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Severa is the worst FE girl ever


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I never understood why Severa is so liked on this forum when she's probably the most annoying character in the entire Fire Emblem series. There is nothing good about her whatsoever. She's ugly, manipulative, greedy, slutty, selfish, bratty, and a pathetic excuse for a tsundere.

Pigtails are wasted on Severa. Pigtails are supposed to be moe and cute, but the hot-head they are sitting on is anything but. Japan might as well put some pigtails on a chimpanzee while they are at it. Actually, a chimpanzee would still even be a better candidate than Severa is. Her generic hair color is atrocious. The texture looks a lot like a certain liquid I find on a certain lady product during a certain time of the month, Everybody knows that the best pigtails are black pigtails, but even with black pigtails she'd still have that ugly man face.

Example of pigtails done right:


Example of pigtails done wrong:


"Mother, since you have so many suitors, want to see which of us gets more men?"
"How about a handsome man I can wrap around my little finger? Know anyone?"

What kind of insecure manipulative slut would say stuff like that? It's terrible, She's terrible.

"I want this, that, and everything!"

"The future? It was awful, obviously. The men had pouty doomsday faces. And the accessory shops? Empty! What? Oh, well yes, the world was on the brink of annihilation, but the MEN? Gods!"

She's selfish and greedy. All she ever does is manipulate people into buying her a bunch of things (examples: her dad and Brady) or go on and on about how she loves to spend money on accessories because she's insecure and needs them to feel better about herself. Men, money, and outdoing her mother is all that goes through that sickening little mind of hers.

"I love you too. And if you cheat on me, I'll rip your eyebrows off with pliers.

She's violent and abusive. If she isn't threatening to hurt them because of her insecurities then she's talking down to them and mentally abusing them.

Severa's character in a nutshell is this horrible little girl who lashes out at others all because her mother didn't hug her enough and tell her she was talented enough. She talks down to others and drags them through the mud to feel better about herself. She buys accessories and regards to herself as pretty to feel better about herself, She tries to wrap men around her finger to feel better about herself. She constantly tries to outshine her mother to feel better about herself. She does all of this awful stuff just so she can feel good. She is the most insecure and mentally unstable character in the whole game.

Please go get killed by a Risen, Severa.

Your existence in the game is nothing but a pathetic annoyance.

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I won't say anything to respond to that because you are entitled to your opinion. But you realize you are kinda asking for a shitstorm right?

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Severa's far from ugly. I find her to be quite attractive.

As a unit, she's definitely one of the best in FE13 because she has a wide variety of classes to choose from if she has the right father. As a character...she's definitely one of the worst. Holy crap. I know she had a bad past, as did the other kids, but the way she goes about it as well as treating certain others (Cynthia, Owain, whoever her father is, etc.) isn't exactly pleasant to see. I still like her, but not as much as I used to after seeing quite a bit of her character.

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I haven't read most of Severa's supports, but the things you've quoted and the little I've read seem to support that.

I appreciate you took your time to write all of that down, as well.

And to answer your question: I think people only really like Severa because she is very pretty.

Also, stories need terrible characters...even if they're hard to cope with.

Edited by bearclaw95
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She buys accessories and regards to herself as pretty to feel better about herself, She tries to wrap men around her finger to feel better about herself. She constantly tries to outshine her mother to feel better about herself.

Sounds like a lot of the human race right here

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Sumia... you're just asking for someone to take this a little too seriously, aren't you? ._.

Ikr? Somebody just needs to make a character hate topic. Save us all some trouble.

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Risen don't have the stats to kill her.

Lunatic skirmishes say hi.

Ikr? Somebody just needs to make a character hate topic. Save us all some trouble.

... The thought of what would persist in said topic is going to give me nightmares.

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really, when you're stuck being compared to someone like Cordelia, i'd imagine it'd be hard not to act kind of like that. I don't think she's a likable character by any stretch(not sure why someone would), but that doesn't mean she's a bad character.

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As said before, people are entitled to their own opinion and I'm pretty sure this isn't meant to be taken seriously. But for the record, people exuding that much vitriol over a fictional character puts me off more than any of the things described in your post... >_>

Edited by Silver Lightning
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Lunatic skirmishes say hi.

... The thought of what would persist in said topic is going to give me nightmares.

And people would only go there for that purpose.

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This must be like the millionth time I'm saying this:

"You don't have to understand why other people like a character that you yourself don't like. You don't need to understand or even see their reasons. All you have to do is accept that there are people who like a character for reasons that you yourself do not understand and that everyone is entitled to their opinions" blah blah blah.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but this much hatred over a fictional character is unhealthy. Surely you people have, I dunno, lives?

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Your existence in the game is nothing but a pathetic annoyance.

Agreed. However, I'd still take her over Micaiah and LOLivia, any day of the week.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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Looks like the shitstorm isn't coming..

Thank god. Its to late and not enough members are present for it to become a true shitstorm.

Edit:Let me rephrase that. The right members aren't here.

Edited by Sorin
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Do remember everyone: Tsunderes are generally a very touch-and-go sort of stereotype to begin with. Their very nature is combative and off-putting, and the secret to revealing that "other side" of them is by sticking around long enough to see it. Considering how abrasive they are up front, most don't want to both with the person enough to see that softer side, and that's probably why her attitude is intolerable.

Of course, that's not the ONLY reason. But it's one of them.

Celestia's pigtails are too divine to be compared to such vermin.

Let me guess, Celestia has her own tier on the Pigtail Tier List?

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