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Election 08.  

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Morality is doing what's right, despite what you're told.

Religion is doing what you're told, despite what's right.

I'm christian, I believe in god. I don't think religion has a place in our modern day government.

Awesome points for Arc +10.
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Tied it out, McCain is the lesser of 2 evils, obama voted present on 128 (or close to that) bills, that means he didn't care for either side, also out of 100 senators 2 of them voted for partial birth abortion that is while a baby is being born they they inject poisen into the brain killing it. Obama was 1 of those 2 senators. McCain is just old and sucks at giving speaches

also that is just 2 things Obama did, there are quite a few more


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Tied it out, McCain is the lesser of 2 evils, obama voted present on 128 (or close to that) bills, that means he didn't care for either side, also out of 100 senators 2 of them voted for partial birth abortion that is while a baby is being born they they inject poisen into the brain killing it. Obama was 1 of those 2 senators. McCain is just old and sucks at giving speaches

also that is just 2 things Obama did, there are quite a few more


not to mention obama refuses to say the pledge of alegience

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and he was a muslim during childhood, he betraded one of his closest friend of 20 years just so people would vote for him even though that friend was a libiral extremeist who on many ocastions said racist and unpatriotic lies

i.e. the white man created the AIDS virus to kill off black people

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I apologize for anyone who I like that this post may offend. You are about to see me do something I try not to do that often, be a total jackass. What I have to say, needs to be said, for my benefit at least if for no one else's. I will accept any repercussions like a warn or my post being deleted, although I will protest it, as I've seen plenty of others get away with stuff worse than this. And now, to begin:

...So many idiots, so little time.

First off, I would like address the creator of this wonderfully unifying topic, TLS/Captain_Falcon/whatever you're calling yourself now. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to recall an intelligent topic that was similar to this except designed to avoid debate that you and your illiterate friend Ace spammed into oblivion. Yeah, that really makes it look like you know what you're talking about. You don't have any business making a topic on a serious subject like this because you've proven you're immaturity so very many times before, and you're not even close to being able to vote. Let someone who's voice will actually be heard this November make something like this. To me it looks like you're just trying to spark a non-important debate. It doesn't help your case that all of your arguments for Obama and against McCain sound like echo's of things you've heard from others. Stick with what you're good at, making lame sexcopter jokes, not politics.

Now, moving on to the next thing that pissed me off.

Somewhere in this topic, someone made a poorly thought out remark that America was founded by Christian Pilgrims seeking religious freedom, and therefor the Constitution and all laws made should be based off of Christianity's teachings and principles. You sir, apparently have almost no knowledge of U.S. History, Constitutional law, and basic principles set by the Founding Fathers of our country! First off, the Pilgrims you speak of were seeking a land where there was complete Religious Freedom! Not a land where their Religion was law! And Second off, they weren't the only people who first settled here. America is a melding pot, not a tier cake with White, Protestant, Conservative Christians on top, and everyone else on the bottom. Get it through your thick head that your opinions are NOT more important than everyone else's, and that their religious beliefs need to be at the very least respected as much as you respect other denominations in Christianity.

I could say more to this person, but for the sake of time and space let's move on to the idiotic remarks about the candidates.

First off, let's again address the White, Christian, Conservatives who are saying Obama is the anti-Christ. Do you honestly think any of these rumors would've been started if Obama was white? I'm not saying you're racist for hearing about them and being wary, I'm saying the people who started them probably were. I'm also saying you're an idiot if you believe this, because you're making yourself seem ignorant not about politics, nor culture, but about your own f


cking religion. First off, an anti-Christ is anyone who denounces your messiah, not just the dude at the end of the world. Obama is Christian, and doesn't fit the bill for 'anti-Christ'. Now, if you're talking about the beast in your book of Revelations, then we're at least getting somewhere. However, this beast's coming will be preceded by signs of the end of times (this is all according to your Good Book by the way, maybe you should read it once in a while so the Agnostic isn't explaining your religion to you) that will be very difficult to mistake, and will probably come from Israel as he's going to be posing as he Jewish Messiah.

If you're saying that he can't be Christian now, because he was raised Muslim, then you and your church are doomed. Because if you're seriously going to sit there, go against what your lord taught you, and say it's impossible to convert someone to Christianity, and you have to be born into it to go to Heaven, then you and you're church are nothing but a farce.

Obama says the Pledge of Allegiance. All senators and representatives do. Hell, there's even videos of him doing it.

Onto the stupid attacks against McCain,

McCain is an experienced Senator in the United States of America, while he may have slip ups occasionally, he is not a complete idiot. His age is pretty irrelevant too, as he's in relatively good health. Attack him on his policy, or political standpoint if you're going to attack him. Don't sit there and just make fun of him.

There's probably more that was said that deserved me to respond to it, but I've gotten less pissed off after typing all of that, and I don't feel like going through the topic again.

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^ damn, that was good

*bows down*

teach me your ways master

and to keep this post relevent does anybody else think mcCain picked Palin for vp other than to get women's votes, if you read some of her speaches she acualy has some pretty good views.

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First off, let's again address the White, Christian, Conservatives who are saying Obama is the anti-Christ. Do you honestly think any of these rumors would've been started if Obama was white?

Oh, because we all say Alan Keyes is the anti-Christ as well. And to boot, I'm neither conservative, or white. Watch the conclusions before someone gets seriously offended.

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I apologize for anyone who I like that this post may offend. You are about to see me do something I try not to do that often, be a total jackass. What I have to say, needs to be said, for my benefit at least if for no one else's. I will accept any repercussions like a warn or my post being deleted, although I will protest it, as I've seen plenty of others get away with stuff worse than this. And now, to begin:

...So many idiots, so little time.

First off, I would like address the creator of this wonderfully unifying topic, TLS/Captain_Falcon/whatever you're calling yourself now. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to recall an intelligent topic that was similar to this except designed to avoid debate that you and your illiterate friend Ace spammed into oblivion. Yeah, that really makes it look like you know what you're talking about. You don't have any business making a topic on a serious subject like this because you've proven you're immaturity so very many times before, and you're not even close to being able to vote. Let someone who's voice will actually be heard this November make something like this. To me it looks like you're just trying to spark a non-important debate. It doesn't help your case that all of your arguments for Obama and against McCain sound like echo's of things you've heard from others. Stick with what you're good at, making lame sexcopter jokes, not politics.

Now, moving on to the next thing that pissed me off.

Somewhere in this topic, someone made a poorly thought out remark that America was founded by Christian Pilgrims seeking religious freedom, and therefor the Constitution and all laws made should be based off of Christianity's teachings and principles. You sir, apparently have almost no knowledge of U.S. History, Constitutional law, and basic principles set by the Founding Fathers of our country! First off, the Pilgrims you speak of were seeking a land where there was complete Religious Freedom! Not a land where their Religion was law! And Second off, they weren't the only people who first settled here. America is a melding pot, not a tier cake with White, Protestant, Conservative Christians on top, and everyone else on the bottom. Get it through your thick head that your opinions are NOT more important than everyone else's, and that their religious beliefs need to be at the very least respected as much as you respect other denominations in Christianity.

I could say more to this person, but for the sake of time and space let's move on to the idiotic remarks about the candidates.

First off, let's again address the White, Christian, Conservatives who are saying Obama is the anti-Christ. Do you honestly think any of these rumors would've been started if Obama was white? I'm not saying you're racist for hearing about them and being wary, I'm saying the people who started them probably were. I'm also saying you're an idiot if you believe this, because you're making yourself seem ignorant not about politics, nor culture, but about your own f


cking religion. First off, an anti-Christ is anyone who denounces your messiah, not just the dude at the end of the world. Obama is Christian, and doesn't fit the bill for 'anti-Christ'. Now, if you're talking about the beast in your book of Revelations, then we're at least getting somewhere. However, this beast's coming will be preceded by signs of the end of times (this is all according to your Good Book by the way, maybe you should read it once in a while so the Agnostic isn't explaining your religion to you) that will be very difficult to mistake, and will probably come from Israel as he's going to be posing as he Jewish Messiah.

If you're saying that he can't be Christian now, because he was raised Muslim, then you and your church are doomed. Because if you're seriously going to sit there, go against what your lord taught you, and say it's impossible to convert someone to Christianity, and you have to be born into it to go to Heaven, then you and you're church are nothing but a farce.

Obama says the Pledge of Allegiance. All senators and representatives do. Hell, there's even videos of him doing it.

Onto the stupid attacks against McCain,

McCain is an experienced Senator in the United States of America, while he may have slip ups occasionally, he is not a complete idiot. His age is pretty irrelevant too, as he's in relatively good health. Attack him on his policy, or political standpoint if you're going to attack him. Don't sit there and just make fun of him.

There's probably more that was said that deserved me to respond to it, but I've gotten less pissed off after typing all of that, and I don't feel like going through the topic again.

ah yes i agree with it all BUT...

obama was caught ON TAPE just standing there not saying ANYTHING while the pledge of allegience was being recited! and plus his dumbass wife said that when Obama started running for president is when she started being proud to be an American.

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sorry for grammar and spelling mistakes

well i must say shad had some valid points.

now before i get flamed for my age id like to say im politically active and i know more then adults about history and politics.

no "imo" America is in many ways like the roman republic and like the empire. we economically conquer places. it may not be total control but every were around the world there are American companies making money. now we are a great military power and an economical force but now were getting in a recession and it not fun. Now john wants to keep our soldiers in iraq to continue playing playing lets waste a lot of fuking money while obama wants to withdraw. now whats wrong with obama's plan. its gonna cost alot to withdraw all those troops. and what john wants is to keep them there for a long time. obama wants to raise taxes and lower them for the poor. whats wrong with that. nothing really when our country has been in economical struggle raising taxes usually fixes the problem. now what obama wants is alot of long term help. in the short term this is gonna suck. we will be every broke in the short term. but in the long term we will have economic stability. now whats wrong with that. not that anyone will attack but if we dont have much money we might be prone to attack. by who idk but its a possibility. unless its a world power we will steam roll them and our soldiers have been fighting for a while so they have experience. this is one thing the republicans fear.

now who do i want to win. obama is your mama. because of everything i said.


Edited by Doom103
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Oh, because we all say Alan Keyes is the anti-Christ as well. And to boot, I'm neither conservative, or white. Watch the conclusions before someone gets seriously offended.

What I originally meant when I wrote that post was that White, Racist, Conservatives started those rumors. I ended up editing that post a lot before I added it because after typing it all up, I thought it was actually too harsh. I guess I didn't catch it could be interpreted that way, and I apologize for that. The rest of what I said still applies though.

Edited by Shadrach
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What I originally meant when I wrote that post was that White, Racist, Conservatives started those rumors. I ended up editing that post a lot before I added it because after typing it all up, I thought it was actually too harsh. I guess I didn't catch it could be interpreted that way, and I apologize for that. The rest of what I said still applies though.

Dude, the title is what got me though. You're really interested in religion, I can tell. It's sad that many people that supposedly practice their religion know little about it, which makes me wonder how in the world did I end up in the South, of all places?I'm versed in the beliefs of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Catholicism, etc. I don't know if I'm agnostic or what, it's just that I can't see one religion being right over all the others. Please, don't get me wrong, I'm extremely tolerant of people of all beliefs, which is part of the reason why enrolled in ROTC in college. I just hate hypocrites. The only thing I can say is that I usually don't call people out on their religion unless they're being a MAJOR ass about it.

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I apologize for anyone who I like that this post may offend. You are about to see me do something I try not to do that often, be a total jackass. What I have to say, needs to be said, for my benefit at least if for no one else's. I will accept any repercussions like a warn or my post being deleted, although I will protest it, as I've seen plenty of others get away with stuff worse than this. And now, to begin:

...So many idiots, so little time.

First off, I would like address the creator of this wonderfully unifying topic, TLS/Captain_Falcon/whatever you're calling yourself now. Now correct me if I'm wrong, but I seem to recall an intelligent topic that was similar to this except designed to avoid debate that you and your illiterate friend Ace spammed into oblivion. Yeah, that really makes it look like you know what you're talking about. You don't have any business making a topic on a serious subject like this because you've proven you're immaturity so very many times before, and you're not even close to being able to vote. Let someone who's voice will actually be heard this November make something like this. To me it looks like you're just trying to spark a non-important debate. It doesn't help your case that all of your arguments for Obama and against McCain sound like echo's of things you've heard from others. Stick with what you're good at, making lame sexcopter jokes, not politics.

Now, moving on to the next thing that pissed me off.

Somewhere in this topic, someone made a poorly thought out remark that America was founded by Christian Pilgrims seeking religious freedom, and therefor the Constitution and all laws made should be based off of Christianity's teachings and principles. You sir, apparently have almost no knowledge of U.S. History, Constitutional law, and basic principles set by the Founding Fathers of our country! First off, the Pilgrims you speak of were seeking a land where there was complete Religious Freedom! Not a land where their Religion was law! And Second off, they weren't the only people who first settled here. America is a melding pot, not a tier cake with White, Protestant, Conservative Christians on top, and everyone else on the bottom. Get it through your thick head that your opinions are NOT more important than everyone else's, and that their religious beliefs need to be at the very least respected as much as you respect other denominations in Christianity.

I could say more to this person, but for the sake of time and space let's move on to the idiotic remarks about the candidates.

First off, let's again address the White, Christian, Conservatives who are saying Obama is the anti-Christ. Do you honestly think any of these rumors would've been started if Obama was white? I'm not saying you're racist for hearing about them and being wary, I'm saying the people who started them probably were. I'm also saying you're an idiot if you believe this, because you're making yourself seem ignorant not about politics, nor culture, but about your own f


cking religion. First off, an anti-Christ is anyone who denounces your messiah, not just the dude at the end of the world. Obama is Christian, and doesn't fit the bill for 'anti-Christ'. Now, if you're talking about the beast in your book of Revelations, then we're at least getting somewhere. However, this beast's coming will be preceded by signs of the end of times (this is all according to your Good Book by the way, maybe you should read it once in a while so the Agnostic isn't explaining your religion to you) that will be very difficult to mistake, and will probably come from Israel as he's going to be posing as he Jewish Messiah.

If you're saying that he can't be Christian now, because he was raised Muslim, then you and your church are doomed. Because if you're seriously going to sit there, go against what your lord taught you, and say it's impossible to convert someone to Christianity, and you have to be born into it to go to Heaven, then you and you're church are nothing but a farce.

Obama says the Pledge of Allegiance. All senators and representatives do. Hell, there's even videos of him doing it.

Onto the stupid attacks against McCain,

McCain is an experienced Senator in the United States of America, while he may have slip ups occasionally, he is not a complete idiot. His age is pretty irrelevant too, as he's in relatively good health. Attack him on his policy, or political standpoint if you're going to attack him. Don't sit there and just make fun of him.

There's probably more that was said that deserved me to respond to it, but I've gotten less pissed off after typing all of that, and I don't feel like going through the topic again.

Alright a few things.

1. This post is win

2. Who ever said "Me and my little spammer friend Ace" go fuck yourself.

3. The rumers about Obama (And McCain as well) are bull, made up by sleezeball bloggers who have nothing better to do inbetween games of Dungeons and Dragons. And besides I don't Effing care if Obama was Muslim (And he's not). I mean when did it become illegal to be Muslim?

4. Once again, Shad...A winrar is you.

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Dude, the title is what got me though. You're really interested in religion, I can tell. It's sad that many people that supposedly practice their religion know little about it, which makes me wonder how in the world did I end up in the South, of all places?I'm versed in the beliefs of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Catholicism, etc. I don't know if I'm agnostic or what, it's just that I can't see one religion being right over all the others. Please, don't get me wrong, I'm extremely tolerant of people of all beliefs, which is part of the reason why enrolled in ROTC in college. I just hate hypocrites. The only thing I can say is that I usually don't call people out on their religion unless they're being a MAJOR ass about it.

Uh, I'm sorry. I'm afraid I don't know what part of my post/argument you're talking about. If you could humor me and point out which part you're talking about, and explain your point again I think I can respond better.

Alright a few things.

1. This post is win

2. Who ever said "Me and my little spammer friend Ace" go fuck yourself.

3. The rumers about Obama (And McCain as well) are bull, made up by sleezeball bloggers who have nothing better to do inbetween games of Dungeons and Dragons. And besides I don't Effing care if Obama was Muslim (And he's not). I mean when did it become illegal to be Muslim?

4. Once again, Shad...A winrar is you.

1. ....I kinda flamed you in the first paragraph of the actual post.......mercilessly........like, with a welding torch.....

I was pissed at the time I wrote it. I'm not making excuses, just offering up an explanation.

2. That was me, although I said '....and your illiterate friend Ace....'

3. Meh, I think some of them are created with more sinister intentions, but I'm not going to make any accusations. You bring up an interesting point with the last statement. Many Americans are uninformed, and uneducated about the world around them. In recent years, the only things many of these kinds of people have heard about Islam are reports of radical Muslims (a minority) bombing western countries. Because of this, many of the less informed or educated people who make up our country have created or bought into a kind of irrational fear of Arabs and Muslims. They then see pictures of Obama as a youth wearing strange clothes that remind them of the Middle East, and they make assumptions based off of this and their fears. And thusly, this crap gets thrown around.

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