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Best Mario Party Stories

Silver Lightning

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I just finished playing a game with my siblings and utterly destroyed them with 7 stars versus their 2 stars each. Was playing a 20 turn game in Mario Party 5 on the Rainbow Dream board. It was hilarious, because my brother is usually on average first place, so when I kept getting multiple stars left and right (on the same turn, even), he decided to be a sore loser and try sabotaging me in the middle of a duel for two stars. I still won and ended up burying him even further. Sweet Victory and Revenge! >:)

Anyways, I made this topic because I was wondering if anyone else had any funny or amazing stories that happened when playing a Mario Party game. Also, feel free to list your highest score in Stars or Coins from any of the games. I think my highest score once was 853 coins and 15 stars, 50 Turn game.....I'm pretty sure it was in Mario Party 4, but I could be wrong since it was long ago.

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My Mom, Aunt and that aunts daughter [a cousin of mine] have played every Mario party so many times and had so many moments happen it would take AGES to list out all the funny moments. Here are some little moments, some other family members have played too.

Mario Party 3's spiny desert for instance we spent the entire game on the 2 sand whirlpools because we couldn't help but hitting a ? space every turn.

The time my Mother got chance time on the last turn in a Mario Party 5 game and took all my stars.. [she felt super bad but I told her not too haha]

The time in Mario Party 4 where my Aunt won the lottery.. TWICE in the same game.

The time in Mario Party 7 where I fireballed my Aunt, Mom and Cousin and they proceeded to triple team me for the entirety of the board

A time in Mario Party 1 where my Dad got stuck in the Loop of Luigi's Engine Room for an extended period of time.

The running gag at the fact that I play as Mario and get the most hidden stars and being called a "cheater" for it

Edited by Folgore Red II
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Mario Party 3's spiny desert for instance we spent the entire game on the 2 sand whirlpools because we couldn't help but hitting a ? space every turn.

A time in Mario Party 1 where my Dad got stuck in the Loop of Luigi's Engine Room for an extended period of time.

those two happen all the time for me

on the first turn in space lance in MP2 (I think?) my friends and I each got a hidden block - no stars though, just skeleton keys and coins.

also numerous last turn chancetimes with the wonderful SWAP STARS option when in first place

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those two happen all the time for me

on the first turn in space lance in MP2 (I think?) my friends and I each got a hidden block - no stars though, just skeleton keys and coins.

also numerous last turn chancetimes with the wonderful SWAP STARS option when in first place

Wow the chances of that are like lol.

Chance Time... Uuuuuuuuuugh xD

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In Mario Party DS, i was playing a round on Bowser's Pinball machine with my friends. One of my friends set up a switch block and when he managed to get to the star zone, i just so happen to step on said switch block and steal that spot under his feet.

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Winning platforming mini games by doing absolutely nothing while everyone else is trying so hard.~

And the blisters accumulated by playing that tug of war mini game on the first Mario Party.

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Mario Party 2: Face Lift

Me and a friend both got 100 on it and tied. The next time we got it, I lost to him since he got 100 and I got 99. How does this even happen

Reminds me of the amazing 4 way tie my Mom, Aunt, Cousin and I got hahaha.

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I've seen the Bowser's Bigger Blast mini-game in Mario Party 4 go on for 5+ minutes. It was really fun to watch :lol: .

this happened in the SGDQ after-stream, it was hilarious

I won Mario Party 8's Booty Boardwalk by doing absolutely nothing save the most basic of commands.

... Against my family. :\


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And the blisters accumulated by playing that tug of war mini game on the first Mario Party.

I still remember how painful those were.

It's been ages since I truly played the actual board game to truly remember anything, but I remember that one game in Mario Party 3 where I would get that one water walker segment done faster than the guy flying on the top screen in that 1 vs 3 game.

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I don't have any specific stories, since it's been awhile since I last played a Mario Party game, but I've played them a lot! Only ever got to play 1, 2, 7, 8, and 9 though. I hated 7. xP

Anyway, one sort-of-story I can think of is one that's occurred multiple times in the original Mario Party. xP

Me: Gets bunch of stars and is in first place.

CPU Player with zero stars: Lands on a Chance Time space

Chance Time Result: Swap stars with my character.

Me: ...Fuck.

Yeah. xP But on the flipside, the reverse (a CPU player with more stars having to swap them with me) has happened just as many times! lol

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I don't have any interesting stories, since I always won. Chance time never phased me either.

But, uh, I made my sister rage quit when I had Boo steal coins from her because she had the most at that time.

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