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A giant cockroach fell on my foot


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And then it'll walk out unharmed. :P

But seriously, I lived in a cockroach infested apartment for a year.

Well, maybe more like "a lot of cockroaches" then "an infestation of cockroaches."

But still, they were everywhere. In the piano, in the closets... EVEN IN THE CD PLAYER. ._.

But my mom generally kept the place clean, so it wasn't as bad as it could've been, fortunately...

Who knows? Maybe after humans die out, mutant cockroaches will rule the world.

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D'aww, poor thing! That happened to me once. I think I was more mortified by it FLYING away afterwards than the actual contact. I checked all ceilings for months after that lest another one decided to dive-bomb me again.

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... There was a topic on this? .__.

I don't wanna make a big stink/hubbub about it because it got closed, but there was one in serious discussion in the past week or two discussing whether it was objectionable (for a variety of different considerations) to eat a baby.

If you're really interested I think I can refer you to it safely since it wasn't deleted.


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I heard they taste like chicken


I'm having chicken for dinner today and now I'm likely going to imagine eating a giant roach throughout the whole meal. Thanks.

Hmmm actually I think I remember a professor passing around fried roaches (to eat) in some entomology course I signed up for during my freshman year. The people who tried them did agree that they tasted like chicken. Or slim jims. One of those. I dropped the class as soon as I could. >.<

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Years ago at my parent's house, a mouse crawled on my foot as I was about to take a shower. At first I thought it was a horrifying, monstrous spider, and I got all dizzy and was seconds away from requiring hyperventilation, but then I realized it was just a mouse, and proceeded to shower.

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I've never actually seen a cockroach before if you can believe it (irl I do have a tv).

Bugs have never really bothered me that much personally, so I don't think I'd personally be bothered too much.

Aren't cockroaches said to be extremely clean insects?

are they really?

I heard they are the only thing that could survive a nuclear war.

Although I heard it from Fairly Odd Parents so who knows how accurate that is.

You know what's worse than a cockroach?

Finding a sac of cockroach eggs.

what about a spider egg sack? o.o

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When I was really young and my brother was first born we lived in janky apartments and I remember finding a cockroach in my bowl of spaghettios. They are up there with spiders in terms of pure evil.

I don't always hate bugs though. I was the kid that would protect rolly polies from getting stepped on by others. When they'd roll up into a ball I'd put them in my pocket and when we visited my grandma I'd drop them off in her backyard where I assumed their home was.

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