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Awakening Awesome Moments!


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I was playing L+ C2, and I sent MU/Fred up to deal with some enemies. This barbarian comes up and gets a 5% crit on me, so I reset. Next time, a different barbarian gets a 7% crit and kills me. I got all the way to the boss, he gets a 3% crit and kills me. When I got to him, he gets another 3% crit, but I survive this time. Then I pull a 1% thunder crit on him and kill him. Justice.

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Just got one. On the Lunatic Chapter 7 where you recruit Cordelia, Her defense is terrible but rightfully so. I used a character from my last complete run as a rally bot and went forward cautiously with Sorin paired with her. EVERY hit she would have taken he dual-guarded without fail. It was amazing. She was even able to solo the boss because of him.

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