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I just finished this game


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after owning the game for like two years or so (I got bored with it part-way and stopped playing) I finally finished it! I've played FE3 before but not FE1, I recognized a lot through the game along with subtle changes (I still like a lot of the original fanslated names)

overall the game's kinda bland after being spoiled from the series' improvements over the years; the dialogue is sparse, there's little to no events on the map, reinforcements are cheap, there's no character development, the maps are kinda poorly designed, and enemies have no evasion or resistance (and well neither do you)

I believe they intended the game to be faithful to the original (except for the weapon triangle, weapon ranks, save points, forged weapons, dead characters returning items, reclassing, other things that break the original game's design) but I guess it's okay

my first playthrough was on Hard 1, here's a simple table of my used characters for anyone's curiosity


there's something funny about est running around with starlight

also I made maria that class for flying about with levin swords (and a forged ishtar sword)

I might play through again but I dunno the game's kinda dull, I should probably get back to work on my hack

Edited by Lorena
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Believe me when I say that the prologue only available in normal mode adds a lot.

For all it's faults, I think the game has a better story than even Awakening. The game has just enough story and set up to fuel my imagination. I'm not saying that less plot always equals a better story but in this case, it just works.

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I don't know what is so cheap about FE11 Reinforcements

IIRC most of them are basically a "Stop screwing around and go on" type, which is actually reasonable

Also most map in FE11 is actually rather well designed IMO. Its not "I have a degree in terrible map design" like Awakening for sure

Edited by JSND
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