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I'm on the nomination list to be the Junior Homecoming king at my school.


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Well, just go with it for now since it's not every day you get an opportunity like this. If you actually do become the homecoming king, just try to enjoy yourself, don't abuse your power too much, and try to make sure you're nice with your words (since being in power and saying the wrong words can really backfire on you).

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As one who isn't remotely shy, it's difficult for me empathize with this situation,

Just run with it. Make it fun, and if you win, milk it for all its worth. It might open doors for you that you've never concidered before.

But this is probably the best advise.

Milking a situation for all it's worth and having fun with it is basically what I do.(not that I ever noticed it until just now when I read this :P)

You shouldn't think of this as a bad thing. If you go through it with the mindset that it's going to be terrible and embarrassing, then that's what will happen.

All things said, good luck ZM.

Edited by David the Great
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ZM, you're making this sound like a bad thing when it clearly isn't. It's not the end of the world that you've been nominated for Junior Prom King. If I were you, sure I'd be mortified, but I would make the most of this situation. If you win, that's great. If you lose, it is what it is. Just roll with the punches of being nominated, and I'm sure you'll be fine.

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i think you mean grinding.

grinding is so 2011

with twerking the guy just needs to stand and watch/make contact with the booty while the woman does all the work. if you're grinding the guy has to keep some sort of rhythm.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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homecoming is a dance in high school. if the security isn't too tight you can sneak in some of what the kids call "twerking" with your sexy date

What kids.

Also why would that need some sneaking in if Miley Cyrus did that in front of everyone and their mother.

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Because SeverIan would win them all

(we actually did have something like those once, I want to say 2008 or 09? it turned out about how you might expect (as in the way high school awards generally turn out))

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