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Best Speedrun record?


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Unless I'm mistaken, Indykenobi has the Normal mode record, which is 41:50 minutes from a psuedo-fresh file (no renown/wireless features).


I can't see Hard taking more than ~5 minutes more than that (a little more caution early, a few chapters might take a little longer and/or require a little more care, you might also need to SS once more lategame). Lunatic might add another 5-10 minutes on top of that - notably earlygame and potentially very late could be dangerous.

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I thought the MO of speedruns was to give all nameable characters 1 letter names; might be less important for FE, but that's like 30 seconds less typing it out.

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And then I realized how long thirty hours to complete hard really is.

The first time I beat this game, it took 40 hours. Playing games blind/for the first times always take way more time.

Edited by Nobody
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Hmmm, but I don't see how I was slow by 20 minutes

Because you somehow thought Galeforce wasn't the best skill in the game.

Fun fact: It is actually faster to clear Hard Mode than Normal Mode because you don't have to go into options and enable Pair Ups. The stat and scaling differences between Hard and Normal don't mean much when you have Pair Up and Veteran.

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Try using a flying class for your avatar? Sorcerers can't reach certain spots required to clear maps in a low # of turns. I know speedruns aren't aimed at low turns but Im sure they require a bit of LTC strategy. How many turns was your clear?

Edited by Hawk King
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I was baffled to see you using a Sorc as your Avatar, when that's pretty much the worst class I can think of for speedrunning. You really need Galeforce, since then you move 16 spaces per turn (20 after boots), which avoids the majority of enemies attacking you - and those fights do still take maybe 1/3-1/2 of a second to resolve each, even with everything off.

Because you somehow thought Galeforce wasn't the best skill in the game.

Fun fact: It is actually faster to clear Hard Mode than Normal Mode because you don't have to go into options and enable Pair Ups. The stat and scaling differences between Hard and Normal don't mean much when you have Pair Up and Veteran.

Well, Galeforce isn't the best skill, that would be Veteran, for just about any NG run. And I really doubt hard will be faster. There's more enemies on rout chapters, that alone will make up more than the time lost in the menu (which is literally less than a second). And the enemy stat difference also means more hits to kill enemies which I believe also increases the time skipping takes. And I suspect you might need to be a little slower in the very early chapters - perhaps an extra Heal or Vulnerary before Avatar gets OP and like I say, probably later on as well you'll need another Second Seal, which wastes a lot of time - watch Indy's run, and see how Grima gets killed. It's not pretty. With Grima being stronger on Hard, the strat won't work, you need to be stronger.

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Actually Grima is really easy with Chrom's Aether and Bolganone from Excellus. as well the pretty extra crit.

And yes early game takes me 15 mins when on normal it is around 5, that is because of Lissa + vulnerary healing at the same time plus level up time wasted on lissa.

Also, I might do Peg. knight but for mobility I used Chrom as a paladin so yeah there is that.

Aint' nobody got time fo boots

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Chrom will be like level 5 on any half-decent speedrun. Unpromoted, that is. He should never be anything but at the back, heck, there's not much reason for him to be equipped with a weapon beyond the earlygame. And there's no reason you should be using Bolganone. Forged Thoron (+3 mt, +15 crit) is ideal, but if you're MAG screwed, Valflame is the best.

And yeah, does look like boots cost too much time. I forgot how out of the way they are.

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I am talking in hard mode.

You are talking in Normal mode.

Obviously you wont need Chrom in Normal mode but you need it in Hard mode since the avatar can't double certain enemies without the pairup boost in speed or beat some enemies with the dual attack

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I've done 35 minutes and I even made a topic on it m.

Did you use renown awards or wireless features (Avatar Logbook)? We're talking New Game run, not NG+, so those are forbidden. If you didn't use those, holy heck.


I am talking in hard mode.

You are talking in Normal mode.

Obviously you wont need Chrom in Normal mode but you need it in Hard mode since the avatar can't double certain enemies without the pairup boost in speed or beat some enemies with the dual attack

You have 49 speed by endgame (95% chance of getting at least 41 speed, 83% chance of capping at 44 speed - assuming you go Tact (20) > Peg (10) > DF (20) > DF (20) which you obviously will because, it's best, then you get +5 spd from a pairup with Chrom (+6 if he somehow has 6 speed). 51 with a tonic. That can double capped Swordmasters. Last I checked there weren't capped swordmasters on Hard. What exactly isn't getting doubled?

Training Chrom is a massive waste of time. I don't know why you're clinging to the idea that it's even plausibly worth considering. Avatar gains a minimum of 12 EXP per kill and is comfortably strong enough going the above route (heck the second DF isn't needed if you're on Normal, and likely isn't even on Hard). A few things might not get ORKO'd. Okay. Why should we care? The vast majority of lategame is kill boss, which we just galeforce dance through (seriously. After you beat the Gangrel arc, there's only three more routs - chapter 15 (easy), chapter 23 (everything is aggro'd except the boss so even if we don't ORKO an enemy, they'll just die next turn), chapter 24 (see above, except boss is also aggro'd). So what does it matter if we can't ORKO every single enemy? You've yet to provide a coherent reason for training Chrom.

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