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Ana's Fan Sequel to Radiant Dawn: Formatting it like it would be a Game


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Ana, what is the point of this thread? It's not going to get picked up by IS and become a game, and it doesn't look like you have any intentions of learning hacking or getting the help of hackers to make this into a game yourself, or you would it have posted it in ROM Hacking. Nor are you introducing any supercool ultranew mechanics that aren't in FE already, other than the Wagon class (the Blue Dragon class doesn't have any details differentiating it from the already existing Red/White Dragons). As far as I can see it's mostly just a story dump, in which case there's honestly no reason for it to be here, because it's far too detailed to really engender any discussion of the sort General FE is supposed to be for.

The point was to introduce a couple of game ideas I had for a long time since other people posted their own ideas. I DID write it into a fic, but I've also formatted it into a what-if game thing. As in, what if we got a game showing us where Ike traveled to after leaving Tellius?

I would get some help to make it into a game hack, but it wouldn't be possible because it uses many RD features that weren't present in the GBA games. Believe me, I'd totally LOVE to make these into actual games.

Also, I introduced other new features besides that Wagon class. Sparring matches between chapters? Assault Towers? I don't recall those ever being in past games unless I've completely missed something from the Japan-only titles. As for the Blue Dragon class, I do plan to differentiate it from the Red, Black, and White Dragons, but I haven't figured out how yet. Pair up was also an idea I had, but Awakening brought that later.

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Oh wow, really? Thanks so much, that means a lot. I've worked so hard and long on these ideas. ^^

EDIT: Also, I'm going to reveal now where I got Kelana's name. It's my real name (Kelly) plus Silver Lightning's real name (Ana, I think). I realized it could've also been Kelly + Anacybele lol, which I had NOT even thought of at first, I swear. XD

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Oh wow, really? Thanks so much, that means a lot. I've worked so hard and long on these ideas. ^^

EDIT: Also, I'm going to reveal now where I got Kelana's name. It's my real name (Kelly) plus Silver Lightning's real name (Ana, I think). I realized it could've also been Kelly + Anacybele lol, which I had NOT even thought of at first, I swear. XD

Awww, I feel really flattered by that! And yes, Ana is actually my real name (same Spanish spelling too)! XD

Overall, I like both versions, though I'd probably play the Elincia version for shipping, and the Kelana version for story (since I do prefer that Elincia remains as Queen of Crimea, like in my own headcanon, but with Ike to support her!).

All in all, looks like it'd be fun to play! :D

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Oh, you're welcome, SL! You're a cool gal. ^^

I'd play both too, because the more I think about this, the more Kelana also seems like a cute match for Ike...haha. But the game is about WAY more than just shipping lol so enough about that. I'm glad you think it sounds fun. :D

EDIT: I just decided to move Erys and Dante to the marriage ending list instead of special endings without mention of marriage. After thinking a bit more, it would make more sense for Erys to officially be able to marry at the end of the game. Why? She is Melora's princess (who is trying to change her nation and make it more happy and peaceful), and that bow/dagger/knife wielder. A thief princess sounds badass, no? :D

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One thing I'd like to mention... you know that so far, you're juggling 52 playable characters, right? That's... a LOT.

I think that's probably around the number of characters that Radiant Dawn had. Maybe. Either way, 52 doesn't seem too out-of-place for something FE-inspired.

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I think that's probably around the number of characters that Radiant Dawn had. Maybe. Either way, 52 doesn't seem too out-of-place for something FE-inspired.

Radiant Dawn was an exception. It had 73 playable characters. Most games do have about fifty though. Some games have a cast as small as 30, The Sacred Stones would be one such example. Genealogy of Holy War is another odd example since a third of the cast can't be played on each playthrough leaving it with a big number of playable characters but actually a small cast.

Anyway my point is 52 is a more than acceptable number for a Fire Emblem cast. They have gone below that number in a few cases but most games are actually higher and Radiant Dawn in particular managed to pull of over 70 playable characters quite well, at least in my opinion.

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Okay, now that I'm back from my short trip, I can properly reply to this (for some reason, this thread causes my phone's browser to close. I don't know why).

Yes, I'm aware that there are roughly 50 characters in this story/game idea. That was my goal. I felt RD had too large of a cast for the number of chapters it had and thought it should've been longer. Plus, Dawn of Darkness is slated to have 50-55 chapters when it's finished. And that's not including all the possible DLC and trial maps it could have. It would also have a few bonus chapters, as post-story content (even though the actual story's bonus chapters won't have battles. There's just no need in this case).

Due to the length of the story, every character will have room to be maxed out in level (at least) and get at least a little development. Especially the most important characters. I've already characterized most of them and given many of them back stories. Some of them you learn their stories almost right away even. And every character would get several possible support conversations even if it isn't actually noted in the written version (the story's length would be insane if I included them all and it's already getting really long. lol). It would be a large game, but hopefully, a system like the Wii U would be able to handle it.

As for Ike, of course he's still one of the best units. He's IKE. lol But he has his drawbacks. He still has terribad resistance, for instance. He also has no weapons when he's first officially recruited because he was previously robbed of Ettard after being knocked out cold by surprise (this guy is famous and has one heck of a blade, he'll be a target for bandits). And to even recruit him at all, he has to be reached before some bandits ganging up on him while he's unarmed kill him (which can actually be challenging in lunatic and insane modes), as he left to try getting his sword back (reckless as ever... lol). Also, Ike later becomes unavailable for several chapters after he's recruited because he falls ill.

His growths are still the same, but his bases are one point higher except for magic, res, and luck. So yes, he's still quite good. But neither he nor the other really good units can solo the game due to availability and not being so good in the beginning (Azura's strength sucks butt at first, for example, and Bryan can barely take a magic attack).

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Wait, are you actually planning on writing this in that format? It sounds like a huge project, and by huge, I mean "Will probably take a lifetime for a single person to write" huge.

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Actually, I've already written 34 chapters of it. I started it back in 09. :P

That's... 4 years. WOW.

I commend you for sticking with it that long. [/nods]

Now, I'm going to be over in this corner moping because your characters are so much better than mine. XD

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Oh, Vash, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make anyone feel bad. D:

But yeah, I'm quite dedicated to this project of mine. I just love Ike's games that much! Lol

And yay, this thread didn't close my phone's browser this time. :D

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Oh, Vash, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make anyone feel bad. D:

But yeah, I'm quite dedicated to this project of mine. I just love Ike's games that much! Lol

And yay, this thread didn't close my phone's browser this time. :D

Pfft, it's fine. Mine's a complete bitch, I honestly don't know what I was thinking. :\

Butbut, while I'm here I'd like to talk about these two:

Oh snap, I forgot to talk more about the Dawn of Darkness villains.

The main antagonist is Isis, the queen of Melora. Her class is Queen Melora, but she's the equivalent of a Seraph Knight. Except in addition to lances and swords, she can also wield axes. And she wields a lance that has dark magic called the Shadow Lance, which is like a counterpart to Azura's light lance Anacybele. She's a pretty rotten person that would easily send someone to their death for committing a crime or disrespecting her or her family. She also is disgusted with some of the actions of her late husband and now wants to complete his goal her own way.

Another major antagonist is Royce, the prince of Melora. His class is Prince Melora and is the equivalent of a Dragonlord. But he can wield dark magic in addition to axes and lances. If you thought Isis was bad, Royce is downright evil to the core. Nobody believes there's any good left in him at all...except his sister. But Royce will slaughter people for the fun of it, especially his enemies. He enjoys others' misery and wants his and his mother's plot to succeed, but he rather wishes that she'd take it up a notch.

Then we have Bernard, the commander of the Red Claw. He's a Reaver and a powerful one at that. It was originally Royce's idea to hire him and his group of bandits, but later Royce began to dislike him quite a bit. He's rather egotistical and self-centered and the two often compete for Isis's favor. It's also revealed that there's a connection between him and the disappearance of Leyon's older brother, Russell.

Lastly, there's Shigo, a general of Melora and the man that was responsible for Astryn being laid to waste two decades before. His class is Gold Knight. He desired to take the country for his own because the late Meloran king had chosen him for the job. Shigo is loyal to the king, but detests Isis, Royce, and Bernard with a passion. He finally once again attempts to take Astryn and for some reason, he's after Bryan and his father as well. But later on, he begins to change and becomes more of an anti-hero. He actually ends up giving valuable advice to the protagonists.

I actually really want to hear more about them, because if you don't mind me saying this, the description you gave of them is devoid of their actual motives and morality. You've shown us how evil they CAN be, what they CAN do, but the success of a villain is defined on what they ACTUALLY do during the story itself.

So tell me, please? :D

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Pfft, it's fine. Mine's a complete bitch, I honestly don't know what I was thinking. :\

Butbut, while I'm here I'd like to talk about these two:

I actually really want to hear more about them, because if you don't mind me saying this, the description you gave of them is devoid of their actual motives and morality. You've shown us how evil they CAN be, what they CAN do, but the success of a villain is defined on what they ACTUALLY do during the story itself.

So tell me, please? :D

This, so much.

Your villains seem like they could be really good.

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Okay, let's see. I'll put the stuff in spoiler tags though, since a lot of it really are big spoilers.

Firstly, Isis. She's the brains behind a lot of the tactics behind Melora's actions and victories. She was the one that had the idea to have the Red Claw attempt to poison Azura with a deadly toxin that was originally banned in all Altaraisian nations. However, it winds up in Ike's stomach instead, and they very nearly succeed in sending him to his death as well. The Red Claw even imprisons both him and Elincia/Kelana later and one beats Ike to a pulp after the casualties the hero handed them beforehand. He barely clings to life...

Isis also ordered the attack on a major medicinal lab in Cilae, which Shigo sent Lartz to do (Shigo was pretending to be on Isis's side at the time to throw her off and figured that some stuff at the lab might be beneficial to him anyway). Lartz fled, but his men did cause a lot of trouble over there.

Isis also ordered the take over of Cilae's capital and forced its queen to flee.

Royce kills King Wencelis of Talgria while the latter made a last stand to defend his country from the tyrant. He also wrecked a floodgate in Talgria to set the stage for a later assault on Talgria's capital of Aracion. Royce also had his men and the Red Claw kill a ton of people throughout Talgria and burn several towns. Azura vows to take both him and Isis down, whatever it takes.

Bernard and the Red Claw are the ones that actually take Cilae and its capital. They were also the ones that killed Raela and Lily's parents in the attack on their village. Bernard was also responsible for the disappearance of Leyon's brother and when Leyon discovers what really happened, the knight is enraged and seeks his neck.

Bernard's men also managed to throw King Rothgar of Eraghoa into his own castle dungeon and lure wolf general Derien away so the capture could happen in the first place. This also resulted in Ike and Elincia/Kelana's capture and imprisonment because the group was at Castle Eraghoa at the time.

The Melorans and Red Claw also team up with the steward of Astryn, who was planning to betray the country and take the throne for himself so they could side with Melora. Melora and the Red Claw also tricks Larame into thinking Astryn's Dracoknights had attacked them and battle ensues between the two (thankfully while Azura and Bryan and company are there).

Oh, and speaking of the good guys being framed, Bryan's platoon (he commands one of Talgria's army platoons) is framed in Cilae for Royce's attacks on those several Talgrian towns. He's nearly beheaded on a guillotine until an enraged Faline (she's madly in love with him, remember?) steps in and saves him pretty much all by herself.

And don't get me started on Shigo. In his youth, he was somewhat like Royce in that he enjoyed the pain he inflicted on his victims. He was loyal to the late King Darthen of Melora, however, and never got along too well with Isis and Royce. Darthen told him he could have Astryn during the previous war, and Shigo nearly had it, but he had suffered too many casualties against Astryn's might to keep control of it. Still, the nation was left in ruins and many of its important people dead as well as its queen frail and sickly. Shigo also killed Bryan's mother as she attempted to flee and meet up with Bryan's father (the fires of the war separated them) at the Talgrian border. In fact, Shigo is the only reason Bryan is alive at all. Bryan's mother still cradled her infant son in her arms as she was handed her death blow and Shigo, as bad as he was, actually did not have the heart to kill a child. He also figured that one day, perhaps this boy could put up a challenge of his own... And he would seek him and his father until that very day. Shigo knew something about Bryan that Bryan himself did not for a long time...

But after finally meeting Bryan face to face, something in him changed. He decided that his behavior, as well as Melora's, was unacceptable. He would still attempt to take Astryn for his own, but this time in a fair fight and let the nation give him a challenge. Because he could never go against his king's wishes. He also realized that he gravely misinterpreted his twin sister's wishes for the two. She had dreamed that both would someday rise to high rankings in Melora and do great things for the nation by using that power to fight for it. But he saw it as just a strive to gain power and was also stuck with other twisted ideals that the nation was developing. But after meeting adult Bryan, Shigo figured out that he had that all wrong.

I have more stuff to come too since the story isn't complete. But I'd say Shigo is my best villain so far. He's just so deep, so developed. :o

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I thought of these ideas ages ago... lol. My bad. XD

Also, going back to Astryn, I think I'll add this bit to show how the plot gets more interesting when that arc starts...

Sometime after Astryn was devastated by Shigo's forces, the younger and newly appointed nobles found evidence that despite the fact that their queen never had any children, she had a sister that did have a child, a boy. But this couldn't be entirely proven unless they actually found this supposed long lost prince. They never did and others believed that this was merely some wild story forged out of Astryn's worry for its well-being. However, there are a few individuals that know that this myth is actually fact, and an heir does exist. And in a shocking twist of fate, the true prince turns out to be someone Azura and company know very well, someone that they met near the start of their quest.


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I thought this might be interesting until the part where Elicnia is like "fuck everything i want my ikeypoo back bbs everyone". :/ Why can't you accept Ike/Elicnia have a platonic love for each other? I can accept that Ike/Soren is also very platonic love. Changing everything about Elicnia by having her leave her country for the sake of one man goes beyond canon defilement. I know you said there would be "two versions" to play, hypothetically, but it still just looks absolutely terrible.

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I thought this might be interesting until the part where Elicnia is like "fuck everything i want my ikeypoo back bbs everyone". :/ Why can't you accept Ike/Elicnia have a platonic love for each other? I can accept that Ike/Soren is also very platonic love. Changing everything about Elicnia by having her leave her country for the sake of one man goes beyond canon defilement. I know you said there would be "two versions" to play, hypothetically, but it still just looks absolutely terrible.

Because you can't force me not to like Ike and Elincia as a romantic couple. Simple as that. Also, I find it amusing that people assume Elincia is just going "fuck everything" without actually even reading the story and finding out that there is much more to her decision than just a strong love for Ike.

Also, I feel that if Elincia stays queen, her development will just stop there. I can't see her going any further even though she has grown as a warrior and person. I'm taking her development further by having her continue traveling instead, to hone her battle skills and knowledge of the world so that she may even better serve her country in the future, even if she is no longer its queen.

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Another question I have, if you don't mind...

If Elincia left her pegasus at home... wouldn't it be FAR easier/make a bit more sense if she were a Halberdier similar to Nephenee rather than a Swordmaster? Fighting with a lance on the ground is far different from aerial battles, she could still learn something from it without completely giving up her weapon of choice.

But I mean, it's a little nitpick.

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Another question I have, if you don't mind...

If Elincia left her pegasus at home... wouldn't it be FAR easier/make a bit more sense if she were a Halberdier similar to Nephenee rather than a Swordmaster? Fighting with a lance on the ground is far different from aerial battles, she could still learn something from it without completely giving up her weapon of choice.

But I mean, it's a little nitpick.

I don't understand what you mean, Vash. o.O Elincia was never a lancer, she always used swords or staves. And I always thought that without the cape and a few other small things in her RD design, she'd resemble a Swordmaster.

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