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FE13 thief only run


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They do, don't they?

Vaike has horrible resistance, just like his magic. Does he have any class that relies on magic? (i.e. mages, sages)

Well... Trickster. And Dread Fighter. But no explicit magic classes. Generally any character with a base growth of 15% or less in a stat is going to suck in it. And Vaike's RES is notably terrible, at a 5% personal growth, which can get as high as, oh, 15% as a Trickster. Only 220 levels as a Trickster for him to cap it!


I feel like there are NO "normal" names in Fire Emblem.

I mean, besides... Anna, Olivia, Wil (I guess if you spell it Will), Serra (I think the traditionally spelling, Sara or Sarah), Matthew, Wallace, Rebecca, and others.

There's not that many..

Is that how Serra is meant to be pronounced? I've always said it "Seh-ra" as opposed to "Sare-ah", not really homomorphic at all. I can see it working though, I suppose.

But as others have said, there's a decent number of actually normal names in FE. It's one of those games which seems to love employing the Aerith & Bob approach to naming (warning: Link not safe - contains TVTropes). I mean seriously, look at the lords in FE7 - we have Lyn, a reasonably common girls name in the western world, Hector, also fairly common (certainly not one anyone would bat an eyelid at), and... Eliwood. Huwha?

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little update on what's going on: Olivia at base is a complete liability because there is no break between units attacking, and the wyvern units with steel axes wreck her 18 hp. Also, 90 percent of deaths are due to Vaike. Not even a hand axe and a 27 hp Lon'qu are enough to lure the mages away. I swear Vaike, if you didn't have that A support with Chrom and Zeal (more useful than you'd think), you'd be benched.

Edited by Rhys
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little update on what's going on: Olivia at base is a complete liability because there is no break between units attacking, and the wyvern units with steel axes wreck her 18 hp. Also, 90 percent of deaths are due to Vaike. Not even a hand axe and a 27 hp Lon'qu are enough to lure the mages away. I swear Vaike, if you didn't have that A support with Chrom and Zeal (more useful than you'd think), you'd be benched.

I'm assuming you're on chapter 11.

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[spoiler=chapter 11]The main strategy of this map was 'get everybody out of the way'. Garrett solo'd the ENTIRE left half and ends up at level 19. The right side is obviously where I had the most trouble, after dozens of resets after Vaike got cornered by no less than FOUR mages (stupid turn 3 reinforcements) I decided to get him out of dodge, and let Gaius!Panne pick them off, and have Lon'qu ORKO when there wasn't backup. Thankfully, my previous reviews neglected to mention that Vaike kills everything he doesn't die to, and he saved Lon'qu from Gangrel with the killer axe. One time skip later, and an anna shop finally shows up with a second seal. It's at this point I realize three things. One, I really don't want to lose the pair up bonuses Kellam offers, two, Vaike needs an avoid stat to back up that terrible defense, and three, Panne is a total floozy with C support Kellam, B support Gaius, and A support Vaike.

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Little update, probably not going to update for a while, because I have the worst timing ever. The thief's true enemy, the knight, is very numerous in this chapter. And having 80 percent of the enemy units on the map packing lances means avoiding is going to be unlikely. Here's where the irony comes in: Vaike was reclassed from an axe user with a hammer to a thief. And that combined with the lances completely destroys any chance of avoiding I mentioned. I'm sure I'll eventually find a way around this, but again, might take a bit.

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