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If you want I can give you a decently IV'd Torchic with Speed Boost if you want. I think I have a few spares sitting around. Also could give it Blazikenite as well, since I'm trying to farm it.

Much appreciated when possible.

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I'd give you mine since I don't like its evolutions at all, but right now, evolving my Torchic is the only way for me to get the dex entries for all the members of the Torchic line without having to do a bunch of trading. So I'd have to give you a fully evolved Pokemon. :P

Besides, I'm thinking a Blaziken holding Blazikenite might be good to try putting on the GTS for one of the legendaries I don't have or something. A lot of people seem to be trying to trade legendaries and rare Pokemon for other legendaries on there anyway right now.

Edited by Anacybele
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Can't put Mega Stones on the GTS, or I'd have about 100 Blazikenite by now.

Much appreciated when possible.

Just toss a PM request when you have some stable internet for trading. Also you may want to add my FC (in profile).

(In fact, I'm actually available to do this atm, lol)

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I'd assume it's something similar to Giratina's Griseous Orb and how it's coded to be placed in bag whenever Giratina leaves the device.

EDIT: Correct me if I'm wrong, that's just what I'd assume. And I could be horribly wrong.

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I'd assume it's something similar to Giratina's Griseous Orb and how it's coded to be placed in bag whenever Giratina leaves the device.

EDIT: Correct me if I'm wrong, that's just what I'd assume. And I could be horribly wrong.

It's similar to that, though you cannot even trade a Pokemon with a Mega Stone at all through GTS or Wonder Trade. It works through normal trading, which is how I'm farming them.

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I see. I still wish Infernape had been given the mega evolution instead of Blaziken, as I think it's WAY cooler (I'll take an armored ninja fire monkey over an ugly ten feet tall flaming chicken with long feathers sticking out of its head any day), but what can ya do? Maybe GameFreak will expand the number of megas in the future anyway.

Also, I want some new berries to grow, I've got a whole bunch of almost all the kinds I have now. I'll have to look up which can be obtained through mutations and which can be found on those trees that pop up in battles every now and then.

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Also, I want some new berries to grow, I've got a whole bunch of almost all the kinds I have now. I'll have to look up which can be obtained through mutations and which can be found on those trees that pop up in battles every now and then.

Would you be willing to help me out on something? I've been putting off getting the berries from the trees in-battle, but if you'd be willing to hunt down some of the ones that can only be gotten that way, I could trade you your spares for my spares of the mutation berries.

Here's a link to the Serebii page on Wild Battle Items to help you out.

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I've seen that page before, I was going to look for it again. But thanks lol. And I see Serebii still hasn't updated it to say that Hyper Voice works on the boulders. :/ Because it does. I've been smashing boulders like crazy using it.

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Would you be willing to help me out on something? I've been putting off getting the berries from the trees in-battle, but if you'd be willing to hunt down some of the ones that can only be gotten that way, I could trade you your spares for my spares of the mutation berries.

Here's a link to the Serebii page on Wild Battle Items to help you out.

I'm sitting on a couple of the Wild Battle berry drops if you want them. Chilan Berry for master of berries.

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I'm sitting on a couple of the Wild Battle berry drops if you want them. Chilan Berry for master of berries.

Are you available to trade now? I'll trade 1:1, so tell me which mutation berries you'd like and we can trade.

Here is the list of mutation berries.

EDIT: I have to go for now, but I'll be back later tonight in about an hour and a half.

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Do I have to "see" or "catch" all pokemon in the Kalos dex to get the oval charm?

Also, regarding the poll, wow, things are really even except Umbreon who's getting wrecked ;_;

You only have to see them

I got mine today

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Are you available to trade now? I'll trade 1:1, so tell me which mutation berries you'd like and we can trade.

Here is the list of mutation berries.

EDIT: I have to go for now, but I'll be back later tonight in about an hour and a half.

Sorry, I was busy doing things. I added your FC - if you add mine back and come online I'll notice you (FC in profile).

Also I don't need anything back. I already have all my mutation berries (in fact, I'm farming Kee/Maranga because heavens forbid I might need to make reset juice or make more Amaze Mulch).

I will be online-ish for a couple hours.

Edit: Apparently I had what I believe was three of the berries...not 100% sure.

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All of those abilities seem too broken, imo. I'm calling this fake, just like I still think the legendaries themselves are fake. They're too ugly to be real (except Diancie, I like that one).

Also, if none of these three are found in the Chamber of Emptiness or whatever it's called, what the hell is it for? xP

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I agree that the abilities seem fake, mainly because dat Impractical is way too broken. Legendaries themselves I believe, but the abilities seem way too good (except for Diancie's, but it still sounds pretty alright).

And the Chamber of Emptiness contained the Banettite, so that's something. I think it's just some random cave that holds items, and then is pointless from then on. It's like the Sun Chamber from R/S/E.

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