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FE13 thief only run


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[spoiler=chapter 7]This chapter wasn't hard per say, it's just a lot of things that shouldn't have happened did happen. First off, I must announce that Kellam and Vaike have been demoted to pair up bots temporarily, until Panne and Gaius catch up. one of the major things that happened that made me rage for quite a bit was a hammer guy, hitting and killing Gaius, at 10 PERCENT!tumblr_mlgw8fUcsX1qhbrigo1_500.png

...that, and with the thieves packing steel swords, led to a very cautious run. Fortunately, with such mobile units on the field, there were rarely any cases where the hit percentage of the enemy was above 60 percent, so it was really easy once luck got on my side.

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[spoiler=chapter 7]This chapter wasn't hard per say, it's just a lot of things that shouldn't have happened did happen. First off, I must announce that Kellam and Vaike have been demoted to pair up bots temporarily, until Panne and Gaius catch up. one of the major things that happened that made me rage for quite a bit was a hammer guy, hitting and killing Gaius, at 10 PERCENT!tumblr_mlgw8fUcsX1qhbrigo1_500.png

...that, and with the thieves packing steel swords, led to a very cautious run. Fortunately, with such mobile units on the field, there were rarely any cases where the hit percentage of the enemy was above 60 percent, so it was really easy once luck got on my side.

Don't forget to mention you got Cordelia.

.. Do you think it's possible to NOT recruit her, if you finish the chapter before she comes? It's an interesting thought..

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That is a pretty bad situation you're in.

Even if you're lucky enough to find a Levin Sword on the sparkly tiles, I don't think it would have much use, considering the mages have pretty good resistance, and Gaius has pretty low magic.

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You can find Levin swords on those? Anyway, very next attempt, and I won [spoiler=chapter 8]Following tradition, I beat this level before the paralouge that appeared at the same time, because no waifu motivation. Anyway, on the chapter itself, the aforementioned Dark mages were a lot of trouble, until I decided to solo the left side with Garrett, and let everyone else help Gaius out. The two pair up bots this chapter were used for Nowi!Lon'qu and Gregor!Lissa(because paranoia) one of the most nerve racking moments of the chapter was when I had Gaius and Panne protecting Maribelle while fighting off two myrms (one with a killing edge) and two dark mages. Gaius would've died had he not activated both lolavoid and Kellam dual guard. As for the second seal I got from a village, Panne only had 19 uses of the beast stone until Mustafa. reclass count: 2/7

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[spoiler=paralogue 3]This chapter was actually pretty interesting, since I used a strategy I never have before. First off, to say sorry for all the trouble he caused with the hammer, Gaius critted at 1 percent!Gaius is now my favorite character. Garrett took on most of the guys to the left, and Lon'qu took out an axe user above the main group, but he couldn't catch up to them afterwards. The most interesting part of the chapter was when I realized that the villagers didn't die to anything that didn't double them. Thanks to Lissa's rescue and physic staves, They became expert lurers until they died. levels: Garrett: 9 Lissa: 15(lol physic and rescue) Vaike: 13 Kellam: 14 Lon'qu: 14 Maribelle: 7 Panne: 2 Gaius: 12

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[spoiler=chapter 9]More desert and dark mages, ugh. Again, the major deciding factor for how well I did was determined by the avoid stat, but Gaius is getting better. This was the chapter where Maribelle proved to be more of a liability than an asset, constantly getting caught by the wyvern reinforcements, so I benched her and let Panne solo them. The chapter otherwise was pretty boring, as Garrett could ORKO everything except the boss with a stick. new recruits: Libra: what's that? You can heal? You are now on my team for one chapter until I get Anna, now hand over your killer axe. Tharja: what's that? You can't heal? pair up with Lon'qu and get benched, Maribelle's waiting. Next up, WAIFU PARALOUGE YAYAYAYAYA-

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I feel like there are NO "normal" names in Fire Emblem.

I mean, besides... Anna, Olivia, Wil (I guess if you spell it Will), Serra (I think the traditionally spelling, Sara or Sarah), Matthew, Wallace, Rebecca, and others.

There's not that many..

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Hector is a common Hispanic name.

Lyn(not lyndis) is common and the middle name for many women I know.

I know a couple of IRL Kents.

Matthew, Wallace, Wil(l), Rebecca are common.

At least one Ike visits SF daily.

Cath (short for Catherine) and Chad are common names. Roy isn't that hard to find. Marcus, the same. Wendy, Amelia, and Gordin (well more commonly, Gordon) aren't that rare.

Lloyds exist. Dolph definitely exists. Caeser too.

FE12's MU (Chris) and 13's MU (Robin) are common. Morgan, as well. Aran, lots of them exist. Lissa (see, melissa) indeed exists commonly.

And finally, on topic. Anna for best Waifu (dat red hair)

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[spoiler=paralogue 4]Maribelle once again proves her incompetence by only surviving a single attack by a single archer because I paired her up with Libra. Anna, while in NPC mode, did some questionable things before she met up with Garrett. She managed to pull a Gaius and got hit by a 17 percent steel axe, but she still survived. I ended up pairing her up with Garrett for obvious reasons, but that left her a little disadvantaged when competing with the other healers. Another thing worth note is I actually gave Kellam and Vaike some experience. Kellam javelined most of the archers on the map, and got an A in lances in doing so, I really need those second seals. Other than that, not much else of note; a thief made off with an arms scroll, which sucks, but nothing some forges can't fix. Lon'qu is at like level 19 so he's now our resident pair up bot now that the other two are free.

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[spoiler=chapter 10]This chapter was, surprisingly easy, considering I didn't have any official healers, and especially so since I didn't prepare for not having healers. The only units that came in with on hand healing items were Gaius and Panne. With that being said, most units still had a couple close calls. They were split up among the four pathways, from left to right, like so: Chrom!Vaike, Anna!Garret, Panne and Gaius, Lon'qu and Kellam. Lon'qu had a close call with a steel lance, and was forced to pair up with Kellam as a result. Gaius and Panne were also forced to pair up, but I toggled between them as they shared Panne's concoction, Gaius' ran out pretty quick. Garrett also had a close call at the hands of a soldier, but luckily the THREE guys that came after him all had axes and he dodged them. One quick switch later, and Garrett had Anna's concoction. Vaike, somewhat ironically, didn't have any issues. he only suffered 10 damage, and crit killed the boss with Libra's killer axe. And then it was kind of awkward because the chapter ended with a wyvern knight two spaces away from Mustafa's fort because no one could kill him in time.

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