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Why aren't critical hits as awesome looking in this game?

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Title pretty much says it all. I've been playing a lot of Blazing Sword recently, and I couldn't help but notice how awesome the criticals are. (Like Lyn's double team, Guy's flashy critical with the killing edge, etc.) They had the capability to have better animated crits with better graphics and all, but it seems like they didn't live up to their potential.

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The developers were lazy. I don't know. I do like some critical animations, with Mercenary/Hero coming to mind. Some just seem really pathetic (most crits with tomes).

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I wouldn't be so quick to state that IS had the capability to have better critical animations. 3D models aren't as easy to animate as 2D sprites. It's also worth pointing out that cutscenes are animated for the first time in Awakening. In the previous games, cutscenes were played out through a combination of tiny map sprites and face sprites moving about. If this was on the GBA, the scene where Sumia punches Chrom would have been played out by having Sumia's face sprite twitch toward Chrom's face sprite. There might have been a "punching" sound followed by a "falling" sound and Chrom's face sprite temporarily disappearing.

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I wouldn't be so quick to state that IS had the capability to have better critical animations. 3D models aren't as easy to animate as 2D sprites.

What Mumu said.

And honestly the cut-ins were a nice touch.

If you REALLY want disappointment in critical animations, go look at Path of Radiance.

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Because, then, the voice actors would then have to spend more time saying it vocally along with movement of the attack. Like if you throw two fireballs for example, you would then have to shout "Try..*fireball* these..*fireball* on for size." Plus having 3-D characters doing multi splitting images would be alot harder to do. Especially, having to majorly manipulate and edit the wire frames for each of these characters.

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Because, then, the voice actors would then have to spend more time saying it vocally along with movement of the attack. Like if you throw two fireballs for example, you would then have to shout "Try..*fireball* these..*fireball* on for size."

No, they don't.

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I really like the cut-ins, but the actual animations were a little disappointing. (Except for the hero/mercenary)

If you REALLY want disappointment in critical animations, go look at Path of Radiance.

Oh, yeah, I've been playing that as well, and they're terrible.

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What Mumu said.

And honestly the cut-ins were a nice touch.

If you REALLY want disappointment in critical animations, go look at Path of Radiance.

This is all I have to say.

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GBA era crits were over the top and silly. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it worked with the sprites the games used.

Awakening has more down to earth and natural animations, and so having natural looking crits with just some extra motions works. Personally I much prefer Awakening crits to GBA ones. Well, I just prefer animations in Awakening, I suppose.

(Also the biggest improvement compared to PoR and RD I think is that people die when they are killed in Awakening, and the final blow knocks them down as they die. In PoR, they run out of HP, stand there for a second, then fall over, and it looks amateurish).

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Does anyone remember RD's criticals? Critical animations were based on whether the hit finishes the enemy or not. If it doesn't finish it has a slightly less dramatic feel to it, but when it's a finisher, you get that feeling~

Anyway, those were my favs. GBA secondary.

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GBA era crits were over the top and silly. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it worked with the sprites the games used.

Awakening has more down to earth and natural animations, and so having natural looking crits with just some extra motions works. Personally I much prefer Awakening crits to GBA ones. Well, I just prefer animations in Awakening, I suppose.

(Also the biggest improvement compared to PoR and RD I think is that people die when they are killed in Awakening, and the final blow knocks them down as they die. In PoR, they run out of HP, stand there for a second, then fall over, and it looks amateurish).

I liked the Swordmaster critical in the GBA games.

But yeah, the animations are more realistic in Awakening.

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Does anyone remember RD's criticals? Critical animations were based on whether the hit finishes the enemy or not. If it doesn't finish it has a slightly less dramatic feel to it, but when it's a finisher, you get that feeling~

Anyway, those were my favs. GBA secondary.

Eh, I didn't like how many crit kill animations were repeated between promoted classes (Warrior,Halberdier,Swormaster). Other than that yeah they are much better than PoRs( but it's not like I play those two games with animations)

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RD's were fun in 3-7, knocking everyone into the water. The splash as they hit the floor was satisfying. ♥

But as for awakening, I prefer the cut-in and buildup to the silly mirror image nonsense that was GBA. Some of the GBA ones did flow really smoothly though which was nice.

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The critical hits on the GBA were more spectacular and fancy. But I think the grounded approach of Awakening works well for the game. I like the GBA's animations over the PoR's and RD's. Both of those games had really stiff looking animations at times. The GBA sprites are really beautiful. But I definitely don't think the Awakening animations are a result of laziness. The animations probably would not have taken much more time to make individuals do flips and stuff.

I think the disappearing that Lyn and sword masters do would not look as well in 3D. It works in the GBA's more cartoon setting. The Hero's animation was taken by Ike for Aether, so they could not use that or the character would be compared to Ike. Horse riders will always comparatively boring. Magic users just did a bunch hand motions, although I rather like their stylish way of casting magic. The gimmick of flying units was flying off the stage for criticals, which also would not work in 3D. I thought the sword motions of RD's True Blade's criticals were rather unnecessary.

Overall, I prefer this approach in Awakening, but a little theatricality for maybe just the lords wouldn't hurt.

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Does anyone remember RD's criticals? Critical animations were based on whether the hit finishes the enemy or not. If it doesn't finish it has a slightly less dramatic feel to it, but when it's a finisher, you get that feeling~

Anyway, those were my favs. GBA secondary.

I felt that system really dropped the ball because the coolest animations were always the non lethal ones. Non lethal Halberdier crits were amazing.

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