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"But I would have never have guessed... Ugh, whatever makes the two of them happy, I guess" Lowering back down, he let Kat carry on playing with his hair

"Honestly, ANYTHING that gets Phoibus out of her head is good for me. I'd throw Dan at her if I weren't certain she'd try to bite something important off."

"...I've made a promise to her...To never leave her side. I've given her flowers...I've...I've kissed her...What am I doing to give her the impression that I don't have feelings for her?"

"If I recall correctly, the flowers thing came right before you tried to run. Kissing… isn't enough, or otherwise there'd be a lot of people in relationships with prostitutes, and… family can make that first promise too, Dan. You need to be blunter, I think. She's been mentally worn down by everything recently."

He smirked. He just had to say it. "Shove your plaything in her, perhaps?"

*hits Dusk in the arm* "Say crude things like that again, and we'll see how much suffering yours can take."

Edited by Kat
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"Honestly, ANYTHING that gets Phoibus out of her head is good for me. I'd throw Dan at her if I weren't certain she'd try to bite something important off."

"If I recall correctly, the flowers thing came right before you tried to run. Kissing… isn't enough, or otherwise there'd be a lot of people in relationships with prostitutes, and… family can make that first promise too, Dan. You need to be blunter, I think. She's been mentally worn down by everything recently."

*hits Dusk in the arm* "Say crude things like that again, and we'll see how much suffering yours can take."

"...Alright...I'll try that...Thanks..." Dan ran off to look for Cassandra.

(so about supports B through A...)

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"Honestly, ANYTHING that gets Phoibus out of her head is good for me. I'd throw Dan at her if I weren't certain she'd try to bite something important off."

"Well, I don't know. Can wind her up about this now, at least. 'Tis what brothers do"

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"I'm fine, Ace." Nathaniel gave her a puzzled look. "Actually, this is my coffee round. I just felt like offering you all coffee."

Ace had gotten distracted from recalling the strange scene from last night with Cassandra and Klotho. "Coffee, sure I'll have some please." Ace replied before wondering just how her brother in law was taking this odd scene since he was the one who broke down the door.
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"...Alright...I'll try that...Thanks..." Dan ran off to look for Cassandra.

(so about supports B through A...)

"Wait, Dan, get back here!" *punches Dusk in the shoulder again* "Oh, this isn't going to end well."

"Well, I don't know. Can wind her up about this now, at least. 'Tis what brothers do"

"I highly doubt you're going to 'wind her up' about anything."

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"Wait, Dan, get back here!" *punches Dusk in the shoulder again* "Oh, this isn't going to end well."

"I highly doubt you're going to 'wind her up' about anything."

? ...he said he was gonna try Kat's advice by being blunt

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"Wait, Dan, get back here!" *punches Dusk in the shoulder again* "Oh, this isn't going to end well."

"I highly doubt you're going to 'wind her up' about anything."

"What? The hell did you do that for?" Rubbing his arm against his shoulder, he looked back at her. "... Maybe not"

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(…Oh, for crying out loud…)

"I TOLD you that Klotho and Cassandra were… up to something yesterday."

Dammit Kat, that wasn't even what I meant...

*sigh* ...Usually somebody else from the Shepherds would be watching me train. Usually Donnel... Still have no clue how he managed to get Sully to love him. Sometimes Duck would train with me or we'd have a royal between Chrom, Lon'qu, Vaike, and myself just because... "Am...Am I lonely?"

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? ...he said he was gonna try Kat's advice by being blunt

(Oh. Well, it came after Dusk's advice, soo…)

Dammit Kat, that wasn't even what I meant...

*sigh* ...Usually somebody else from the Shepherds would be watching me train. Usually Donnel... Still have no clue how he managed to get Sully to love him. Sometimes Duck would train with me or we'd have a royal between Chrom, Lon'qu, Vaike, and myself just because... "Am...Am I lonely?"

(He's the one who took the point away!)

"What? The hell did you do that for?" Rubbing his arm against his shoulder, he looked back at her. "... Maybe not"

"Sometimes, you're an idiot."

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Dammit Kat, that wasn't even what I meant...

*sigh* ...Usually somebody else from the Shepherds would be watching me train. Usually Donnel... Still have no clue how he managed to get Sully to love him. Sometimes Duck would train with me or we'd have a royal between Chrom, Lon'qu, Vaike, and myself just because... "Am...Am I lonely?"

Samson had left Kat's room, and had eventually found Sorin (...Is he talking to himself?)

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"But I'm your idiot, so deal with it, love"

"Yes, yes. I'd ask you to prove it, but we've company still."

(Also, Bravura, weren't you and Nathaniel doing a Paralogue?)

Edited by Kat
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Samson had left Kat's room, and had eventually found Sorin (...Is he talking to himself?)

Sorin shook the thoughts away and continued training. His mind continued to think about home despite his protests. 'Maybe I should get a head start and leave for Valm. Kat and Dusk are more than capable of handling things here.'

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"Oh my... Are you finished with my hair yet?"

"No, not yet."

Sorin shook the thoughts away and continued training. His mind continued to think about home despite his protests. 'Maybe I should get a head start and leave for Valm. Kat and Dusk are more than capable of handling things here.'

"Leader, I've coffee and hot chocolate!"

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Sorin shook the thoughts away and continued training. His mind continued to think about home despite his protests. 'Maybe I should get a head start and leave for Valm. Kat and Dusk are more than capable of handling things here.'

"Mr- I mean, Sorin, are you alright?"

"Yes, yes. I'd ask you to prove it, but we've company still."

(Also, Bravura, weren't you and Nathaniel doing a Paralogue?)

(Not yet. Soon. I need to get Samson to speak with Nathaniel first.)

Edited by BravuraLevi
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(We can start this paralogue after my skirmish~~~~~~!)

"Now, where was this book?" Nathaniel looked around frantically for the book. He hadn't told the others, but he thought it was by his father.

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"No, not yet."

"Leader, I've coffee and hot chocolate!"

"Mr- I mean, Sorin, are you alright?"

Huh? *Makes three clean cuts on the dummy in what appeared to be one cutting it to pieces.* "Don't worry. Just thinking."

"I'll take the hot chocolate. Coffee stains teeth."

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"Well... You kids have fun." Nathaniel poured out some coffee and handed it to Ace. "There's this book I was looking for which I think I saw in the library..." Nathaniel left the room.

Ace sipped her coffee courtesy of Nathaniel. Her mind wondering about laat night. Walking around, she noticed Sorin

outside training. Though rather than head out, Ace stayed at the doorframe, sipping her coffee.

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