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What's Wrong With The Dark Knight Class?


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It may be the battle panties - or at least that's the deal breaker for me, personally. If it were a skirt instead, I'd buy that outfit for myself, forgot my Avatar.

Oh yeah, now that I look at it again.

I guess I missed it because the book and the horse get in the way when viewing in the model viewer (or whatever it's called). I've never seen the model outside of it.

Edited by BrightBow
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No, it shouldn't, but for the best speed you'll probably want a Lon'qu!Severa/Laurent!Morgan. Gaius would probably work as well.

Well she will be with a Sage Libra!Brady and lolBrady and its my Lunatic file that I will NEVER start over especially since before I do any child's paralogue their parents will be made a max of Apotheosis ready and a minimum of Future Of Despair ready. Looking at the max stat thingy we have she has about 56? Speed. So think it's fine.

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Oh yeah, now that I look at it again.

I guess I missed it because the book and the horse get in the way when viewing in the model viewer (or whatever it's called). I've never seen the model outside of it.

Mmm. Other that that, the female one would be perfect and the male one pretty much is.

Gerome wins the award for best Dark Knight in terms of aesthetics, though.

Well she will be with a Sage Libra!Brady and lolBrady and its my Lunatic file that I will NEVER start over especially since before I do any child's paralogue their parents will be made a max of Apotheosis ready and a minimum of Future Of Despair ready. Looking at the max stat thingy we have she has about 56? Speed. So think it's fine.

Oh, yeah, she should be fine then. XD

Edited by Vashiane
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Default Sage outfit is ugly as all hell. Seaweed green mixed with an extremely artificial shade of blue. Its also overdressed and uncomfortable looking.

Dark Knights are an amazing class that is good at everything except postgame. Shoddy base stats hurt it however. Male Dark Knights are the coolest looking classes in the game.

Yeah, male sages are especially ugly.

I much preferred the GBA sage art.

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It's a fun class I guess, but I'd rather have specialized than hybrid units, so I'll take the Sage's extra magic, the Assassin's extra speed or the Wyvern Lord's extra defense over the balanced mix this class offers.

They remind me vaguely of vampires with their color scheme and cape, especially the male enemies. I didn't really notice the battle panties though.

Edited by Woodshooter
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Eh... I've never really considered Dark Knight a hybrid class. More a class where mages can sling magic without dying to a single hit (that for whatever reason can use swords). After going through a few runs, I find that I really prefer DK!Ricken over Sage!Ricken, since the former isn't made of tissue paper.

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I like the DKs. What i dont like is Slow Burn. That skill is pretty ass. So i usually build a DK with removing Slow Burn in mind. That skill pretty much means: "You arent gonna get the benefits of this unless you turtle the fuck out of everything." Nope. Lifetaker is pretty cool though. Plus i do like the defense. As a final class, nah, i prefer Dread Fighter.

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