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0% hit 100% crit


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Something that I've been thinking of, inspired by the Kishuna thread.

We know that a theoretical 0% hit 100% crit attack will whiff and not produce a crit, based on the game's mechanics (or, a more likely scenario, an attack that the RNG permits to crit whiffs because the hit is too low), but in practice how big can the difference between one's hit and crit be (in favour of the latter that is; no point to think about the opposite).

I've been theorycrafting and thought that with the exception of sandbag forges (which FEs have these again? I forget), the best game to think of here would be FE6.

The Berserker class is axe-locked, and that's the least accurate weapon type, and it also gets a huge 30% crit bonus. Gonzales's skill also tends to be poor, even though less skill also means less natural crit on top of the class's bonus. Skill can be cut in half if Gonzo is rescuing somebody. Gonzales's affinity is THUNDER, which happens to be the only one that grants +crit but no +hit. One of his possible support partners is Bartre, with the same affinity, so an A-rank support for these two grants Gonzo +15 crit, +0 hit. Other support options do not help him here, I'm afraid, unless we don't care about hit. Treck/Garret B support can potentially grant Gonzales 10 more crit and 10 more hit.

The weapon to equip is obviously the Killer Axe. Though it has 20 more hit than Hammer, the least accurate axe, it also offers 30 more crit. So that's 65 hit, 30 crit.

On Normal difficulty, Gonzales has 5 base skill and will have 10 on promotion, plus 5 base luck.

So with a Killer Axe, lowest skl/luck Gonzo with A Bartre/B Treck will have 65 + 10 (20 if not weighed down by the unit he's carrying) + 5 + 10 = 90 hit before taking the weapon triangle into account.

His crit rate will be 30 + 25 + 30 = 85.

90 hit/85 crit. Now we want to find an enemy who's really evasive but has low luck. If Swordmasters could peakwalk that would be perfect but they don't so we need to find a different alternative.

Swordmaster Kel, boss of C19 Sacae, has 27 spd/14 luck, a Light Brand that doesn't weigh him down (though I'm not sure if Light Brand takes the sword-axe-lance WT into account but I do know for sure it takes light-dark-anima into account), and since he's on the Gate, he should have 54 + 14 + 20 + 10 = 98 avo, which is 8 points more than Gonzales's hit, so Gonzo could have higher skill and higher crit as a result. This is assuming Light Brand is a sword, though, otherwise you might as well hit somebody on a throne (+30 avo) instead.

I guess another option is getting Gonzales berserked and getting him to attack a more easily customizable Rutger (30 speed/2 luck). Rutger's Dark affinity grants both avo and cevade, and has no wind support (the only element that gives cevade but no avo). I'm also not sure if Gonzo's supports are active when he's berserked. Still, without supports Rutger can have 102 avo on a throne and only 2 cevade. However, it doesn't look like Gonzo can get extra 15 crit without going over the extra 12 hit he's got.

A lot of calculations and I tend to mess these things up, so I could be getting something wrong here or missing something.

I guess a Wrath counterattack in FE5 (and you can even give the scroll to anyone) guarantees a crit, but hit could be cut severely in many ways, plus there are some really hard-to-hit bosses in the game.

TearRing Saga features the tutorable Life or Death skill which can give units up to 99 extra crit (maybe a bit less depending on max HP), plus there's the legendary Rukuud which has 65 hit/80 crit, and there's also Maerhen who reduces hit by 50 by being in range (can't remember if he does the same to crit but our site makes no note of this; I could swear it did), so that's another option.

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FE8 Dozla with capped SPD on a peak with a swordreaver would have a ~130 avoid against swords before factoring in supports. Although I dont think a 100% crit is possible if FE8 without having too much hit.

Are there reaver weapons in FE6?

edit - did you factor in 15 avoid from WTA?

Edited by Hawk King
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The WT bonus in FE6 is 10%. If anything, I might have counted it where I shouldn't have - IF the Light Brand isn't seen as a sword in the WT part of the calculation.

There are -reaver weapons in FE6 but I don't think the WT effect is doubled in that game - I actually remember Swordreaver on a Paladin facing Myrms to be a VERY bad idea (ANY lance or even sword works better).

The problem with FE8 is the low crit bonus for SMs/Zerkers, though the S-rank bonus can compensate for it a tiny bit. I don't think Dozla can be berserked in any map with peaks (he can be berserked while standing on Emperor Vigarde's throne though).

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Dozla can get 141 hit and 89 crit.

Franz can get 110 avoid and 2 Luck. = 31% hit / 87% crit.

Ephriam can get 129 avoid and 8 Luck. = 12% hit / 81% crit.

Amelia can get 124 avoid and 6 Luck. = 17% hit / 83% crit.

Thats the closest you can get for FE 8, I believe.

edit- ok this is the closest.

28 SKL Joshua with a Shamshir can get 157 hit and 94 crit.

Garcia can get 140 avoid and 3 Luck. = 17% hit / 91% crit

Ross can get 154 avoid and 8 Luck. = 3% hit / 86% crit

If you want the most crit with 0% hit then here it is:

If Josh has 26 SKL, it would be 0% hit / 85% crit on Ross.

If Josh has 18 SKL, it would be 0% hit / 86% crit on Garcia.

Edited by Hawk King
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what about the japanese version of PoR with glitched 255 crit forges? surely that + gamble would be the easiest.

That kinda violates the spirit of the challenge, but base!Ilyana vs. Petrine with one of those forges, I'm pretty sure has 0 Hit.

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I forgot about rescuing a unit to lower the hit.

If Joshua is rescuing a character in the above example, he will have a 0% hit / 91% crit on Garcia.

That is definitely the closest you can get in FE 7 or 8.

Edited by Hawk King
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FE7 doesn't have a Shamshir so there is no point in checking anything for FE7.

Even if the perfect supports lined up for FE7 characters, the highest displayed crit possible is 89%. FE8 has the Shamshir which brings it up to 94%.

edit - Nevermind, FE7 has a Wo Dao...

edit2 - Just checked. The only 2 axe users in FE7 with lower Luck than Garcia get Crit evade from their supports so they cant get enough avoid.

Edited by Hawk King
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I'd think FE6 would be the easiest to do this in, thanks to its relatively bad hit rates, swordmasters with a base 30% crit, Wo Dao's with 40% crit, the relatively bad hit rates of everything, and gate bonuses. I'm sure something can be worked out with Fir with Bartre support vs Gel.

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Regarding FE7, don't forget that it is the only FE to have Thor's Ire, which adds another 10 Crt but no Hit. It's actually possible to have more than 100 Display Crt against 0 Luck enemies in this game, so surely this would be a good place to start?

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