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So what exactly do you look for in a "good" character?


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Not being Virion, Olivia or Cynthia.

I don't really care for personalities to be quite honest, unless I find them to be really annoying, in which case they can go die in a fire.

Edited by NinjaMonkey
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I mostly look for personality. I tend to like characters I find funny and make me laugh a lot, whether they're actually trying to be funny or not. I also tend to like characters who seem to be one thing, but are really another on the inside, like Frederick and Sain. Frederick is serious and can be a little cold and stuff at first, but deep inside, he's a big softie and a sweetheart. <3 (and he actually loathes training despite how much he does it!) Sain seems to be nothing but a carefree scoundrel that likes chasing women all day at first, but he's actually a serious and chivalrous guy when he wants to be. And he's a hard worker. Kieran is also kinda like this (he seems cuckoo and unskilled because he hurts himself all the time when he trains lol, but he's actually quite a good knight and he's VERY brave and loyal), but he also makes me laugh a crapton. So he's a bit of both.

I also tend to like guys more than girls, but that's really because I'm just a big fan of men in general. I've always had more guy friends than girl ones and men are my romantic interest (not that I have crushes on fictional characters, lol, it just causes me to love a male more than a female). But I can like female characters too. For a female, I usually like one that's tough and a little tomboyish, not a girly girl character. But not so tomboyish that I could mistake them for a guy (Echidna comes to mind).

I also like characters that I can relate with. Ones that have gone through similar experiences as myself, basically.

I also look at character design, but looks aren't as important as personality, of course. I like some characters I don't find very attractive (Virion, for example. He's not butt ugly or anything though) and I dislike some others that I do find attractive (like Chrom). Looks are more of a bonus for me, really.

Edited by Anacybele
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I couldn't care less about stats or LTC potential or whatever else. I prefer characters I like aesthetically and personality-wise. For me, it's like, I don't care of Shinon is the superior bow user in Radiant Dawn. He's an ass, and I'd rather "waste" effort on Leonardo or Rolf than bother with Shinon.

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Mercenaries and myrmidons are automatically my favorite. Such cool animation! Such cool outfits! DAT CRIT RATE! Swords! Raven is my personal favorite. Sadly, personality come second to that. It's tragic. Except in Awakening, where Stahl beats all the mercs and myrms, except for Inigo, who I might like more then Raven.

EDIT: Also Heath. Dat hair.

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Character design is important to me, yeah. That doesn't mean I like all the conventionally attractive characters and shun all the conventionally unattractive ones, but if a character has a good design, I'll give them more points than they would get otherwise :P

Personality's also important like everyone says. I don't have a preference of like a certain type of character I like more, but I'm always interested in backgrounds and hints to deeper characterizations. I don't get easily annoyed with characters, especially if they have some sort of redeeming qualities or reasons why they act certain ways. See: a lot of people hate Severa, and a lot of people love her. I love her because although her outer personality is really bratty, I personally see her as having justification for acting that way c:

Bonus points if the character is really good. Like, gameplay wise. If a character turns out well in my first playthrough, I'll probably give them more chances in a second than a character that turned out sucking.

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In this game in particular, I like characters to be not a pain to use in nogrind, while I have to also like them as a character. I can relate to Sully a lot, so she's my favourite, though I suspect Flavia would've taken that spot if she had more supports and availability (I like her design more, dat muscle).

Or you can be a bunny. Being a bunny gives you massive points with me. It puts Yarne at "I don't dislike you and kinda feel bad" and Panne at "the other goddess of my battlefield".

Design has some factor as well, though minorly. I still won't like a character solely for design if I don't like their personality but if I do like their personality to start it might push them higher up on how much I like them.

Having muscles help, especially for female characters, only because there's so many dudes with varying levels of muscle and body types and with women it's mostly the same slim figure with the only variety being breast size and /maybe/ height and it's just refreshing to see different body types. I'm a big fan of musculature aesthetically, unconnected to gender, so I like looking at muscular people most. Alternatively, you can be ridiculously stylish.

Being a general badass helps a lot. I also prefer more mature characters, though that's not a rule.

Edited by Ezio Auditore da Firenze
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Cohesive designs are important. The best designs match their personality. They also need to be able to become useful. Brady is a great unit if he becomes a sage for example.

Contrasts with other characters are important. The best character for me are the ones that stand out for some reason.

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Unique characters are definitely a plus.

I mean, you can't only go through the same archetypes so many times before it becomes boring. Like Ezio Auditore da Firenze said (wow that's a mouthful) I have a soft spot for physical female characters that aren't stick skinny because I've seen so many stick skinny characters in video games. I mean, Gonzalez from FE8 was a type of character I haven't really seen before, so I really like him.

I agree with Viewtiful_J as well. If a character has a nice dynamic with another character, I tend to like both of them more as a unit. For an example, I love how Sain and Kent work with each other and I love their interactions in FE7, especially in the very beginning scenes. Even the tutorial was mildly amusing because of Sain's antics and Kent's scolding. Because of that, I like them more than Lowen (whose only support I can remember is with Rebecca, and I think they just talked about food).

EDIT: By 'physical' I mean non-mages. (Dark) mages are probably my favorite class in the FE series, but I feel like the typical (white) mage heroine with a softspoken personality is just so overdone it bores me to tears.

Edited by Pieloswine
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they have to be like onions and have layers.

also a good VA won't hurt

This. For sure.

Also, they have to make me feel some emotion to really get me invested in the character. It could be anything from happiness, laughter, curiosity, and awe to anger, sorrow, sympathy, and retribution. Obviously, this goes for both 'good' characters and 'evil' characters. It all depends on what they get me to feel, whether positive or negative or nothing at all.

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I also prefer more mature characters, though that's not a rule.

Lumi, im starting to think we are secret soul sisters.

But yes, i prefer the over 25 crowd myself seeing how im...well over that age bracket. Id love Basilio if he came on my team earlier. Hence why i have some highly irrational love for Pent in general. He just...yes. Renault, Duessel, etc. I was a little butthurt initially when i couldnt get Eliwood's mum on my team.

I like characters with depth. I like characters who make laugh, cry, get all the feels, etc. I like characters with strong personalities. In this game, i also like versatility. Turning Panne into a Winged Demon of Death is one thing i truly enjoy. I like characters that make me feel something other than ambivalence. Sorry, Laurent. But i dont like jerks. Sorry, Severa--wait, not really.

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If they're nice/cheerful, I'd hate them right away.

I've no idea why, but I seem to enjoy annoying/bratty characters.. rather than those of which the public would enjoy.

I like characters who annoy/harass the other characters. I don't know why.

Mysteriously, I like these kinds of characters a lot in Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn but only marginally in Awakening. Gerome and Severa are just okay. Actually, I really like Severa and Kjelle's supports with each other and I feel like I'm a weird person for liking that?

Generally, I like characters who are more "out there". So I really like Gaius, Gregor, Henry, and Cherche, and like characters like Kellam, Laurent and Libra less. However I like everyone in this game. I think the only one who pushes my tastes in a negative way are Vaike, and that's mostly because Vaike's supports are really rude in a way that never gets redeemed... Even then, he's fun to use in battle, I just hate the way he treats Olivia and Panne. He's like a poor version of Boyd.

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Oh man, Cherche is probably my favorite character next to Virion. Easily. Why? Because shes an interesting balance between a feminine domestic and asskicking snarkbot. Plus she finds adorableness in the most unexpected places. One reason i liked Hagrid from Harry Potter so much. Her fashion sense is divine!

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Gameplay wise, units with either a butt ton of utility like Anna or are utter combat badasses from the get go like Frederick and Cordelia and whatnot are good characters

Personality wise... someone with more depth than "here's my personality quirk" I guess, which fits a good amount of characters in this game

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