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Ben Affleck


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I'm confused, is the Batman appearing in the Man of Steel sequel the same one from the Dark Knight? Or is he supposed to be a new one? (Canon wise)

Edited by Knight
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I wasn't actually listening at the time, but supposedly people thought Heath Ledger was the worst pick for the Joker imaginable, right?

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Fact: Any Batman movie with someone other than Heath Ledger as the Joker is garbagenoncanon filth.R.I.P. Batman vs. Joker movies

Mark Hamill + Jack Nicholson> Heath Ledger
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Fact: Any Batman movie with someone other than Heath Ledger as the Joker is garbagenoncanon filth.

R.I.P. Batman vs. Joker movies

You dare imply that Mark Hamill is of a lesser caliber than Heath Ledger? BURN THE WITCH AT THE STAKE!

On a related note, Ben Affleck is seriously replacing Christian Bale as Batman? GOOD. A small part of me believes that Christian Bale ruined the role of Batman for years to come with that voice he did for the role. If I were Kevin Conroy right now, I'd be ashamed, I really would be.

Edited by Karaszure
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The new Batman, Vash xD

(For the Man of Steel sequel)

I'm pretty neutral about the casting...? I mean, I'll just see how the movie is when it's out haha.

Wait. So Ben is the new...?


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ok, ben affleck might be a good batman (which i doubt) but who knows. what i do know is, as long as hack snyder is in charge of the superman movies, the movies are gonna suck.

Edited by Aizenberg
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