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Also, either I'm not doing something right here with Mega Gengar or I put it in my lineup at the wrong time, because I didn't even get to the 20th battle in the maison this time. >_> Or, maybe it just doesn't work after all.

Mega Gengar isn't really designed to sweep teams, so if that's what you've been trying to use it for, then you should rethink your team. You should check this link to see some successful teams that can give you some ideas on what to use.

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Mega Gengar isn't really designed to sweep teams, so if that's what you've been trying to use it for, then you should rethink your team. You should check this link to see some successful teams that can give you some ideas on what to use.

No, that's not what I was trying to use it for. My Delphox and Bellossom do most of the sweeping because of how Delphox sets up Sunny Day and then Bellossom repeatedly destroys opponents with fast one-turn Solarbeams. My third Pokemon takes care of stuff that neither Delphox nor Bellossom do well against.

On another note, Sudowoodo is being such a pain in the ass to find. Why is it only in rarely seen Trevenant hordes? -_-

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M-Gengar is great in competitive because people actually switch mons in competitive, but in Maison iirc they don't swap around at all, so it's not really that amazing. I guess 170 base SpA is pretty cool, but still.

What are Delphox/Bellossom running?

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Those 170 SPA is much lower than you would think at first thanks to lack of items and weak move power. In fact Mega Gar offensive power is largely comparable to Life Orb Starmie, a pokemon who is considered mediocre offensively

The same can be said for most Mega Evo, most notably Macnetric and Aero at a mediocre item enchanced attacking stats of 135

Megas like Mega Lucario and Mega Kangaskhan is an entirely different case thanks to their ability and main move though. For example, Mega Kangaskhan actually have a stupidly high 213 Base Attack, and Mega Lucario might as well have 208 Base Attack.

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What are Delphox/Bellossom running?

What do you mean by "running"? Someone suggested that I try using Mega Gengar in the maison earlier in the thread though, so...

On a different topic, is there a way to make garbage cans shake more often? They almost never seem to do that for me and I'm going to need a Banette if I'm to get a Shuppet egg to hatch for a dex entry... >_<

I could trade for one, but I want to see if I can make it easier to catch a Banette first.

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Moveset, Ability, Held Item, these kind of things

Oh. I wasn't sure if he meant one or more of those, my bad. I posted it earlier in the thread somewhere. I don't feel like retyping it, so let me dig it up.

I know one mistake I made was trying to have Mega Gengar use Shadow Ball against a Girafarig. I forgot that Girafarig is part Normal type. Should've went with Dark Pulse... >_>



Item: Heat Rock



Sunny Day

Fire Blast


Bellossom (ability is Chlorophyll)

Item: Big Root



Giga Drain

Stun Spore


All I can think of is replacing Fire Blast with something else. Heat Rock is so Sunny Day lasts longer, Big Root is so Bellossom recovers more HP when it uses Giga Drain and it needs to stay healthy for more fast 1-turn Solarbeams. It has a calm nature if I recall right. Stun Spore is so even if a Sunny Day speed boost doesn't make Bellossom move first, it can still fix that issue. Sleep Powder might actually be a better alternative, but I can't teach it that move at this point.

I'm not sure about Delphox's nature. Its ability is Blaze.

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I'd suggest switching stun spore for another attacking move to help provide more coverage, dazzling gleam or sludge bomb would be your best bets if your bellossom's hidden power isn't the best. Dazzling gleam would be the better of the two, but I know you don't like replacing things on your team.

Personally, I find having one of your pokemon hold a chesto/lum berry makes it so they can deal with purugly more easily. Just meant as a suggestion if you were looking for a third pokemon because gengar wasn't working

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Oh, I have no problem replacing moves, I just don't want to replace team members right now. I'll be replacing Aurorus with my Emerald shiny Aggron though. It has a brave nature and is probably going to kick ass when I give it an Aggronite. :3

Dazzling Gleam sounds good though, I've been considering that move. Stun Spore has been useful for catching Pokemon, but I can just find another Pokemon to use it instead.

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Oh, I have no problem replacing moves, I just don't want to replace team members right now. I'll be replacing Aurorus with my Emerald shiny Aggron though. It has a brave nature and is probably going to kick ass when I give it an Aggronite. :3

Dazzling Gleam sounds good though, I've been considering that move. Stun Spore has been useful for catching Pokemon, but I can just find another Pokemon to use it instead.

If your goal is to defeat the first single battle chatelaine, then using something like a lum berry to absorb the sleep from purugly is definitely a good idea.

The only problem with your team currently is that no one has any super-effective move against the Chatelaine's pokemon and all of them are somewhat bulky toward your line-up, especially if they are not EV trained.

For this battle, Mega gengar is definitely not the right pokemon, but maybe mega-lucario would be more appropriate. It has super-effective fighting move to destroy Wigglytuff and Purugly and is neutral to grumpig's psychic attack. The only threat to him is Wigglytuff's focus blast and getting put to sleep, but if your Lucario is adamant and at least has a little attack EVs, he should be able to 1HKO Wigglytuff. For the hypnosis, you could always switch bellosom with a lum berry to paralyze the purugly and try to take him out and if not successful, switch to Lucario and destroy the crippled purugly. Then, you could just use crunch to destroy Grumpig.

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Well, I've been growing lots of Lum Berries, so that could work. Although, I did almost manage to defeat her already, I brought down her Wigglytuff and Purugly, and got her Grumpig to yellow HP. So I guess a Lum Berry is all I need. I also thought Mega Gengar would be good because of its immunity to Fighting and Normal type moves. But I guess not. :P

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Well, I've been growing lots of Lum Berries, so that could work. Although, I did almost manage to defeat her already, I brought down her Wigglytuff and Purugly, and got her Grumpig to yellow HP. So I guess a Lum Berry is all I need. I also thought Mega Gengar would be good because of its immunity to Fighting and Normal type moves. But I guess not. :P

Actually, Wigglytuff and purugly only have a weak normal move and purugly has stronger psychic and ghost moves, which are dangerous for gengar and grumpig is the same.

And I completely forgot that wigglytuff is now part fairy. Not that it matters. A bullet punch or flash cannon from mega lucario would take care of him fast anyway.

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Whats it's Hidden Power?


But dat speed, doe.

You won't be outspeeding all of those base 110 'mons...

Well, I probably won't be able to get a better one before the pokebank is released, so I'm happy with it haha. But I do have a 31/xx/30/31/31/31 Latios in Black 2 waiting to be transferred.

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Thats a damn good Latios. What did you trade for it?

A latias with crappy IVs

My GTS trade chain went like this:

Rhypeor > Cobalion > uxie > azlef > latias > latias > latias (i was trying to get a latias with good IVs) > Latios (the one with great IVs)

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That's actually pretty good as far as a HP Fire Latios can get. HP Fire requires an even Speed IV, so you can never get 31 Speed and HP Fire together.

Also IDK about Anacybele's situation but I noticed that the normal battles in the Maison tend to be pretty easy: I got through it pretty quickly in an hour or so over the course of a bus ride. Focus Sash + Shell Smash + Skill Link Icicle Spear/Rock Blast Cloyster > everything. you might need some luck against Nita, but you can change your team before the battle with her, so just spam to the 19th battle and then counter-team her =/

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Well, I probably won't be able to get a better one before the pokebank is released, so I'm happy with it haha. But I do have a 31/xx/30/31/31/31 Latios in Black 2 waiting to be transferred.

Did you catch that in the Dream yard naturally?

Or did you hack it/modify its IVs?

I'm asking because I'm looking for a Latios, too. I want to build a team around it.

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Did you catch that in the Dream yard naturally?

Or did you hack it/modify its IVs?

I'm asking because I'm looking for a Latios, too. I want to build a team around it.

I caught it naturally in the dream yard, through RNG abuse, which means it's 100% legit.

RNG abusing is pretty easy in gen V, so you should try it.

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