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I would like YOUR help with my Fire Emblem tabletop

Auro Astum

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Yes you read that correctly. I would like your help in building a world for a Fire Emblem Tabletop game. I've started whipping up a homebrew system using elements from various Fire Emblems and i've managed to find some people interested in playing what i've cooked up!

Awesome right? Well i've hit a bit of a snag. I really don't know what kind of world I want to create, and the players really haven't given me much to work with when i've asked due to the majority of them only having a passing knowledge of Fire Emblem. So I'm looking for advice and suggestions for mechanics and things that would be interesting for the players in the world.

Current thought occupying my mind:

Manaketes & Taguels or Laguz?

Ashera or Naga?

How to make archers and knights better.

Skills? (Currently using awakening skills and class sets)

Magic Triangle? Yes/No

Jeigan character?

All suggestions are welcome!

Edited by Auro Astum
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Yes you read that correctly. I would like your help in building a world for a Fire Emblem Tabletop game. I've started whipping up a homebrew system using elements from various Fire Emblems and i've managed to find some people interested in playing what i've cooked up!

Awesome right? Well i've hit a bit of a snag. I really don't know what kind of world I want to create, and the players really haven't given me much to work with when i've asked due to the majority of them only having a passing knowledge of Fire Emblem. So I'm looking for advice and suggestions for mechanics and things that would be interesting for the players in the world.

Current thought occupying my mind:

Manaketes & Taguels or Laguz?

Manaketes for sure, not so sure about Taguels and Laguz, as I havent played RoR/RD, but... IDK.

Ashera or Naga?


How to make archers and knights better.


Skills? (Currently using awakening skills and class sets)

Hmm... AETHER!

Magic Triangle? Yes/No

Yes, of course~

Jeigan character?

No. Well, maybe. More of a personal choice.

All suggestions are welcome!

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using awakening as a base, have everything stem from one world and use the outrealm for everything else. Pick what you like.

If you want skills, use a game that has skills.

Keep all archetypes in the game, to match the FE experience. So as mush as I dislike Jeigans, keep them.

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For those who want to see what i've got so far, I'm doing some minor updates and should have it up later tonight. Though I do have another question/topic

Despite using Awakening as a base, should I make an effort to include Light Magic? If so, how should it fit? Be a Sage option, or implement a Monk/Bishop class like in older games?

Edit: I tried to upload my word (docx) file on character creation but it said I wasn't allowed to do so. Is it just me? Or is the type of file?

Edited by Auro Astum
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Pastebin should work. If you have a Dropbox, and know how to designate things correctly, you can use that, too.

I might be able to throw in a suggestion or two, but it's hard to say without having an idea of how the game itself works.

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Sorry for lack of posting, college has kept me crazy busy. I'll edit my initial post with pastebin links with character creation and game basics either tonight or tomorrow. The combat portion of the game is played with 2d10 (percentile dice), current build is using PoR calculations for the combat (as they seemed simplistic enough to go decently fast). The game is between a game master and a number of players, with the game master acting as both the enemies and the storyteller, and the players creating a unit to make up the player army.

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I'm excited to see what you come up with! I toyed with this idea around the release of FE8, but it never came to realisation lol... </3

Anyways! To answer your questions:

Manaketes & Taguels or Laguz? Manaketes all the way! <3 Maybe Laguz too, I'm personally not a fan of Taguel but I guess they could be incorporated :3

Ashera or Naga? Ashera! <3 But maybe Naga considering you're using Awakening as a base? :)

How to make archers and knights better- I'm not too sure how you're gonna be planning this game out, but I'll give my opinion after you release a concept if it's still wanted :)

Skills? (Currently using awakening skills and class sets)- I think skills would add a lot to the game! I always though skills were a really prominent part in Awakening, so if you're using Awakening as a base continent for your game, it would be a good idea~ I think Galeforce would be something kinda awesome if you put it to use in a tabletop game!

Magic Triangle? Yes! <3 I started with FE7 and can't shake the Magic Triangle off :p Always made me kinda sad magic users got the short end of the stick with no real advantage over each other's magic types in the later games... but I guess the damage bonus to fliers, Laguz, etc. kinda replaced the magic triangle...

Jeigan character? I never use Jeigan's, but they're a traditional part of an FE game whether we like it or not :p

Also, I think you should try incorporating Light Magic and possibly Dark Magic (maybe even as skills, like Shadow Gift), but then I like those magic types haha.... and there's always some godly Light Tome meant to be used against the final boss, right? If you're using Awakening characters too (assuming you're not gonna plop random Elibe characters in haha), Validar and Aversa love their Dark Magic... point made I think :p

The idea of a player army of created characters sounds brilliant... bravo! Are you gonna incorporate enemies from Awakening or have enemy units created by the game master?

Someone mentioned the Outrealm... LOVE IT <3 <3

Edited by DarkMage
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A tabletop setup allows you a lot of flexibility, though remember to keep your players in mind - they have only a cursory knowledge from what you've told us, and whether they're willing to learn and if they're curious or not may determine if they want to have the whole FE universe dropped into their lap - but there's a fair variety of things to be done regardless.

First, I'll answer your OP questions.

Manaketes & Taguels or Laguz?

Objectively, these are a race and a class choice, any you add in should have incentive for choosing this while making sure that they aren't automatic picks over human classes.

Personally, I prefer Manakete and Taguel, but if you include Ashera they you'd want to pick Laguz. Unless, of course, you want to include all of it via OutRealm gate.

Ashera or Naga?

Objectively, the two are very different. One is a Divine Manakete who is considered by all a god even if her gender warrants a goddess, the other is a "god" who has been split into an "order incarnate", while her other half - Yune - has been banished as a dark god and is the "emotion" half of the unified goddess Asheruna. They each have a very unique influence on the story you put them in.

Personally, I prefer Naga, but that would push the above choice towards Manakete and Taguel rather than Laguz.

How to make archers and knights better.

Hm, that depends on how you want to make them better. Archers could be influenced by their weapons, such as having 1-2 range shortbows and making better use of 2-3 longbows, variations of longbows, and being given ballistea/siege weapon mounting abilities, if you want to make use of siege weapons.

Knights are a different story. Part of it just depends on stats of said Knights, but you might not have to change the knights usefulness with changes to the class. Making defense chapters with chokepoints that the knights can make great use off, and making sure that their high defense offsets the fact that certain faster classes can dodge-tank. . . really, a part of this depends on how you want to balance the classes as a whole.

Are we working with fixed promotions - most of the series - or branching paths like Fe2, Fe8, and Fe13? Are there Second Seals available?

Skills? (Currently using awakening skills and class sets)

Well, how I experienced it the Awakening skill system was purely class skills - the "Soldier" skills, as I remember Tellius called them. I felt there was a bit of uniqueness that was lost by excluding "Citizen" skills, personal skills unrelated to their classes. Of course, as a tabletop game with character creation you could fill in personal skills during the character creation list regardless, and you could give personal skills from events in the story or supports, if you want to make use of "Gameplay and Story integration."

Magic Triangle? Yes/No

The Arachanea/Ylissea world has never had a Magic Triangle or Light Magic. On the other hand, not only were both concepts introduced in the Jugdral series, games which took place FAR in the Arachanean worlds past and on another continent, but every other world (Magvel, Elibe, and Tellius) has Light Magic as well.

If you want to add a little twist, you could always try to add in a few characters who use Gaiden-style Blood magic, but that's a can of worms to open up at your own risk - and don't even try to make Blood Magic the standard magic type.

Jeigan character?

Depends on if you mean having an "NPC" jeigan assist your players when they start the game or allowing one of the players to become a Jeigan archetype.

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