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Ana's Fan Sequel to Radiant Dawn: Formatting it like it would be a Game


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I don't understand what you mean, Vash. o.O Elincia was never a lancer, she always used swords or staves. And I always thought that without the cape and a few other small things in her RD design, she'd resemble a Swordmaster.

... Wait a second.

... The hell? I thought she wielded lances since Awakening's Falcon Knight class was supposedly based off of her...

[/facepalm] ARGH. Sorry then. :\

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... Wait a second.

... The hell? I thought she wielded lances since Awakening's Falcon Knight class was supposedly based off of her...

[/facepalm] ARGH. Sorry then. :\

Well, the DLC characters don't match their older counterparts exactly. Eirika doesn't match hers at all, in fact. She only used swords in Sacred Stones, but her Bride class is lances, bows, and staves. People argue that this class would've fit Elincia more, but I don't think it fits either of them. Elincia is a Pegasus rider that can wield swords and staves. She doesn't battle on foot or wear dresses in battle and never has. Eirika at least did until she promoted, but she never used any of those Bride weapons, nor wore any poofy dresses. I guess IS just wanted a fitting counterpart to Alm's Dread Fighter, which does seem to fit him.

And there's Ephraim. He never wielded axes in his game, but he can in Awakening now since he's a Great Knight.

Ike didn't start out with axes as a Hero in RD. He had to promote first.

Lyn was able to use bows upon promotion in FE7. But she doesn't have them anymore in Awakening since she's a regular Swordmaster there.

Dark Mage is totally not Micaiah at all and she'd never wear an outfit like that either. She used light magic, not dark magic and I still don't get why IS removed the former.

So yeah, DLC Elincia is not the same as the Elincia we know in the Tellius games. xP

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Well, the DLC characters don't match their older counterparts exactly. Eirika doesn't match hers at all, in fact. She only used swords in Sacred Stones, but her Bride class is lances, bows, and staves. People argue that this class would've fit Elincia more, but I don't think it fits either of them. Elincia is a Pegasus rider that can wield swords and staves. She doesn't battle on foot or wear dresses in battle and never has. Eirika at least did until she promoted, but she never used any of those Bride weapons, nor wore any poofy dresses. I guess IS just wanted a fitting counterpart to Alm's Dread Fighter, which does seem to fit him.

And there's Ephraim. He never wielded axes in his game, but he can in Awakening now since he's a Great Knight.

Ike didn't start out with axes as a Hero in RD. He had to promote first.

Lyn was able to use bows upon promotion in FE7. But she doesn't have them anymore in Awakening since she's a regular Swordmaster there.

Dark Mage is totally not Micaiah at all and she'd never wear an outfit like that either. She used light magic, not dark magic and I still don't get why IS removed the former.

So yeah, DLC Elincia is not the same as the Elincia we know in the Tellius games. xP

I can tick off a few of those, and most of them are due to not having a counterpart for that particular class.

Actually, the description for the class itself would have fit Elincia better than Eirika. "A woman blessed by Lady Luck?" While neither of them are notoriously lucky, I'd say that the class' supportive nature fits Elincia and her gentle, healing spirit a bit better.

As for the rest:

Ephraim's change is obvious: there isn't a lance-only class for him. Great Knight's pretty fitting considering his personality and the fact that the Great Knight class seems to be known for their lancers. (Frederick, Sully, Kellam and Kjelle spring to mind. Sumia and Chrom as well, for a bit of a stretch.)

The Swordmaster class best reflects her heritage and her mods, not to mention the roots for her STARTING class.

Ike's Vangaurd class isn;t there though, and plus in this time period Ike IS a hero - in a lteral and figurative sense.

Micaiah... I believe the "dark magic" was used to make her special, and refer to her Dark Affinity.

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Giving Micaiah Shadow Gift when her game barely even has Dark Magic is just weird. Especially when there are much better characters who could use the ability. You the ones who actually use dark magic and actually have it make up most of their character. Gharnef, Julius, Lyon. All of them would be much better examples of Shadow Gift. Oh well I guess it means we get another Dark Magic Dark Pegasus which I do like.

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one thing i don't get was why celice/seliph was made a swordmaster (Junior Lord) and not a Paladin (Knight Lord).

I still don't get why they didn't give Hector, Eliwood, and Sigurd redesigns at all.

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I still don't get why they didn't give Hector, Eliwood, and Sigurd redesigns at all.

that would have been beautiful... but nope you get to have a redisng of the pegasus trio and katarina all sexulia=zed for your veiwing pleasure.

fuck the awakining class desings....

as far as the topic goes on hand i will say that elincia as a swordmaster doesnt really suit her and that traviling on foot seems like a bit of a hassle for her. a logical class would be a sword knight as A] her heritige would suggest horse ridding lessons B] i suspect that a pegasus would be somewhat similar to ridding a horse C] better game desing as you dont have a prepromote running about moping up kills, stealing all the exp, and giving all the other units less of a chance to grow [because why wouldnt I abuse the use of a early sword master especially in a game that takes ques from RD and awakining.] and D] if geoffry loves her why wouldnt he give her a horse to take on a long journy?

i could also see a special promotian being in place for a paladin with staff acess being as she also has profficient use with them aswell as swords.

all in all though it would be better to use the other myrm character idea though as A] easyier to balance B] is and original character so your not just copying and pasting from the radience series bucket load of characters that have all been fleshed out enough. C] allows focus to be taken off of ike and elincia so that it can focus on the characters that dont have personalitys yet so they can be fleshed out and D] makes more sense as far as elincia would go.

i understand if you want to ship two characters together and all but i would prefer if you didnt stray so far from there personalitys. of the radience series i could see mabey soren, ranulf and ike going off together but certainly not boyd [well mabey] and defintly not elincia as the point of her character in BOTH por and rd was her growing up from a fanciful young girl into a strong yet kind woman fit to rule a country. in rd ludvecks whole point of rebellion was so that he could prove that the queen was weak willed and would turn her tail at the sign of danger. she proves him wrong in the game but her just leaving to search for her "boyfreind" would basicly prove his point. theres also the fact that leaving the throne in geoffrys hands might not happen as he has no direct lineage to the crimean throne and renning would take the throne and from what ive seen of his character he would not let elincia just run off like that as she has a duty to her pepole that trancends her own personl feelings. something that by the end of the radience series elincia is fully aware of making her love with ike tragic.

you could even work there tragic love for each other into ikes character making slightly more rounded and dynamic as a character as he works to get around that love or at least let it not dominate his life.

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... Tch... well THAT was unnecessary then, huh? XD

Haha, don't worry about it. lol

I also don't get why Hector, Eliwood, and Sigurd didn't get DLC. :/

Anyway, here's a bit more for y'all. Critical quotes for some of the major protagonists (of course I'd want that awesome voice acting from Awakening back!)!


"So long, tough guy!"

"Taste my feminine strength!"

"Ladies first!"

"I'll send your ass to hell!" (starting chapter 14)


"You want to bully me?"

"Time for a shish-kabob!"

"Had enough yet?!"

"I'll always stay strong!" (starting chapter 22)


"And cupid strikes the heart!"

"Guide me, Russell!"

"Heh, you're screwed."

"You're quite eager to die!"

"Damn it, I must remember!" (only during the few chapters where Leyon's memory is lost. He also won't use any other line during this time)


"Prepare yourself...for HELL!"

"I fight for my friends!"

"You'll get no sympathy!"

"Hero of Tellius at your service!" (starting the chapter Ike returns after recovering from illness. I can't remember which one it is...lol)


"Have a shot, dirtbag!"

"Nobody messes with my pals!"

"Nice of you to be my pin cushion!"

"Say goodbye, jackass!"


"Feel the power of love!"

"This pretty face just got ugly!"

"I'll show YOU cute!"

"Hee hee... SEE YA!"

That's all I can come up with for now. Ike's first three lines should sound familiar. ;)

I may change a couple of these, by the way.

EDIT: Shinypichu: Geoffrey doesn't get the throne. Renning does.

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Also, I feel that if Elincia stays queen, her development will just stop there. I can't see her going any further even though she has grown as a warrior and person. I'm taking her development further by having her continue traveling instead, to hone her battle skills and knowledge of the world so that she may even better serve her country in the future, even if she is no longer its queen.

I'm not sure why would you think that. Character development has nothing to do with travelling or finding your true love, it all depends on how it's executed. Elincia could never leave Castle Crimea and I'm sure there could be ways to develop her character.

Bear in mind, I'm not telling to change anything in your story, I just disagree on your statement regarding character development.

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I'm not sure why would you think that. Character development has nothing to do with travelling or finding your true love, it all depends on how it's executed. Elincia could never leave Castle Crimea and I'm sure there could be ways to develop her character.

Bear in mind, I'm not telling to change anything in your story, I just disagree on your statement regarding character development.

I never said that the traveling and finding true love was the development. What happens DURING it would be. And Elincia has left the castle several times. :/

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I never said that the traveling and finding true love was the development. What happens DURING it would be. And Elincia has left the castle several times. :/

If I may ask, if it is what happens during the travelling and finding true love, why does the same not apply for her staying in Melior/Crimea?

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Development is not an essential part of making a good character, it helps but a person can still be a good character without changing at all. Especially when a character has already gone through several arcs worth of development.

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Development is not an essential part of making a good character, it helps but a person can still be a good character without changing at all. Especially when a character has already gone through several arcs worth of development.

That is certainly true, and Elincia is a pretty fleshed out character anyways, going all the way from the meek fugitive to standing up to the imperial army to show her dedication for her country. But what I was wondering about was more the fact that apparently location determines the ability to receive character development, in Melior Elincia apparently cannot develop her character but while traveling she can. I am curious as to why that would be.

Unless you didn't direct this at me, then nvm. =p

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If she stays in Melior and Crimea, she won't be traveling. She's staying in one place. xP

Maybe I used bad wording. I just feel Elincia has the potential for more development if she leaves than if she stays. Saying she wouldn't get any at all if she stays was bad wording, my apologies.

But can we just get off this topic, please? I posted those critical quotes in hopes of changing it. :/

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If she stays in Melior and Crimea, she won't be traveling. She's staying in one place. xP

Maybe I used bad wording. I just feel Elincia has the potential for more development if she leaves than if she stays. Saying she wouldn't get any at all if she stays was bad wording, my apologies.

But can we just get off this topic, please? I posted those critical quotes in hopes of changing it. :/

Just to throw in some ideas:

- Elincia actually going into Melior and asking the populace about what needs to happen etc.

- Straggling groups of resistant rebels that follow ludveck (Rebel army eradicated is stated in RD. How many times does a handful of people still escape)

- Going to other countries in Tellius for signing treaties etc

- Rebuilding ties with daein (pelleas & Micaiah interaction)

- Discussing on how to further bridge the gap between gallia an crimea, (Skrimir & caineghis)

She is said to have ushered in a golden era, but you don't do that by winning a war, you do that by rebuilding everything from the ground up afterwards. There is plenty for her to do so be creative. ^^

War is a simple thing, what comes after, that is hard. Diplomacy is a battle I have never learned to fight.

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I said I didn't want to discuss Elincia anymore. Traveling for political reasons isn't what I meant anyway.

Anyway, I'll likely come up with battle quotes for every character in the playable cast, but not anything else beyond that. I'm not sure what else would be necessary yet.

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I think he just stayed in jail for the rest of his life. xP

So, anyway... I think I'll talk about the main antagonist of Dark Soul, the previously mentioned sequel to Dawn of Darkness. The phrase Dark Soul actually primarily refers to a certain antagonist from DoD, who gets more focus in DS. Royce. Royce is the only one of the major DoD villains that actually survives despite that he vanished and was thought to have died of the wounds he received from his last battle with Azura's army. But he was later discovered once again trying to cause a lot of trouble, and finally, he was killed for real.

However, in Dark Soul, Royce appears again...as a phantom. And not just any phantom. His actual spirit is possessed by a true paranormal apparition named Hadeus (whose name comes from Hades, the Greek god of the underworld). It's revealed that Royce's "dark soul" was forged by this evil phantom and it was the reason he had become as evil as he was. Hadeus had previously been sealed away in a powerful magic prison (in a similar sense to Ganondorf being sealed away in the Zelda series), but over time, he found ways to affect the mortal world and let his strength regrow. He eventually became strong enough to gain partial control over Royce and basically engineer the events of DoD. Hadeus feeds off of darkness, anger, misery, and all other manner of such negative emotions, and his power skyrocketed by the time DoD's war ended. However, he found he still could not break out of his prison, especially after Royce died.

But eighteen years later, he finally did escape and he also managed to take Royce's spirit from the afterlife and possess it. But in order to regain his true form, he needed more power. He orchestrated more conflicts, which lead up to the protagonists discovering Hadeus and battling him. In the process, Hadeus creates phantoms of foes from the past, like Ashnard, Black Knight, Petrine, Lekain, Isis, Shigo, Bernard, and more. And they're even stronger than their living counterparts had been.

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Eh, who knows.

Anyway, I forgot to mention a few things. Hadeus is pretty much like Fire Emblem's equivalent of the devil, however, his origins are vastly different. He was created by a dark magic spell gone terribly wrong, where a dark mage attempted to revive someone dear to him, only the result was a demonic ghost that could manipulate dark magic of all kinds and could let his power grow by feeding off of negative emotions and darkness. A hero much like Azura wielded the light lance Anacybele to seal the evil phantom away afterward, imprisoning Hadeus in an alternate dimension where his power remains weak due to the battle. Light is the only thing that can greatly harm Hadeus at all, though his power also weakens if positive emotions counter the negative ones he's absorbed.

However, the children of the DoD characters as well as several DoD characters themselves decide that they won't seal him away again. They'll destroy him.

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Okay, looking back, I didn't realize I sounded like such an asshole. ._.; We have butted heads occasionally, but I never wanted to be an outright jerk to you. I should have phrased what I said carefully. Our opinions are far too different, and I shouldn't have been picking a fight. D8; I'm sorry.

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Hadeus = generic dark god.

honestly theres to many dark gods in fiction already. also why was he sealed and not killed back then? im sure if someone could weild the holy lance of generic godlyness back then proficiently they could have killed him so why did'nt they? unless you have a good reason this kind of plot device just comes off as weak in my mind NOTE: i belivie this about any story that pulls this card.

Hadeus rymes with sadist. is he a sadist? [thats also over used but whatever.]

also i feel a little hurt that you didnt even really respond to my last post.

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