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(GBAGE, inserting custom map sprites) problem. White screen,etc...


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Okay, so what I've done to this particular rom so far.[/size]

Added custom battle animations. Check. All worked fine and dandy.[/size]

Then when I get into the inserting custom map sprites we have a problem.[/size]

It had worked perfectly fine with a minor laggy appearance for all the movements. But then I noticed I forgot to changed the stand animation's information on the FE7 module.[/size]

When I finally added the custom animation and replaced lyn's stand with my new stand, the game would no longer load. At first the game would load, and then as soon as the cg ended, the game went back to repeat to "start a new game." ( The main menu)[/size]

So, I'm like okay, I'll redo it. I redid it, and then the game won't load It just goes to a white screen.[/size]

Now what I did exactly was:

I followed Arch's insertion of map sprites tutorial.[/size]

So, I began by finding lyn's data in the FE7 modules.[/size]

I used [/size]0x8372A7C for standing[/size]


3B97C8 for the misc (moving)[/size]

With that I saved as .bmps and saved as .png.[/size]

I had then pasted my custom frames over heres, with the same exact dimensions so that they were the same amount of pixels away from the 32nd pixel (not correct wording, but I'm not sure how else to name it)[/size]

I saved them the same way Arch had, [/size]

DD0000 - standing[/size]


DD0160 - Misc[/size]

Then I went back to nightmare and adjusted the map sprite editors accordingly, just as Arch did.[/size]

Do you guys have any idea what I did wrong? Is there any other info I should give?[/size]


I think I may have noticed one of my errors. Basically when I import bmp for the importing of the custom sprites, it's pallete is all screwed even on the GBAGE program, although the original file is fine. In the prior experience when the misc animations (the movements) had worked, the animation came out perfectly fine because I left "import palette" checked, which Arch did not. [/size]

But the problem lied in the standing frames, although with the "import palette" checked, it looked fine on GBAGE[/size]

I've read Usenti would do the trick to fixing this However I have tried usenti, and it did nothing but change the outline color to a white color, after being saved... ultimately remaining all messed up pallete like in GBAGE.[/size]

I'm sure I'm misusing the program, so if anyone can clear whatever issue is occuring, please let me know[/size]

Thanks again![/size]

Also, I am aware there are alreayd several topics adressing questions about this tutorial, but I have already read them, and seem to have a different problem than they did. Or at least the questions' answers weren't able to answer my quesitons[/size]

Edited by SogiTai
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I've read Usenti would do the trick to fixing this However I have tried usenti, and it did nothing but change the outline color to a white color, after being saved... ultimately remaining all messed up pallete like in GBAGE.
It sounds like you have some incorrect colours in your new graphic. Can you post it here so we can check?
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Your new graphic has far too many colours, and also the palette isn't indexed, which says to me that you probably used Paint or GIMP to edit the image.

What you'll want to do is take the palette that Usenti has produced (you can use the colours from that image) and figure out which colours belong to the standard map sprite palettes and which don't. Then you'll want to recolour your new graphic accordingly so you can cut down on colours. Using the magic wand feature on GIMP/Paint.NET/Photoshop should do the trick in helping to eliminate all of them.

Then, take this image and open it in Usenti. On the side, you should see a whole bunch of colours--this is the "indexed" palette. If you're about to insert a map sprite and you don't see these, you've done something wrong. Copy and paste your new graphic with the reduced colours into Usenti and the palette should stay the same. Save it as either a .PNG or a .BMP and that image should be right to be inserted.

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That strange because I had already done the magic eraser trick to fit with lyn's palette. Anyways I gues Ill go back and edit it.

Howevr I would like to add, that those sprites were correctly inserted into the game on the first go, and it was the standing sprites being inserted that caused the game to crash.

Thanks very much! :D


I've done as you said, but unfortunately even with the palette being at 15, the game still loads to a white screen as soon as the emulator opens it. As to what to do next, I really don't know. The palette on GBAGE was still funky, unless I pressed the import pallete.

Aha, I see what was wrong, when saving it, I hadn't unchecked transparency in usenti.

It will hopefully work *fingers crossed*

So once I finished up changing the info to the DD0000 and DD0160, this time no map sprite shows up and it goes to a white screen as soon as the cutscene ends. :x

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So after I import bmp, and select my file, using the same settings as mentioned before, it looks like this (Just documenting in case some one has the same problem)


and saving it like that, rather than going to palette control and plugging in the palette for FE7 prior to saving.

Then instead of right away importing the next set (the movements) I plugged into nightmare the new code for Lyn's standing. The "0x8DD0000"

And well, I like how it looks so far. However. There is a problem. I did notice that in the tutorials, and questions a like, people mentioned the fact that there would have to be two separate [somethings] so that you have the animation when you click on the cursor and you have the idle when you don't click on the cursor.

After Step 1, we have Eirika Lord standing there. But when you move her or hover over her with the cursor we still get Lyn Lord.

So possibly I have to re-edit the sprite sheet to add a couple more frames for the one with the movements.

But anyways now trying to insert the next piece (the movements) in, my rom goes crazy again.

When I have the cursor on the sprite, it changes who it's animation is off. For example in the link below it shows a brigand. But the first turn showed the tactician again.

With that said, after the first turn, the idle sprite animations that were working so well earlier, now have a little palette issues, as the image shows below.


That being said, I tried to switch things up as mentioned here.

If you've been following along, you'll notice that I replaced Animation Pointer but did not alter Another Pointer. I tested the map sprites and they worked fine with the existing pointer.

This time I altered the Another Pointer and although I have the cursor on the character, and it's showing the appropriate animation, the game won't let me move the cursor. So I feel that won't do the trick.

Actually, I have noticed some minor pixel loss with this approach as well.

Another strange mention would be that the hp on the mini screen is nowhere to be found as well.

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Your moving frames are misaligned and missing the "focus" stance. There are missing pieces, so the game will tend to load up any random map sprite in its stead.

It looks as though your standing frames are having the same palette issues, so check that as well.

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Your moving frames are misaligned and missing the "focus" stance. There are missing pieces, so the game will tend to load up any random map sprite in its stead.

Alright cool, that makes more sense. Thank you! :D

I'll give it a try.

I appreciate your patience with me.

I'll also see if I can fix the previous palette issue mentioned.

Alright, so an update It seems that the codes are all correct, aside from a strnage fact that when the cursor is on him, he goes form cursor animation to the upwards animation, which I'm not sure if that has to do with placement.

But anyways, the rest of the issue seems to be placement, which I'll have to figure out when I get back from school.

Thank you very much! :D

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Oh, right. When you extracted Lyn's moving sprite from the game, did you adjust the height as well? I believe the default height is set to 32, but it needs to be higher or else it cuts off some of the sheet.

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Hmm well I did adjust the height to 72 and then 128, rather than as you said the 32 default, but the image come sout the same either way as a 32 x 480 .png file.

Is there a separate process to doing this rather than just changing the 32 to 72?

The lyn sheet I'm using for the animation:


My updated replacements:

Animations (EDIT: I'm not sure why it came out looking like that at thebottm. it might actually just be the problem. I'll give it a fix when I get home)




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Your standing frames have colours in them that don't exist in the original Ally palette--recolour those and you should be good. As for the focus/moving frames, I think it's just a misalignment issue. Using the grid function in Usenti usually helps for that sort of thing. :):

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It's... fixed! It's a little glitchy when lyn goes into her dialogue scenes (like when she says "victory" or whatever) but ultimately it's fluid and it works, and I owe it to you. Thank you very much Agro! You're a bomb diggidy fresh, dude! :{D

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