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So do the characters in this game remind you of anyone...?


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Not sure if this was just me

Cordelia reminds me of Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail in both looks and personality(I actually started watching the series not too long ago, but after making the connection I love her infinitely better... And I used to hate Cordelia after I decided not to marry her)

And Aversa reminds me of Urd from Oh My Goddess and Rouge from sonic the hedgehog

And Ricken reminds me of Tails Prower

And Lon'qu reminds me of Knuckes

Lissa reminds me of like Amy(From Sonic) along with Sakura for reasons other than the voice acting. though that was the icing on the cake

Speaking of icing on the cake, Vaike vaguely makes me think of Axel from KH

And Maribell reminds me of Quinn from Glee...

Anyone else noticing similarities?

Edited by Saint
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Gregor reminds me of Gareth, who in turn reminded me of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Henry is Gin Ichimaru.

Yen'fay is Samurai Jack.

Maribelle is Rarity

In The Sacred Stones, Seth looks just like Adrien Brody. Its the nose that does it.

Edited by Spaceman Craig
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Severa reminds me of Kirino from Ore no Imouto and every other annoying tsundere in anime (Haruhi, Louise, Taiga, Shana, etc)


Gaius reminds me of Mello from Death Note because Mello loves chocolate (which is a sweet).

Stahl reminds me of the user Celes because messy brown medium length hair that he takes care of and love for food/eating often

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Oh and Lissa reminds of Saura-chan and not just because of the voice acting!

I shall add that to my OP

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Virion reminds me of Miles Edgeworth.

I think this is intentional. :):

Oh my gods, where to start?

Walhart reminds me of Stannis Baratheon. He basically IS Stannis but with a Conqueror angle instead of "IT IS MY RIGHT!" And of course, a lot less interesting than Stannis. Loras in the Game of Thrones tv show goes "Stannis has the personality of a lobster!" And yet....Walhart's armor exists. Wow.

Excellus reminds me of a very shitty version of Varys from ASOIAF. Hes like a pastiche of Varys and Oliver. The end result is really awful. Varys is a sneaky spymaster who happens to be a eunuch. Hes also one of the smartest dudes in fantasy fiction. Not bad for a guy with no junk. Excellus is even implied by Aversa to be a eunuch. But hes so slimy and stupid, he lacks the awesome that Varys has. And even lacks the charisma that Oliver had. Fuck Excellus!

Sumia reminds me of Colette from Tales of Symphonia. Cute, klutzy girl who has the chance to land the main protagonist. She can also very much kick a lot of ass.

Severa reminds me a bit of Asuka Langley. Whom i also wanted to see as a bloody smear on the wall.

Libra reminds me of Rhaegar Targaryen's manbaby with Lucius (FE7). The results are amazing.

Tharja reminds me of an all grown up Wednesday Addams. WITH MAGIC!

Gerome reminds me of Batman who looks like Nightwing.

Miriel reminds me of myself (in appearance) with Professor MacGonagall's personality with a bit of Dr Frankenstein thrown in for good measure.

Vaike reminds me of a terrible version of Reyn from Xenoblade. "YEAH! ITS REYN TIME!" "ITS VAIKE TIME!" :facepalm:

Cherche reminds me of Morticia Addams. (Original series version)

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Gerome reminds me of Batman, obviously. He also reminds me of Tuxedo Mask from Sailor moon and Sirius from FE12.

Chrom reminds me of Gintoki from Gintama only because his Japanese VA also voice acts Gintoki.

Basilio reminds me of Nick Fury and Nick Fury only.

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Cordelia also reminded me of Erza.

Basilio = Ultimate Nick Fury
Lon'qu = Spike Spiegel
Miriel reminds me of Fi (LoZ) in that she makes up fake stats.

Nowi = Sasami

Anna = Officer Jenny
Panne = Felicia (DS)
Owain = Domon Kasshu (Owain's hand motions)

Virion = Zelos (ToS)

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Oh, as a matter of fact, yes. :P

Cordelia reminded me of myself quite a bit.

Frederick reminded me of the guy I've had a long time crush on (sorta. The crush has died down a bit, but I still feel lingering feelings deep down somewhere). This guy friend of mine speaks in a similar manner and is almost as serious and mature. Frederick also somewhat resembles an Aspie, imo, which this guy also is. Frederick is around the same age too, I think. It's no wonder I love Freddy so much. XD

Lon'qu reminds me a bit of this other guy friend I have, but more so in appearance. He looks like him lol.

Oh yes, and I also thought of Samuel L. Jackson's Nick Fury when I saw Basilio, like a lot of people. XD

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