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Why do you like/dislike certain characters?


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Don't really dislike anybody except Ricken/Richt. I think hating a pixel on a (guessing here) three inch screen is kinda stupid. But if that's how you people stress relieve then by all means continue. Before anyone says it can go the same way for loving a character, that's not a negative emotion

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Alright, I'll be serious. My favorite FE13 characters are the following:

Stahl, Lon'qu, Cherche, Olivia, Maribelle, Cynthia, Brady, Yarne.

Some characters I'm okay with (Nah, Noire, Virion, Gaius), and I don't really give a damn about anyone else.

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Because they pretty/handsome.

I like your style.

(this tends to move most [but not all {nowi}] of my decision making)

Edited by Integrity
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I like all of them, even Tharja, as long as they have redeeming features that can get me to like them. I'm not a hard person to please, so I suppose its just my nature; but I don't see the point in just only seeing what you dislike about a character and ignoring any good things about them. There are things I like and things I dislike about all of them; I just choose to focus on the positive things. Gives me much less stress in the long run.

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Please point me the point in the game where Sumia fly to Walhart, curb his logic to the ground, and recruited him

As awesome as that would have been...

Wait, what am I talking about? I would have loved to seen that. Caeda could totally have recruited Walhart on her own.

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The only unit I dislike is Panne. She's like a worse Lethe.

In nearly all her C and some B supports she's being a racist jerk and insults nearly everyone with her constant "Manspawn" Drivel. I know she's bitter about her race, but as far as I remember their are exactly 0 characters in your army who ever say something bad about her being a Taguel, while she insults humans quite a lot.

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I like all of them, even Tharja, as long as they have redeeming features that can get me to like them. I'm not a hard person to please, so I suppose its just my nature; but I don't see the point in just only seeing what you dislike about a character and ignoring any good things about them. There are things I like and things I dislike about all of them; I just choose to focus on the positive things. Gives me much less stress in the long run.

Oh, I agree here, SL. I'm honestly not that hard to please either, but I am a tad picky sometimes. But I also look for good things about every character I dislike, even my least favorites such as Geoffrey. Things I actually do dig about him? Awesome color scheme in RD for one thing. Another nice thing about him is that he comes with a brave lance. But that's really it there.

Sumia, she references my favorite cartoon ever in a DLC conversation. And she has a talent with animals (even if it's the only thing she does right).

Tharja can actually be nice when she wants to. I like her in her support with Gregor because of this.

Chrom makes me laugh on occasion as I mentioned before.

Lucina...um...she...has a lot of blue. Yeah. xP

But I really do try to find SOME good things in characters.

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i dislike/am indifferent towards 90% of the characters in this game because they're not interesting.

the other 10% i simply like their archetype, like vaike.

virion is only interesting character.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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The only unit I dislike is Panne. She's like a worse Lethe.

In nearly all her C and some B supports she's being a racist jerk and insults nearly everyone with her constant "Manspawn" Drivel. I know she's bitter about her race, but as far as I remember their are exactly 0 characters in your army who ever say something bad about her being a Taguel, while she insults humans quite a lot.

That's because, y'know, humans hunted her race to near extinction. From what I can gather from her supports, she's grown to adulthood only knowing the worst that humans have to offer. Before the Shepherds, Emmeryn is pretty much the only human who isn't a massive bastard as far as Panne's concerned and in fact its through her time with the Shepherds that she learns to live with them and eventually marries one. I think its unfair to blame her for thinking that way.

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Moe is a lot harder to execute in English where the cultures of said countries is not obsessed with kawaii.

Yes it is. You are absolutely right. Moe/Kawaii/Cuteness on that level is very very popular in Japan and a part of their culture and how they tend to view their ideals. Moe exists in male form too so its not just ladies who get the treatment.

In the West, people prefer more gritty characters with tragic backstories or this whole Action Hero ideal. So Moe/Kawaii comes off as grating to a lot of westerners. People tend to think that characters with that sort of archetype are annoying or weak or both. In Olivia's case, her design is very pink-centric and her expressions are more cutesy and shy. Think Fluttershy from MLP:FtM But her revealing outfit makes some people think theres some unfortunate implications coupled with her shy and adorable persona.

Personally, i like Olivia and i actually like Moe type characters with decent execution (see Florina) especially if they express interest to grow as a person while still retaining the initial adorableness.

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Why I like Priam? Um...At first, it was because he was Ike's descendent. Now, it seems that I love Priam because no one else does. And that he triggers my "Aww! X3" sensors. Plus, he's a pretty decent unit, even when all your other units are amazing beyond belief.

God, I'm such a loser

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On topic of moe/adorable types: I personally don't like moe, feel it tries too hard to be adorable and stuff and that just backfires. The characters I find adorable tend to be characters most don't think is adorable but sometimes they do things unintentionally adorable and I find that the most adorable. Things like Thor's cute smile or just how happy he is talking about his battles while drinking large amounts of mead, or hell, his reaction to mead, makes me go awww adorable even though he's clearly not designed to be conventionally adorable. Ezio's many facial expressions and emotiveness has the same effect on me, whereas characters actually designed to be moe/adorable tend to not. Maybe I'm just weird or something, I dunno.

Mind, I don't think characters written intentionally to come off as the adorable type are bad characters, necessarily, but they're just not my type.

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Calling Awakening's idea of "cute" trying to hard, is a bit of an understatement. They are nothing short of parody.

They are so absurdly exaggerated, it is impossible to imagine them as living, breathing people. Let alone as people who master the challenges of everyday life.

And to say nothing of the kind of challenges that involve sharp pieces of metal.

A girl like Sumia, who supposedly can't walk 5 steps without screwing it up, would have impaled herself on her spear long ago. If not, she should have died by dropping off her Pegasus.

And the less said about Olvia, the visual entertainer who doesn't want people to look at her, the better.

It's not a matter of liking or disliking cute characters. There is no cuteness involved. It's just creepy.

Edited by BrightBow
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Calling Awakening's idea of "cute" trying to hard, is a bit of an understatement. They are nothing short of parody.

They are so absurdly exaggerated, it is impossible to imagine them as living, breathing people. Let alone as people who master the challenges of everyday life.

And to say nothing of the kind of challenges that involve sharp pieces of metal.

A girl like Sumia, who supposedly can't walk 5 steps without screwing it up, would have impaled herself on her spear long ago. If not, she should have died by dropping off her Pegasus.

And the less said about Olvia, the visual entertainer who doesn't want people to look at her, the better.

It's not a matter of liking or disliking cute characters. There is no cuteness involved. It's just creepy.

*Insert rabid fanboy waifushield dual-guard here*

...in all seriousness, it's all a matter of preference. I certainly like the character design and personalities for Sumia and Olivia are spot on to my preferences. And that's particularly it: Preferences. I'm probably an outlier here, because I *DO* like the "adorable" and "kawaii" attempts for them. While obviously anyone that obsessed with portraying themselves as Moe and Kawaii in REAL LIFE would probably be creepy... Being "kawaii" is a desirable trait for women in the Japanese setting.

I certainly don't think they're bad as characters... and that certainly doesn't necessarily make me anywhere in the wrong. I realize your criticisms and decide that I still like the characters anyway. I see them as believable *ENOUGH*.

Their... debatable in the western reaction... cute Japanese voices certainly doesn't prevent me from liking them even further.

Also *SCREW* the English localization for Olivia.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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*Insert rabid fanboy waifushield dual-guard here*

...in all seriousness, it's all a matter of preference. I certainly like the character design and personalities for Sumia and Olivia are spot on to my preferences. And that's particularly it: Preferences. I'm probably an outlier here, because I *DO* like the "adorable" and "kawaii" attempts for them. While obviously anyone that obsessed with portraying themselves as Moe and Kawaii in REAL LIFE would probably be creepy... Being "kawaii" is a desirable trait for women in the Japanese setting.

I certainly don't think they're bad as characters... and that certainly doesn't necessarily make me anywhere in the wrong. I realize your criticisms and decide that I still like the characters anyway. I see them as believable *ENOUGH*.

Their... debatable in the western reaction... cute Japanese voices certainly doesn't prevent me from liking them even further.

Also *SCREW* the English localization for Olivia.

Somewhat off topic but I have to ask. Why do you hate the Lolcalization of Olivia so much?

On topic: I've always liked Olivia and Sumia for their Moe and Kawaii(Although they both have grown on me alot. In my top 10 now.) BECAUSE of the change of pace it gave from the Modern Western Hero nowadays.

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Also *SCREW* the English localization for Olivia.

I've seen this a lot yet have no idea why there is hate for the English localization of Olivia. Could someone explain? Was it a mistranslation or something?

...Ninjas lurking everywhere...

Edited by DodgeDusk
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I've seen this a lot yet have no idea why there is hate for the English localization of Olivia. Could someone explain? Was it a mistranslation or something?

Small nitpick crap people wouldn't care about.

Like so:




While Liz/Lissa's tomboyish attitude was well received in the west... I didn't like it.

Yeah, I can't stand Japanese Olivia. Or any of the females in Japanese that I've heard so far. Their voices are all so damned high and squeaky it hurts my ears.

Japanese Olvia makes me want scratch my eyeballs out and use them as ear plugs. Completely serious here.

Pretty common and acceptable criticism. Because you know, it's not an attractive trait in western culture. In Japan, having a high pitched voice is considered an attractive trait.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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Pretty common and acceptable criticism. Because you know, it's not an attractive trait in western culture. In Japan, having a high pitched voice is considered an attractive trait.

Figures. I seem to dislike a lot of things that are popular in Japan. xP

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