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I thought this was just a really bad looking GameCube game ._. At least, that's what I remember when the pics came out back at FESS1. And Seima (FE8) was announced after Souen (FE9), making them switched around for a time until release :3

I still want a lord, or any character, with Paris for a name :E Ike so should have kept that.

Edited by Celice
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I thought this was just a really bad looking GameCube game ._. At least, that's what I remember when the pics came out back at FESS1. And Seima (FE8) was announced after Souen (FE9), making them switched around for a time until release :3

I still want a lord, or any character, with Paris for a name :E Ike so should have kept that.

I actually remember that as well. It did look pretty terrible when revealed.

I remember seeing pics of FE64 on FESS, however the name wasn't Trail of the Blue Flames, but Maiden of the Dark. I also remember the pics showing Klein, however he had silver hair and the sprites looked more like Thracia 776.

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I actually remember that as well. It did look pretty terrible when revealed.

I remember seeing pics of FE64 on FESS, however the name wasn't Trail of the Blue Flames, but Maiden of the Dark. I also remember the pics showing Klein, however he had silver hair and the sprites looked more like Thracia 776.

Maiden of the Dark......?

sounds like Micaiah to me.


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Maiden of the Dark was FE6's old name.

People were speculating that FE64 went on to become FE6, but in truth I don't anyone knows anything about FE64.

oi! that makes sense, now that i think about it.

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