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FFXIV: A Realm Reborn


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As with every mmo I've ever played I recently gave in to the pressure from my friends and signed up for FFXIV

I'm trying to look past the surface stuff, the cooldown-based tank/dps/healer combat, the scattered NPCs whose sole reason for existence is to wait for adventurers to float past and run their errands, the endless hordes of aggressive fauna stubbornly ignoring the fact that they should be extinct, the ever-present guild/auction house/flight path analogues that are very conspicuously not called guilds/auction houses/flight paths...

...and I'm having a pretty good time :]

Since the servers are absolutely overflowing I only have the one character so far, a conjurer who I'm building into a paladin/white mage (most abilities can be used in other classes which is p. cool). Conjurer is really fun due to the cleric stance mechanic, which makes dungeon healing really involved: in cleric stance your healing power is converted into offensive power, so I can toggle that on and off between heals to lay down heavy DPS. Feels good, man.

The aesthetics are probably the strongest point, the costume design and scenery and various spell effects and etc are classic final fantasy. I'm not sure if that will be enough to keep me going once the novelty wears off, but I guess we'll see. I still have the crafting/gathering classes to look forward to, plus I could probably spend another dozen hours saving character designs in the character creator lol

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You're playing that? Enjoying any of it sense the server "upgrades"? The game is alright and I think it's cool but the beginning pissed me off because of the overflooded servers.

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MMO launches are never smooth, I came to face that for the first time in my life and I'm doing my best to look past it.
I was in Beta 3 and Open Beta for FFX|V and I loved every moment of it. Enjoying it a lot more than I did SWTOR, that's for sure.
As for the server issues, I think once people start beginning to play regularly it'll ease out, it's just at the moment we've got people not logging off and staying afk until they're ready to play, and also people who take the week off work and are playing non-stop to get to 50 in 3 days cause that's apparently a cool thing to do or whatever.

It'll be fine, just give it a few weeks before you make any hard judgment calls, that's for sure.

What server are you guys on? I'm chilling over on Tonberry, cause they're cute an' all.

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I like this game and well I am not making it my goal to reach level 50 I'm trying out the different disciples and I feel that we don't have enough tanks online.

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Yeah the latest server patch let me create new characters on malboro and famfrit, my conjurer is on cerberus. Since the servers were full and character creation was restricted, my friends were scattered all over the place and it's only now that we're making contact. Once the world transfers are available we'll all rally somewhere but where exactly is still a matter of contention

One thing to note re. the shaky launch is that so many gold spammers are present on every server, which probably isn't helping the population issues. Also, like your tank, being a healer lets me skip the queue most days but I still have to wait for my dps friend to get in before I can get started :R

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I'm on Tonberry, it was deemed the unofficial Oceanic server for the Japanese worlds and it's non-Legacy, meaning the community is fresh.
Hopefully the transfers come out soon, I do feel bad for the abundance of people who were led to worlds they didn't want to be on due to others being locked, I never expected them to actually halt character creation on some servers so it shocked me a bit.

Mm, I haven't encountered any Gil Spammers yet, but from what I've heard I hope SE can do something about it, but if there's a market for it they'll always be there, so it's more that there are players out there who just want a lot of Gil and don't want to work for it that is the issue, imo.

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Getting the game for PS4. Question, do you have to pay a monthly fee like other MMORPGs?


Not sure of what the fee is though, as I paid by a time-card. I don't even remember how much that cost either. xD

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  • 3 weeks later...

Getting the game for PS4. Question, do you have to pay a monthly fee like other MMORPGs?

The subscription fee is, rather unfortunately, $12.99 USD for 30 days. It seems like a rather outrageous charge for an MMO, which is too bad because I really want to play this, but not at the expense of blowing so much money a month. *sigh*

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Fortunately I spent two weeks in Munich after the early access weekend - so I didn't experience the bad start.

Overall the game is a pleasant surprise, good visuals and interesting gameplay (at least for the classes I play, 50 Dragoon, 37 Whitemage, rest ~ 20). I didn't play Guild Wars, so the Fate system was refreshing aswell. I enjoy(ed?) leveling a lot thanks to the hunting log and fates.

My only concern: Melee gameplay seems to be unnecessarily complicated (having to use attacks from the flank or back) compared to ranged. It's not impossible or extremely challenging, but a boss can screw your combo by turning in a bad moment.

Hopefully I'm wrong or melees get rewarded in some way - just got to 50, it's not like I can evaluate the situation.

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The novelty did wear off pretty quick for me, but I think my break from the game is more closely related to being unable to coordinate with my friends and actually play multiplayer. Maybe I should start getting more outgoing and pick up randoms lol

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  • 11 months later...

I downloaded it on PC the other day, but on trying to set up a subscription, it takes my credit card, says it's authorized (or something to that effect), then, when I try to play, my account is apparently not activated yet. Has anyone else had this problem?

Edit: Nevermind! It's working. I just was entering my Square Enix account username incorrectly... I feel kind of stupid. Does anyone here play on PC?

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