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About Vennobennu

  • Birthday 10/24/1995


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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Sacred Stones

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  1. Congratulations on the new release! It's good to see the sizable progress that's been made.
  2. Yo, this is pretty sweet. I'm running it through Lyn Hard mode and having a blast. One little issue I've noticed so far is that Rath's scripted battle hangs the game if he doesn't have a ranged weapon equipped, but fortunately you can skip the whole scene. Erk's battle doesn't have any problems though (I assume because it isn't 'scripted' in the sense that Rath's is). It also seems that the Weighted HP growths option doesn't seem to work? I went into Nightmare to check the growths of randomized characters and saw a few 10% or lower HP growths. This was with Minimum Growths checked also. Third problem: Using Randomized Recruitment and Randomized Classes, Lowen (replacing Matthew) joined as a Thief with D Lances (+D Swords).
  3. Cool, didn't know that before.
  4. Update - fixed Athena's HP growth.
  5. Small update - if a character was in the Fighter or Pirate class they would still have a 10% HP growth; Avatar could also rise above 0% HP growth by taking the Enlightened future option. Those errors have been fixed.
  6. Man, I knew I was sure to miss a few. Both versions of the patch have been updated to fix the Etzel/Feena mistakes.
  7. Oh, one thing...it turns out I overwrote some of Dolph's bases accidentally, so he had -100 Skill and 85 Luck and such. I updated the patch already, so make sure to repatch. Battery saves will be compatible between versions but savestates won't, fyi.
  8. As you may have guessed, I've made a patch that sets all characters' growths to 0% (or lower, but zero is zero). It is probably impossible to complete the game on Lunatic with this setting due to high enemy stats and dearth of good characters past earlygame, but Hard/Maniac should be much more reasonable. To apply the patch you'll need to do a few things since I'm a sham. First you'll need these things on hand: - A FE12 ROM with the fan translation V 3.01 applied. (Or the untranslated J ROM, but I'm assuming the translated version here to be safe) - DSLazy. - This UPS patch meant for FE12Data.bin With these, use DSLazy's NDS Unpack function on your translated FE12 ROM to split up the contents of the .nds file. You'll be taken to a "NDS_UNPACK" folder within the root DSLazy folder once it's finished. Navigate to NDS_UNPACK\data\data; there you should see a file named "FE12Data.bin". Apply the UPS patch to this file and save it back to NDS_UNPACK\data\data with the same name, overwriting the original. Finally, use DSLazy's NDS Packer to repack the contents of the FE12 ROM...and that should do it! Now you'll have empty levels for days. If you want a slightly easier time of it, try the Softcore patch. It improves upon the bases of the weakest characters, mostly the later-joining prepromotes, and slightly reduces the max Def/Res for Hardin and Medeus. Essentially the goal is to make Lunatic a bit less absurd to complete, while not making Maniac/Hard cakewalks. The method for installing is the same as the regular version. A big thank-you goes out to VincentASM's documentation on character growth cyphers, without which I likely wouldn't have finished this little project.
  9. Very nice work! Custom skills was something I always wanted to do but never managed.
  10. Happy Birthday, sorry for being late!

  11. Event Id 0x6 is automatically set when all enemies are defeated, and unset whenever any enemies remain, so don't use it for anything else - always use 0x7 or above. edit: this is only for fe8 though. FE7 uses an ASME for rout maps.
  12. The +1 tells the game to read the assembly routine you've pointed to in THUMB mode, which is what I've written it in. So if you pasted the routine to 0x1005000, the IFAF would be IFAF 0x7 0x1005001.
  13. If you want that level check to account for promoted status, paste this hex to some region of free space (the offset must be 4- aligned/ a multiple of 4 however): Then in chapter 23 and 23x's ending events, replace IFAF 0x7 0x7D369 with IFAF 0x7 (offset you pasted code to)+1. This routine will add 20 the lord's calculated levels if they're promoted.
  14. Nah, it's these commands: _SETVAL 0x1 HP _0x3425 CharacterID
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