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Langrisser (IV and V specifically)


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I was looking through my pile of PS1 games and I found my old copy of Langrisser IV and V!!! o A o
Gosh, I haven't seen these in forever. I'm super excited to play it again (Though I never did get far in either of them. I last played them when I was 10 or so and the game was too hard for me haha)

I'm so ready to nostalgia trip on this game, you guys have no idea xD

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I've really enjoyed the Langrisser games that I've played. I haven't tried IV and V, but Warsong and Langrisser II for the Genesis were excellent. Definitely have to try the other games.

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Get the English translation patch for Langrisser IV at romhacking.net. The main character in Langrisser V is so OP.

I've really enjoyed the Langrisser games that I've played. I haven't tried IV and V, but Warsong and Langrisser II for the Genesis were excellent. Definitely have to try the other games.

Langrisser PC and Der Langrisser SNES(L2 remake) is better than Warsong and Langrisser II for the Genesis. Both games are translated but it is rather difficult to find Langrisser for the PC. I think Langrisser IV has the best story and Der Langrisser is my favorite in the series with the amount of paths to choose from in game.

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Can I just say: Rachel's too cute! I'm in love with her just from listening to her talk during the short personality test at the start. Cutest little sister ever xD

I just finished stage 3, so the next one should be the one where you have to catch Reese before she flees with Rachel. I'm pretty sure this was the stage I couldn't get past as a kid. It'll be interesting doing it again now. Hopefully I can do it ;;

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More Langrisser players are always welcome, I think so far there are.... 5?

Well, no matter...

Can I just say: Rachel's too cute! I'm in love with her just from listening to her talk during the short personality test at the start. Cutest little sister ever xD

Hmm, this is what happened to me in my first PT as well

I just finished stage 3, so the next one should be the one where you have to catch Reese before she flees with Rachel. I'm pretty sure this was the stage I couldn't get past as a kid. It'll be interesting doing it again now. Hopefully I can do it ;;

I struggled with this stage too, ended up having to forego the exp to finish the stage

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I struggled with this stage too, ended up having to forego the exp to finish the stage

Yeah, same here ;;

I was actually still having trouble with it earlier. I have this bad habit of wanting to clear all the enemies first before the general but it's way too tough to do that with that stage.

My cousin was telling me that you can pair Rikki and Shelfaniel...? How exactly does that work? xD

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I've got that same problem, my brother pokes fun at me, saying I have a battle craze, as I apparently do this in nearly every game I play, kill all foes, that is...

But as long as long as you cleared the stage, all is well

as for the Rikki thing, IIRC, you have pick all the choices that will or mostly likely lose shelfaniel points, I think there's a hidden Rikki+Shelfaniel counter, basically as long as you are mean to Shelfaniel, they will get these points... I didn't do it though, because I just couldn't be mean to her

Edited by Soledai
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You can use Angelina to lock down Reese. Hire as many griffins/faries(i don't remember) as you can. Fly near Reese and attack her. She will stop moving and heal if her HP is below 7. Just keep attacking her whenever she heals to 7 or higher to keep her from moving. You can keep one of your units HP around 7-9 so you don't accidentally kill her.

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Yeah, I managed to do Reese's chapter. But it was after a few tries (because I stubbornly wouldn't forgo the experience from killing troops haha). The difficulty's eased up now though, and I'm quite fond of the story so far xD
Angelina and the main character are childhood acquaintances, while Emily's seen Angelina's pendant during a fight. On the flipside, Valk and Randford are keeping Emily and MC's possible sibling-ness a secret (How mean)

It's so interesting to see how this'll all work out haha.

And wow, magic sure makes things easier D:
I don't even hire troops for my spellcasters anymore.

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The first time I saw Emily. I couldn't stop staring at her big blinking eyes.

Not sure if you got to this chapter yet so I put the comment in spoiler. One of my favorite conversation is between Landius and Kruger.

I laughed when Landius said hey you bastard. Kruger who is this rude person?

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Haha yeah! The dialogue of this game's really hilarious. It loves to poke fun at its own characters. Reminds me of a crazier version of Tales of Destiny in that regard xD
I'm currently at scenario 18C, which I think is a route lock...? I'm not sure what triggered it but King Caconsis really hates my guts now. He even took Rachel!

Randomly, if anyone's reading this thread who hasn't played Langrisser IV yet, I really recommend you to try it out. The story's interesting, the characters are fun and whacky and it just exudes that feel of old PS1 era JRPGs. The only thing that might turn people away from it is the difficulty (Which isn't so bad, but when you pair it with how slow the battles can get, multiple scenario restarts can get pretty grating :c)

Edited by pinkbubblegum
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Yeah, the difficulty isn't bad for Langrisser IV. The worst thing I remember was facing any enemy with a bunch of Nixies, which seemed grossly overpowered. Sea terrain bonus, decent speed, and a strong ranged attack just wasn't fun at all. It could just be that I was terrible at the game back then, since it's been a while. From what I've heard about the Playstation version of IV though, I pity anybody playing it instead of the Saturn original. I read that the soundtrack took a hit and apparently forcing V's battle system into IV without any changes broke more things than it should have. Haven't tried the Playstation version to confirm it, but it sounds nasty. Would be worth picking up the Playstation version of V one day though, since that one has a (much needed?) Hard mode. Maybe on Hard mode there will be an actual reason to use a character not named Sigma. :P

Anyway, about IV, I've always been a big fan of Listell. She's an added bonus since by default Chaos routes are my favorite and the C route isn't that bad either. It's a little disappointing how short the B route is, but I love the option to say "screw you" to all your goody-goody friends. Actually, I think that's one of the things I really like about Der Langrisser and IV. Being able to turn on your Light path friends is good, because when you really think about what they are doing, they don't seem like the good guys anymore. (This is why the Independent path for Der Langrisser is great. Rejecting both sides' claims about "the other side is pure evil" is a good thing. I'm biased though, because I'm a sucker for "how could you" responses.)

Also, no Langrisser topic would be complete without mentioning how bad III is. Don't play it unless you're masochistic. :(

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The first time I saw Emily. I couldn't stop staring at her big blinking eyes.

Heh, when I first saw Emily, I fell in total love, but when I saw Jessica...I nearly fainted

Haha yeah! The dialogue of this game's really hilarious. It loves to poke fun at its own characters. Reminds me of a crazier version of Tales of Destiny in that regard xD

I'm currently at scenario 18C, which I think is a route lock...? I'm not sure what triggered it but King Caconsis really hates my guts now. He even took Rachel!

Randomly, if anyone's reading this thread who hasn't played Langrisser IV yet, I really recommend you to try it out. The story's interesting, the characters are fun and whacky and it just exudes that feel of old PS1 era JRPGs. The only thing that might turn people away from it is the difficulty (Which isn't so bad, but when you pair it with how slow the battles can get, multiple scenario restarts can get pretty grating :c)

18C on your first(?) run? lucky, I usually those kind of routes last, simply cause I know how awesome they'll be

Anyway, about IV, I've always been a big fan of Listell. She's an added bonus since by default Chaos routes are my favorite and the C route isn't that bad either. It's a little disappointing how short the B route is, but I love the option to say "screw you" to all your goody-goody friends. Actually, I think that's one of the things I really like about Der Langrisser and IV. Being able to turn on your Light path friends is good, because when you really think about what they are doing, they don't seem like the good guys anymore. (This is why the Independent path for Der Langrisser is great. Rejecting both sides' claims about "the other side is pure evil" is a good thing. I'm biased though, because I'm a sucker for "how could you" responses.)
Also, no Langrisser topic would be complete without mentioning how bad III is. Don't play it unless you're masochistic. :(

I loved the Hell of Der Langrisser for that reason mostly, I don't even remember the Light route, because of the Imperial and the Independent routes... but in the Independent route, I've got the both the endings saved so, that I may view them whenever

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Yeah, the difficulty isn't bad for Langrisser IV. The worst thing I remember was facing any enemy with a bunch of Nixies, which seemed grossly overpowered. Sea terrain bonus, decent speed, and a strong ranged attack just wasn't fun at all. It could just be that I was terrible at the game back then, since it's been a while. From what I've heard about the Playstation version of IV though, I pity anybody playing it instead of the Saturn original. I read that the soundtrack took a hit and apparently forcing V's battle system into IV without any changes broke more things than it should have. Haven't tried the Playstation version to confirm it, but it sounds nasty. Would be worth picking up the Playstation version of V one day though, since that one has a (much needed?) Hard mode. Maybe on Hard mode there will be an actual reason to use a character not named Sigma. :P
Anyway, about IV, I've always been a big fan of Listell. She's an added bonus since by default Chaos routes are my favorite and the C route isn't that bad either. It's a little disappointing how short the B route is, but I love the option to say "screw you" to all your goody-goody friends. Actually, I think that's one of the things I really like about Der Langrisser and IV. Being able to turn on your Light path friends is good, because when you really think about what they are doing, they don't seem like the good guys anymore. (This is why the Independent path for Der Langrisser is great. Rejecting both sides' claims about "the other side is pure evil" is a good thing. I'm biased though, because I'm a sucker for "how could you" responses.)
Also, no Langrisser topic would be complete without mentioning how bad III is. Don't play it unless you're masochistic. :(

I played the Saturn version first. I didn't notice the gameplay difference since it has been a long time when I played L4 on the SS. I did notice the PS version of L4 the music was different which was awkward to get used to hearing at first. When I first played Warsong for the Genesis loved the game so much and wonder why there never was a sequel to the game. Only to find out later that Warsong was Langrisser. I hate when they localize games and change the names. I found out about Langrisser did have sequels because I was talking to someone working at Swap USA about Warsong and he mention Langrisser is Warsong and they happen to be selling L4-5 for the SS. Thats how I got into import games. I played L3 and still enjoyed the game mainly because its another Langrisser game.

My favorite Langrisser port or remakes.

Langrisser (TG-16 CD) - Langrisser already has good music but the Turbo CD makes it sound even better.

Der Langrisser FX (PC-FX) - Huge shoulder pads and dat ass. Love the anime style FMV

Langrisser III (PS2)

Langrisser IV (Sega Saturn)

Langrisser V (Sega Saturn)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just as a reference for people who are eager to try out all the games in English (except III, which is only partially translated in menus), do look up "Team Shika Shika Langrisser 1.2"

You won't be disappointed.

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