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Two question


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If you bring up the tome you want in Nightmare, go to the first Weapon Ability drop-down and select Weapon.

For Question #2, go into Nightmare and look in the second and third Weapon Ability menus. Unfortunately you can only lock to those listed on the module without ASM stuff, which is messy.

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Practically what Cam answered but I will give a little tutorial

Your answer is in nightmare.

Make your special weapon. put Prf as rank

Now, open Nightmare again, and select custom battle animations.

Select the class at the top of the editor, tho it doesn't show name, you must select it. Let's take 0x02 (Which I believe is Eliwood but you can check the classes in the same nightmare in other modules)

select the weapon you have choosen to replace (example let's say you replaced light brand with your weapon which would make your weapon 0x10 - Light sword [ignore the name after]) and choose the normal animation of the class for the weapon. also, put: Custom animation for a weapon. And you are done.

If you can't put Prf as a rank, then replace Rapier/wolf Beil

Edited by RPGamerVX
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If you set a magic tome's Weapon Ability 1 to just Weapon / 0x01, it will use Defence instead of Resistance when dealing damage (Tested in FE7). You could use this for some kind of 'magic sword' spell.

And if you set a weapon to 0x03 / magical weapon, it will use resistance instead of defence when attacking.

Edited by Vennobennu
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Thanks for reply.

I'm not sure if you understood what I want to know. I'm working with FE8 and I want to create something like that (with other classes and characters):

Colm has promotion to Rogue and Assassin.Colm as rogue and thief cannot use Shamshir, but as assassin he can.

And if I think right multiple Prfs don't solve that problem.

And thanks for answer to the Q1.

Edited by Nicolas
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