapons easily and buy the best equipment for your units. EXponential Growth is a GODSEND when it comes to reclassing units for abilities :D

The Dread Fighter class is a useful front unit class while the Bride class is a good support unit o.o

The DLC skills are in these maps:

Rogues & Redeemers 3 (Limit Breaker: Raises a units max stat caps by 10)

Smash Bretheren 3 (Iote's Shield: Negates flying weakness)

Lost Bloodlines 3 (Paragon: User receives double EXP in battle)

Champions of Yore 3 (All Stats +2: Self Explanatory)

Hope you have fun and good luck with Lunatic O_O

EDIT: I didn't notice all the people who posted in the mean time when I was writing so if anything I said is redundant, don't mind me

Edited by ZweihanderKnight
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- Golden Pack (Infinite Regalia is not necessary though) - money and EXP are useful, and you can't jump into LB3 from the start. EXPonential Growth (and Golden Gaffe as well, sorta) are very good for training the really low-level units.

- Lost Bloodlines 2 & 3 (Dread Fighter and Paragon, and LB3 is great for grinding)

- Smash Brethren 2 is pretty good (Bride)

- Rogues and Redeemers 3 (Limit Breaker for lulz)

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if you want to avoid golden pack (i try not to use it unelss i'm grinding for some other reason [coughapothcough]) champions of yore and lost bloodlines are probably the best two to go for

RnR3 is also nice if you want a challenge (or challenge pack even)

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So, overall:

Golden Pack 5.99€

CoY3 1.99€

LB2 and 3 4.98€

R&R3 2.49€

SB2 2.49€

That makes it 17.94€ for the complete essential DLCs pack. I'd like to have Apotheosis as well, but it doesn't look like it's gonna released any time soon in Europe (and even then ages are gonna come until I am good enough to defeat it), so I'd just go with this. Iote's Shield would be good as well for completing the obtainable skills too, but that would made it go over 20€ and force me to put more money on my 3ds I'll probably not even use. Thanks to everyone who answered.

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I'd like to have Apotheosis as well, but it doesn't look like it's gonna released any time soon in Europe (and even then ages are gonna come until I am good enough to defeat it), so I'd just go with this.

Uh... Next Week if they don't hold back for some reason.

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