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"Gl-Glaedyr? No, I refuse!" Nathaniel's arm stopped before it could grab his tome. "Yes!" He shakily reached towards his father's book and tore at the pages frantically.

"I'll control you for all of eternity, son...!" Weaver laughed in his mind.

Nathaniel drew his killing edge and cut it into the skin of his chest. "I will... I WILL do this!" Nathaniel drive it in deeper, into his rib. Blood gushed from the wound and he fell, pulling out the sword as he did so. "S-save me, Glaedyr..."

The risen began to disappear, as did the mist.

Note: Natty not dead.

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Dan began walking away from Nathaniel. He didn't want to hurt him, but he couldn't do anything to that book. As he was walking away, he bumped into someone. He was about to apologize when he felt something hit him on the head. Then everything went black.

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Dan began walking away from Nathaniel. He didn't want to hurt him, but he couldn't do anything to that book. As he was walking away, he bumped into someone. He was about to apologize when he felt something hit him on the head. Then everything went black.

"For the love of...Dan?!"

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"Gl-Glaedyr? No, I refuse!" Nathaniel's arm stopped before it could grab his tome. "Yes!" He shakily reached towards his father's book and tore at the pages frantically.

"I'll control you for all of eternity, son...!" Weaver laughed in his mind.

Nathaniel drew his killing edge and cut it into the skin of his chest. "I will... I WILL do this!" Nathaniel drive it in deeper, into his rib. Blood gushed from the wound and he fell, pulling out the sword as he did so. "S-save me, Glaedyr..."

The risen began to disappear, as did the mist.

Note: Natty not dead.

"And yet another suicidal one." *deadpanned*

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Glaedyr looked on in horror as she watched the others attack Nathaniel. Yes, it was for his own good as he clearly had no control over his actions, but seeing them hurt a comrade...it made her feel cold inside. She had heard about how Dan had had to be attacked the other day too, and she shivered as she worried at who might be next. If they kept on having to turn on one another, what hope did they have?

"Gl-Glaedyr? No, I refuse!" Nathaniel's arm stopped before it could grab his tome. "Yes!" He shakily reached towards his father's book and tore at the pages frantically.
"I'll control you for all of eternity, son...!" Weaver laughed in his mind.
Nathaniel drew his killing edge and cut it into the skin of his chest. "I will... I WILL do this!" Nathaniel drive it in deeper, into his rib. Blood gushed from the wound and he fell, pulling out the sword as he did so. "S-save me, Glaedyr..."
The risen began to disappear, as did the mist.

Note: Natty not dead.

Then she heard Nathaniel call her name. "Nathaniel? NATHANIEL! NO! What are you doing?!" She heard him tell her to save him, but she had no idea how..."I...I..."

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The mist dissipated into nothingness, and so did the Risen near him. Seeing this, he turned to face most of the Dreamers. "Well, that was short lived..." Sheathing his axe, he leaned against a wall and crossed his arms, waiting for something significant to happen

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As the risen disappeared around her, she ran over to where Nathaniel lay slumped, and frantically looked at his wounds. All she could see was the pool of blood seeping out from his rib from where he had stabbed himself. "Someone heal him. NOW!" [Come on...don't die on us...We can't lose you...Not now...]

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As the risen disappeared around her, she ran over to where Nathaniel lay slumped, and frantically looked at his wounds. All she could see was the pool of blood seeping out from his rib from where he had stabbed himself. "Someone heal him. NOW!" [Come on...don't die on us...We can't lose you...Not now...]

Samson had already slung Dan over his shoulder, and now knelt by Nathaniel, channeling energy into his staff.

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Ace:"Glaedyr...I'm sorry. I...just wanted to save him...from that book...I'm sorry. Please, you have to help him."

"It's not your fault... It's...whatever was in that book..." She smiles weakly. "I'll try my best, but I don't know how..."

Samson had already slung Dan over his shoulder, and now knelt by Nathaniel, channeling energy into his staff.

"Is it working? IsitworkingIsitworkingIsitworking? Quickly!" She holds Nathaniel's hand as Samson heals him. [Come on Nathaniel...Wake up!]

Edited by Glaedyr
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Glaedyr looked on in horror as she watched the others attack Nathaniel. Yes, it was for his own good as he clearly had no control over his actions, but seeing them hurt a comrade...it made her feel cold inside. She had heard about how Dan had had to be attacked the other day too, and she shivered as she worried at who might be next. If they kept on having to turn on one another, what hope did they have?

Then she heard Nathaniel call her name. "Nathaniel? NATHANIEL! NO! What are you doing?!" She heard him tell her to save him, but she had no idea how..."I...I..."

Silvia finally made it into the room, and froze in shock, the lance slipping from her grasp as she stared down at Nathaniel's body. "I... I... I have an Elixir... somewhere. M-Maybe that'll..."

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"It's not your fault... It's...whatever was in that book..." She smiles weakly. "I'll try my best, but I don't know how..."

"Is it working? IsitworkingIsitworkingIsitworking? Quickly!" She holds Nathaniel's hand as Samson heals him. [Come on Nathaniel...Wake up!]

"I'm trying my best!" Samson began powering up for another blast of healing energy.

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Nathaniel's eyes half-opened, and he smiled faintly. "Good to see you all..." He looked at Glaedyr. "Ah, there you are... Make sure that... That..." He half-rose, suddenly. "THAT BLOODY HURTS, MOTHER OF NAGA!" He then passed out again. The bleeding had stopped.
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"I'm trying my best!" Samson began powering up for another blast of healing energy.

"Thank you...Samson..." She says quietly, as she watches him work on healing Nathaniel.

Nathaniel's eyes half-opened, and he smiled faintly. "Good to see you all..." He looked at Glaedyr. "Ah, there you are... Make sure that... That..." He half-rose, suddenly. "THAT BLOODY HURTS, MOTHER OF NAGA!" He then passed out again. The bleeding had stopped.

"Nathaniel! Oh no! He's passed out again! But the bleeding appears to have stopped? Thank Naga..." [Make sure that... What? What was he trying to say to me...?]

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Nathaniel's eyes half-opened, and he smiled faintly. "Good to see you all..." He looked at Glaedyr. "Ah, there you are... Make sure that... That..." He half-rose, suddenly. "THAT BLOODY HURTS, MOTHER OF NAGA!" He then passed out again. The bleeding had stopped.

"Don't say her name in vai-" Nathaniel had passed back out "..."*Sighs* "He should be fine."

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