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Most beautiful girl finals


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87 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the most beautiful girl in Fire Emblem?

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Ayra is Lakshe with a different haircut really.

I only put Nanna because of FE5.

I like to imagine Lakshe had Ayra's hair before, but then had it cut in mourning for/tribute to the girls taken by Grandbell.

Also that different haircut happens to be pretty bangin'

Her+Ayra+Brigid, honorable mention Machua

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Well, it's a lost cause but I guess I throw another vote to Briggid.

I mean, Briggid is pretty awesome. She has a strong sense of justice and the power to enforce it.

She is a bit too aggressive for my liking. But that's not really a bad thing as you don't end up being a prick.

She defiantly cooled down a bit over time anyway. And without getting any less badass.

I mean, she did an awesome job to protect the area around Fiana from the chaos of war and the rule of the empire. And she protected the Leaf gang as well.

And she reached entire new levels of awesome. She is so badass that her wrath managed to get Reidrick to piss his pants in feat.

Well, granted Reidrick IS a coward. But she was trapped in an arena and Reidrick was protected by the Manster military, a sword that even Holsety can't overcome AND one of the most powerful Mages of the Loptu church.

And she didn't seem blinded by rage. I think that if Berdo didn't have that cheap "no saving throw" spell, nothing in Manster would have stopped Eyvel to avenge Mareeta. So I say he was right on the money.

After all the things she did, I always find myself incapable not to save her in the end. Even if that chapter is a massive pain.

Yeah, I know that has nothing to do with her looks but... all the woman in fiction look kind of the same to me anyway.

So stuff like that makes her come across as more attractive by comparison.

Edited by BrightBow
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I like to imagine Lakshe had Ayra's hair before, but then had it cut in mourning for/tribute to the girls taken by Grandbell.

Also that different haircut happens to be pretty bangin'

Her+Ayra+Brigid, honorable mention Machua

I like that idea. Headcanon accepted.

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Ishtar, Ayra(all day),Brigid, Misha, Aideen... Honorables go to Miranda, Sara, Altenna, Tinny, and Patty

I like to imagine Lakshe had Ayra's hair before, but then had it cut in mourning for/tribute to the girls taken by Grandbell.

Also that different haircut happens to be pretty bangin'

That's.... that's pretty good, I like that

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Fiora and Guinevere, definitely. Though Florina is cute.

...I'm surprise Ninian has a few votes already though. I find her to be plain.

Edited by Anacybele
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Everyone but Sonia, Limstella, and Ninian (the formers because I find morphs creepy, and while the latter admittedly could pass as pretty, I dislike her too much to vote for her.)

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I voted for Lyn, Ninian, Igrene, and Fir. I am disappointed that Farina is not on the list, especially since she seems like the most likely canon mother of Lilina to me. I also voted other and that vote was for Farina.

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I voted for Lyn, (who I belive to be) her canon daughter, Priscilla, Ninian, Isadora, Louise, Karla, Fir, and other. (As far as who the other girl is, best I can say is that she has silver hair and miscolored eyes.)

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