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FE13 thief only run


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yes. I already got Anna, and she has not one, but two levin swords with a higher magic growth than strength. But, her defense is pretty poor, and once Garrett promotes, her base avoid won't be up to par with Garrett either, so it ends up being far more risky than it may seem.

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I beat this level while having the song "get lucky" by Daft Punk playing in the background. No joke.

[spoiler=chapter 12]To be honest, even in regular playthroughs I have trouble with this level because I never know how to split up my group. However, this time, I had Anna!Garrett solo the left half with surprisingly little trouble (let us all salute the death of Alm's blade) this left Kellam, Gaius!Panne, Chrom!Vaike, and Cherche!Lon'qu to get rid of the middle and right sides. What made this chapter difficult wasn't actually the knights (hit percentages were still only 40 to 60 percent), it was the fact that including the boss, there were 6 promoted enemy units, and only one didn't have a ranged/silver weapon. But, thanks to the fact that all of them were a form of cavalier, the early beast killer drop was really handy. The character with the most deaths was Lon'qu. Because of the marginal hit rate changes from character to character, Lon'qu's 30 hp really began to shine here, but with the help of his soothing sword, he was eventually able to overcome it. Also, new unofficial rule: Garrett can only use bronze weapons form now on. This won't be added to the official rules, but from now on Garrett's inventory will probably look something like this: bronze sword, bronze bow, vulnerary. Final announcement, one of the promote enemies had a second seal, so now Kellam can reclass, and there will be blue capes for everyone!

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Before I start this, I have to mention that Miriel has gotten a support through only barracks once again, and this time it was with Gaius.

[spoiler=chapter 13]There really isn't much to talk about here in terms of strategy; alright, before I get into that, Olivia is now only going to be used in the final grind, because these later levels don't have enough space between enemies for her to be used effectively. Basically, what this chapter consisted of was Anna!Garrett soloing the top part, and picking off longbow users, and there rest did whatever they wanted on the bottom. All the unpromotes were just scrambling around, trying to keep themselves from getting killed. I tried to get Gaius enough experience to get a level 20 promote, keyword there being tried. The one with the most deaths was hands down Henry, even though he has more defense than most of my team, he really showed me how much I depended on the tactic of 'luring and avoiding on the EP'. I got Lucina, and apparently Chrom got a C rank with Sully somewhere along the way, so Kjelle's paralouge showed up, I'm probably not going to do that one for a while, but anyway, we got Henry! Yay! now to wait for another second seal to appear.

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[spoiler=chapter 14]Another chapter where Anna and Garrett solo an entire part of the map! It's seriously getting ridiculous at this point, but now that Gaius has promoted, it should come to an end pretty soon. We had Kellam!Lon'qu and Panne!Gaius fend off the west ship, Garrett and Anna to the left, Chrom!Henry getting Ruin crits whenever he could, and Vaike picked off stray pegasus knights. No, I didn't get to the south side until the first two were routed. This chapter easily had the most turn 1 deaths due to me not having any clue about who to pair up with who. Luckily, one of the chests had a second seal, so before the battle was over, Henry became a thief and we were back to blue capes: the game. I tried to have Gaius get the kill, but the boss is a general with a spear; Anna would only survive by one hp after weakening him with the last of the levin sword, and even then Gaius would've had to have had a dual strike or crit to kill him. With that in mind, Garrett decided he would have none of that and took matters into his own hands with a dual strike crit, giving his waifu the kill. As a side note, I still don't care who Panne marries, so I decided to get each male support as high as they could go before she inevitably gets hitched to one of them, so here's her current support levels: Vaike A, Gaius A, Kellam B, Lon'qu C

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don't you love it how I'm terrible at predicting everything?

[spoiler=chapter 15]Hey, look! Someone other than Garrett solo'd an entire section of the map! Panne!Lon'qu defeated all the enemies on the beach, no thanks to Kellam and Henry. That left Anna!Garrett and Vaike!Gaius to take care of the main force. I was at one point forced to retreat temporarily when I ran out of vulneraries, but they never made it to the beach. Anna couldn't scratch the generals, which is unfortunate; however, I did find a use for Kellam and Henry: luring out a mage or short spear, taking one hit, and then crying in a corner for a few turns. And now, just to show how dependent on Garrett I am, current levels: Garrett(assassin) 8, Anna 7, Gaius(assassin) 3, Vaike 12, Panne 15, Lon'qu 14, Kellam 3, Henry 1

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