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Carter's Awakening Females Only Playthrough (Paralogue 15: A Shot From the Dark + More Polls!)


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  1. 1. Should I do the son's paralogues? For extra EXP.

  2. 2. Noire?

  3. 3. Gaius!Noire?

  4. 4. Say'ri?

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When will chapter 13 be done...?

Yeah sorry, I'm trying to get it done.

Miriel is so weak. She has NO defense (well, actually it's 14, but she won't bother to live).

And I promoted her to Dark Knight to help her chances of living.

Speaking of promotions, Maribelle was recently promoted to Valkyrie, and Lissa will promote to Sage after her last heal in Chapter 13.

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I see, but at least you're quick on your feet.

We're good to go!

I'll just check over our list real quickly.. so if I recall correctly...

Carter - Sage

Sorin - Grandmaster?

Duck - Hero

Shadowfrost - Swordmaster

Tomichael - Paladin

Alvitazi - Dread Figher (OH YEAH)

Polydeuces - Hero?


Kat - Invincible battle maiden

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I wish Brides could use magic, and Dread Fighter could use bows. They should switch. Bahh, whatever.

*Takes second seal and reclasses to Dark Flier* Goodbye filthy staves!

Carter - Dark Flier

Sorin - Grandmaster

Duck - Hero

Shadowfrost - Swordmaster

Tomichael - Paladin

Alvitazi - Dread Figher (OH YEAH)

Polydeuces - Hero

Kat - Invincible battle goddess

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I would use my Dread Scroll but I'm pretty sure we have a good class differentiation now so no.(Unless...)

True to myself, I'll only use Magic if somebody is about to die otherwise. If you NEED a reason then look on my profile at the Severa Daughter Story Conversation. But I'm changing my GM design to something more like


At least the Robe and chest guard.

Edited by Sorin
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I would use my Dread Scroll but I'm pretty sure we have a good class differentiation now so no.(Unless...)

True to myself, I'll only use Magic if somebody is about to die otherwise. If you NEED a reason then look on my profile at the Severa Daughter Story Conversation. But I'm changing my GM design to something more like


At least the Robe and chest guard.

Hi there, Izanagi no Okami... *saving picture*

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Does this make Sorin our recruiter person?

If he is, I recommend being a little more strict. We can't soften up our soldiers. It isn't right.

Oh so I don't have to be nice? Thank you. It felt disgusting. Join us and live to die or just die where you stand. I don't have time to baby you. Death is always a possibility. Embrace it and you will live. Fear it and you will die.

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....Every party needs a pooper that's why they invited you. Party pooper party pooper party pooper.

Well to be fair his entire family was killed by a pink... thing

I see, but at least you're quick on your feet.

We're good to go!

I'll just check over our list real quickly.. so if I recall correctly...

Carter - Sage

Sorin - Grandmaster?

Duck - Hero

Shadowfrost - Swordmaster

Tomichael - Paladin

Alvitazi - Dread Figher (OH YEAH)

Polydeuces - Hero?


Kat - Invincible battle maiden

Hello? Forgetting someone?.. I'm a sniper

Well it seems this group has turned out to be a right fighting force! With infinite rallies, a suave recruiter and HEROES we should emerge victorious!

Strategy time people, GO

Edited by DodgeDusk
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The Anna forces have overtaken Valm and Plegia along with almost finishing off Ferox. Needless to say we need to take back Ferox while halting their advance into Ylisse. They number in the millions but we have the advantage of the terrain. Suggestions?

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I think it's safe to say that Valm will probably be tackled last, considering the sheer size of the continent

If Regna Ferox still have forces there then we need to recruit them asap (your speciality will come in play here Sorin). I can't speak about Plegia due to lack of information, although I might send Einjerhar Matthew over there as a scout of sort

Protecting Ylisse is our top priority though. Methinks a small force should go in to Ferox to get these stragglers out alive while the rest protect Ylissean borders using pitfall traps as suggest by Carter a couple of pages ago

Should we make a topic just for this? I don't think everybody who's viewing this topic wants to her about our... exploits

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