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FE13 thief only run


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-only allowed to use thieves/units who can reclass into thieves

-hard/classic mode

-second seals can only be used to reclass units into thieves

-utility units are allowed

-units must reclass as soon as possible

-forges are allowed

-anna shops are allowed

-risen battles are not allowed until just before the final battle

-the only non thief/healer units allowed on the battlefield are Chrom and Olivia

-Chrom is only allowed to attack when attacked, and is allowed to pair up

-children will not be used

-no DLC

Alright, time to start my thief only run. Why thieves only? because they're the most fun class to play around with IMO. And in case you don't know the characters that can become thieves, here's the list of characters I will be using: Garret (MU)(+skill, -magic), Vaike, Kellam, Lon'qu, Panne, Gaius, Henry, Anna, and Flavia


Garret x Anna

Panne x who cares

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healers will mostly be used for pair up/rally purposes at that point, so I guess I could get rid of them entirely, when the time comes.

also, yes, they will mostly be assassins (I'm not that good)

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On topic: Sounds good. Why is Olivia allowed? She's not mandatory and can't be a thief.

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I already listed Vaike, and I'm probably not going to end up using Flavia, but I'll add her anyway

[spoiler=prolouge]Most of the time was spent with Garrett attacking everything, Lissa standing behind him healing and occasionally using a vulnerary, and Chrom blocking one of the ways to attack Lissa. Fredrick was traded around between Chrom and Lissa (it's fair game until I can choose units). I won't reveal the turn count, it's too embarrassing.

Also, as you could probably tell by the -magic, I won't be wasting Garrett's weapon exp on tomes, so archers are going to be a pain.

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[spoiler=chapter 1]Something tells me reseting is going to be a common theme so long as I am still soloing with Garrett. About 7 resets in I realized I should pair Garrett with Virion for extra strength and defense. Unfortunately, Sully got 1 kill. The AI must've went after her because they banged their heads on a log one too many times trying to give me a fighting chance.

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[spoiler=chapter 2]This chapter went pretty well, I only had to reset ONCE....miriel. Anyway, the bad news, just like last time, someone else got a kill, two, actually. You see, I had everyone paired up by the time Miriel showed, so I formed a wall around her, this was when a lance unit came up to Chrom/Virion. Chrom countered, and Virion got an assist. critical. The other one was an enemy charging at Chrom with 5 hp. Also I realized how over leveled Garrett was. Level 10 compared to Vaike's level 5. He. Doubled. Everything(except for the boss). Garrett also got a crit at one percent and Vaike missed twice in a row at 73 percent. Not a good sign.

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[spoiler=chapter 3]After a lot of resets trying to get Garrett to solo half the map, with Vaike proving time and again his liability, I decided to let Kellam solo half the map instead. Oddly enough, after that the only issues I had was with the other side. Sumia was paired up to Garrett for guaranteed doubling, and Raimi was no trouble. Now, what about the true boss of the map, the hammer guy? Well, he would have one shotted Garrett, and even though he probably wouldn't have hit, I didn't want to risk it so I healed him with Lissa, now he can one shot Lissa. In the only impressive strategic feat I've pulled off so far, I paired Vaike up with her, giving her 2 more defense, allowing her to survive. This chapter gave me a good feeling for Vaike, meaning he's going to be a serious deterrent if he doesn't step his defensive game up, but when he's useful, he's a necessity. Now, the question is, do I go after paralouge 1 or chapter 4 next?

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I've been thinking of making a team of assassins only class run. They'd be the only class on field, except for the mule.

Forging would need to be allowed to take down some of those tanks/generals. Then again, my crit rate should be off the charts.

Good luck!

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[spoiler=chapter 4]This was actually probably the easiest chapter so far. NO RESETS! Kellam could tank everything but the mages, and couldn't one shot them, so he went off with Vaike, who got some lucky avoids, and thanks to the defense tonic, was uncharacteristically useful. Garrett solo'd the other side along with Lissa, Kellam defeated Marth, and now we have Lon'qu. Lon'qu will be much easier to train and reclass than Kellam and Vaike because of an already appropriate weapon type and growth allocations. Also, before we get to Paralogue 1, current levels: Garrett: 12 Lissa: 7 Vaike: 7 Kellam: 9 Lon'qu: 4(base). I might post the stats later if you guys are interested.

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[spoiler=paralogue 1]This chapter was surprisingly easy, Lon'qu got crits with his killing edge whenever it was convenient, Vaike was never in any serious danger, and the latter half consisted of Kellam javelin chipping archers and then Lon'qu getting the kill. And then the boss got an eight percent critical and I had to restart the whole thing. Granted, the successful run wasn't that much worse, but still. Also, Donnel didn't get any kills and because of his crappy pair up boosts, he had to sit in the corner. The current strategy baseline is to pair Chrom with Vaike for extra speed, and to send Lissa with whoever goes solo on a chunk of the map. Also, I'm glad that I'm getting my second healer next chapter, because that Garrett and Lissa B rank is bothering me. Garrett: 13 Lissa: 8 Vaike: 8 Kellam: 10 Lon'qu: 7

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[spoiler=chapter 5]This chapter was a pain. Lon'qu I decided to get rid of the three units to the left and then man the fort, and everyone else went up, so Lon'qu didn't gain much experience. The enemy's strategy was "let's all go for Vaike", you can imagine how well that went over. Fortunately, that also means Vaike got ZEAL! which is no doubt going to be helpful, and from now until Libra's recruitment, Maribelle is going to be the only healer for Garrett. Freaking B support. Finally, the major pain of the chapter was mages, since Kellam can't tank them and they can attack Vaike from a distance. Garrett: 14 Lissa: 9 Vaike: 11 Kellam: 12 Lon'qu: 8 Maribelle: 3

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so. many. updates.

[spoiler=chapter 6]After watching AI Anna being destroyed at paralogue 2, I decided to tackle chapter 6 first. Finally, after so many failed combinations and resets I did it. Part of what made this chapter hard was every playable character (with the exception of Chrom, but he's taken by Vaike) was usable, so I couldn't, in good conscious, pair someone up for the entire map. I finally decided on the combination Vaike, Gaius, and Lissa take the left path, Kellam (who is probably going to end up marrying Panne) and Panne took middle, and Garrett, Lon'qu, and Mairbelle took right. Lon'qu kept critting with his...bronze sword, which nearly became the death of Garrett. Gaius, you are getting your iron sword forged so you can do damage. Luckily, after the battle, the first Anna shop with a second seal showed up! So Garrett goes from level 15 all the way back to level 1. Speaking of levels: Garrett: 1 Lissa: 10 Vaike: 12 Kellam: 13 Lon'qu: 10 Panne: 8 Gaius: 5 Maribelle: 4

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Yes.. many updates indeed.

You should gather some Levin Swords.. but it's too bad you can only get them after Priam's paralogue.

Unless, your units will be assassins?

As of yet I haven't decided, but because I'm getting rid of all other healers once Anna joins, I can see maybe Kellam as a trickster, Vaike if I'm desperate. But Lon'qu and Panne are awesome assassins, Garrett will be an assassin for contrast with Anna, And Henry is guaranteed to be a trickster for his exsitant magic stat.

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[spoiler=paralogue 2-electric boogaloo]Before I get the retrospective started, I have to mention that Stahl and Miriel got a C support rank on barracks alone! I didn't think that was possible! Anyway, I decided to pair Kellam with Panne and Vaike with Gaius because those two had a giant lead in levels, and they helped fix the other two's problems. I had to restart the chapter a couple times because Anna survivng is literally luck based, and Vaike doesn't help Gaius' resistance. Garrett solo'd the top and 1RKO'd the boss (thank you Alm's Blade). Everyone was able to kill whoever they got their hands on, so really the only issues were the above Anna and Gaius' avoid troubles. And now, with my main force put together, the rest of the chapters should be easier, if only a little.

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