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Poll: Evolution Stones (38 member(s) have cast votes)

Shiny (Gen V/VI)

  • Cinccino - 24 votes [63.16%]
  • Florges - 10 votes [26.32%]
  • Neither - 4 votes [10.53%]
Dusk (Gen V/VI)
  • Chandelure - 20 votes [52.63%]
  • Aegislash - 17 votes [44.74%]
  • Neither - 1 votes [2.63%]

Coming up, Shiny and Dusk winners define who is the most favorite among ppl here!

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I have a bias for Cincinno, since running the HA one you are forced to encounter in B/W2 is just...Fun. Togekiss is great, but I never used it yet.

Same thing goes for the Dusk Stone poll; Honchcrow was the FIRST Dark Flyin' birdpimp, but Chandelure just looks cooler, and I love it.

Oh, and it took me awhile, but I save scummed a good IVed Jolly Terrakion, for when Pokebank opens. I have no plans for a team with this thing yet, but I have always wanted to run a Terrakion, so...Might as well.

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You forgot Roselia for Shiny Stone. :P

I voted Togekiss and Chandelure. No contest here.

No, I just added the winners of previous shiny/dusk polls. Togekiss went with Roserade and Toge won, while Honchkrow went with Mismagius and Honch won. Now, whoever wins here will go against Gallade and probably Nidoking (?) and Liligant, the moon and sun winners.
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No, I just added the winners of previous shiny/dusk polls. Togekiss went with Roserade and Toge won, while Honchkrow went with Mismagius and Honch won. Now, whoever wins here will go against Gallade and probably Nidoking (?) and Liligant, the moon and sun winners.

Oh, I see. I must have missed those polls or something. xP

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God I wish the Pokemon Boards come back to life soon.

I've been using Gamefaqs for my Pokemon discussion fix and now I feel like I need a shower...

It may be that there really just isn't all that much to talk about right now. The game has been out for close to 4 months, and there still isn't any info on pokebank. I guess competitive discussion is always open since that's pretty open ended, but I feel like for the most part people know what they're doing and don't need the counsel.

GameFAQs is cancer and should be avoided for discussion, imo...

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Yes, I know. :P

Anyway, the Kalos Pokedex guide should be out today, guys. I learned this from a GameStop employee and I'll be picking my copy up after work since there's a GameStop right in the same building. ^^

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It may be that there really just isn't all that much to talk about right now. The game has been out for close to 4 months, and there still isn't any info on pokebank. I guess competitive discussion is always open since that's pretty open ended, but I feel like for the most part people know what they're doing and don't need the counsel.

Competitive discussion is frustating when 90% of the players nowadays did not know what the fuck they are doing

The usage stats for January is a solid enough proof, its pretty frustating to look at

I mean retarded stuff like

"Manaphy now sucks because rain is not perma anymore"

"Lololol Terrandorus is UU cuz they liek sux"

"SD Aegiz better than Special Aegiz cuz its designed to use SD"

Are ridiculously common it hurts

...yeah talking about PS mostly

Edited by JSND
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