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Well that was odd. Why was Sorin in such a hurry to get away?

"Her 'Sister' is me, Marth. You know me. At least, I'd REALLY hope so."

But of course! I could never forget you guys who were there just before my departure, along with any my friends, the Azure Dreamers. After fully grasping what the markswoman has tol me, a realization dawned upon me. Kat... you're pregnant? Well, congratulations on the incoming baby! Oh, might I aid you in returning to your room?

Alicia: "I see. I think I found a way to tease Ace back now."

Ace: "Yup, I have your tiara right here," *Hands it to Marth*

Thank you for taking good care of it while I was away. I carefully rested it on the crown of my head like I always do.

Silvia finally stepped forward, tracing her eyes over Marth's form and trying her damn, damn hardest not to blush. He HAD come back a new him... a very, very handsome new him. Granted, he had been quite attractive before but... damn, change was a good thing. "I... yeah. Y-You certainly have..." Silvia fought to keep from grinning like an idiot as she spun around to face Ace, beaming and reaching out for the girl's hand. "Ace held it the entire time. She's quite attached to the thing, I'm surprised she even wants to return it," she said with a laugh.

And I have you guys to thank for that. I said smiling again to both Ace and Silvia

"Hmph. I rested for 7 months in Wellspring of Truth. My mind has reached limits than ever. Shadowblade...no. Nirvana has reached even greater power. I've reached greater power."

I see. Thats very impressive of you. I'd like to see just how well you've changed the next time we fight alongside each other.

Edited by Hero-King
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Well that was odd. Why was Sorin in such a hurry to get away?

But of course! I could never forget you guys who were there just before my departure, along with any my friends, the Azure Dreamers. After fully grasping what the markswoman has tol me, a realization dawned upon me. Kat... you're pregnant? Well, congratulations on the incoming baby! Oh, might I aid you in returning to your room?

Thank you for taking good care of it while I was away. I carefully rested it on the crown of my head like I always do.

And I have you guys to thank for that. I said smiling again to both Ace and Silvia

I see. Thats very impressive of you. I'd like to see just how well you've changed the next time we fight alongside each other.

"........"*walks away*
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But of course! I could never forget you guys who were there just before my departure, along with any my friends, the Azure Dreamers. After fully grasping what the markswoman has tol me, a realization dawned upon me. Kat... you're pregnant? Well, congratulations on the incoming baby! Oh, might I aid you in returning to your room?

"Yes, I'm in need of aid. I'm afraid I'm officially bedridden. Difficult pregnancy, but I'm still trying to help out. Thank you, Marth."

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"Yes, I'm in need of aid. I'm afraid I'm officially bedridden. Difficult pregnancy, but I'm still trying to help out. Thank you, Marth."

I see. Wouldnt want to strain yourself now would you? I proceeded to carry Kat back into her room and place her onto her bed.​ I guess this means that you're going to be on the sidelines now huh?

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I see. Wouldnt want to strain yourself now would you? I proceeded to carry Kat back into her room and place her onto her bed.​ I guess this means that you're going to be on the sidelines now huh?

"Unfortunately, yes. I seem to have become mission control, so to speak, over the past few days."

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"Unfortunately, yes. I seem to have become mission control, so to speak, over the past few days."

Well... on the bright side, at least you can still help right? How has the morale of the Dreamers been? Not too bad I hope.

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Well... on the bright side, at least you can still help right? How has the morale of the Dreamers been? Not too bad I hope.


So, Kat explained to Marth many of the troubling things that had happened while he was away, sparing little in details, though making absolutely certain to clarify when she wasn't sure of something. By the time she finished, it was dawn and the Dreamers were off sailing again to get back on track to Valm Harbor.

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Dan awoke in his bed aboard the ship. He seemed to have slept through an entire day. The last time he did was with...Ishtar. He got up and saw his old clothes were folded on the floor next to him. He changed back into his clothes, putting on his jacket that he sewed last. He put away his old clothes in the compartment in his backpack and sat back down upon the bed. How much had he missed? What had happened since he was asleep? Then certain thoughts began to flow into his mind again. ...Why didn't anyone wake him?

Did they not trust him to be useful? Or did they not see him as worth the time? Had they abandoned him? Thoughts such as these fogged his mind as he sat there.

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Ace just stared at the ceiling of her room on the ship as it sailed to Valm Harbor. After a while of doing so, Ace left her room to see if anyone else was up.

Meanwhile, Alicia stayed in her shared room, half tired from what happened yesterday. For she still felt some guilt over Poly's injury. Alicia could only wonder just how long he'd have to stay off his feet now due to the fractures. And if Ace was still mad at her. Alicia's eyes soon fluttered before closing, nodding off to sleep.

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​"Ugh… my arms still hurt..." *rotating her shoulders* "Stupid wyverns. And that non-Raymond one bit me AGAIN for changing his water. At least Raymond just growled and waited to see what I did."

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While everyone was just waking up from last night, I was out on deck, gazing at the ocean's horizon as the sun was rising. This feeling.... This smell...... This view... No doubt about it, this was just like the day that I had successfully fled from home and into the remote island kingdom of Talyse. The memory was still crystal clear, as if it had only happened yesterday. On that day, i was but a mere child prince. I knew not of the maturity of sister Elice's decision to stay behind and blamed the loss of Altea on myself for abandoning home. At that moment in time, I had felt pain for losing all that I had cherished. I had felt sadness for not knowing the well-being of my dear sister and having to sacrifice the brave Sir Frey. I had felt anger for being powerless to stop it. And I had felt hatred.....the bitter hate and disdain, for the ones who took all of that away from me. Gra....

Despite the vivid memory of those events, I did not feel sad or angry for what had happened then. I had been those sequence of events that had made me who I am today."Tell my son that I leave the future of Altea and our continent in his hands."Those same last words of my late father, said by sir Cain, that had inspired me to achieve the impossible. And it is in memory of all of them, that I stand here, today, to continue in protecting the future, so that all everyone that i had been left behind in the past era can rest in eternal bliss.

After that moment to myself, I went back into the cabin

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​"Ugh… my arms still hurt..." *rotating her shoulders* "Stupid wyverns. And that non-Raymond one bit me AGAIN for changing his water. At least Raymond just growled and waited to see what I did."

(Change it please. I'm not going to RPing today.)

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Ace wandered around the ship, noting what everyone who was up was doing.

Meanwhile, a gentle knock sounded on Alicia's door.

Alicia: "W-who is it?"

Gaius: "It's Gaius, empress. You feeling okay?"

Alicia: "I...I don't know..."

Gaius: "Need someone to talk to?"

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"Well, that skirmish last night was a rather eventful one..." Climbing out of bed, he looked into a nearby mirror and noticed he had a stubble going on. Scurrying around in his bags, he realised he forgot to pack his razor. "Typical..." Getting changed, he began to make his way to the deck

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Oh, hello Dusk. Eh.. it wasnt that special was it? I just had to get you guys as soon as I could

Dusk laughed at his question. "Bit extravagant for my taste, but it works... Better tell me everything that's happened on your journey. Can't lie, I am a bit curious"

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