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Ace turned around to look after reaching Alicia, "No...Duck...." Ace stopped talking due to the flumes and helped Alicia up. (Where the hell is Poly? And what the heck happened here?)

Alicia tried to move to cast Celica's Gale to blow some of the flumes away, but she was still too weak to cast the spell.

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Duck coughed up more blood. He could feel something... something like a healing spell... but nothing was working. "So... rin.... Po...ly... D... Dusk... Ta... Tate..." Duck closed his eyes and spoke no more.

(In other words, good bye, RPers!)

(No....) "He's dead glaedyr. Now try not to inhale this gas and get Nathaniel." (This can't be happening... Not again...)
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The sole Sorcerer continued sending Mire blasts at the Dreamers, desperately trying to eliminate the threat before they got to it. The numbers the Risen had were overwhelming, yet even with Wayne leading them, they were losing. A Warrior wielded its brave bow and continued to relentlessly shoot out arrows at the Dreamers

The Dragon eyed up Marth and began to ascend, spewing out a humongous amount of toxic fumes across the tree. It planned on the Dreamers inhaling the fumes and slowly corrode from the inside out. Staring down at Marth like a hawk, it circled him and waited for the devastation to arise

A foul odor assaulted Crizix's nose as that Dracozombie breathed something...terrible that also served to obscure vision somewhat. How...unpleasant, to say the least. She took her bandana and tied it so that it would cover her nose and mouth. It really didn't do much, but it helped with the smell a little bit. She had a bad feeling about all this...

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Jack Taylor finally reached the camp, "Y'know...I wouldn't go calling yourself a failure. You can't really control what other people choose to do. Besides, Alicia isn't dead. Crizix managed to heal the wound up."

"..." *sighs and disregards what he just heard*

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Duck coughed up more blood. He could feel something... something like a healing spell... but nothing was working. "So... rin.... Po...ly... D... Dusk... Ta... Tate..." Duck closed his eyes and spoke no more.

(In other words, good bye, RPers!)

(Duck... ]:)

Dusk was combating some of the remaining Risen when he heard his name being spoken quietly, yet strongly. Turning around, he saw Duck's eyes close, his chest stained crimson. "Duck, NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Dusk yelled and belted towards him, dropping his bow and slowly lifting Duck's back up, using two of his fingers to check for a pulse. "... Nothing..." [... Now isn't the time to mourn... Duck... you will be avenged...] Getting his killer axe from his belt, he continuously slashed at the two Swordsmasters that caused the fellow comrade to die. Fuck the weapon triangle. Fuck this battle... Just fuck everything

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(No....) "He's dead glaedyr. Now try not to inhale this gas and get Nathaniel." (This can't be happening... Not again...)

Horrified, Glaedyr turned to face Samson again. "...D-dead?!" She shook her head in disbelief. [it...It can't be...] Focusing on her new task at hand, she attempted to support Nathaniel's weight, and tried to help him move closer to Samson.

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"F-fine..." Nathaniel went over to the sidelines, shivering violently. "Fight well, my dear..." He then seemed to drift into some kind of doze whilst standing up.

In other words, I have to go. Toodles!

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Satisfied that Nathaniel was safe, Glaedyr nodded and threw herself at the last of the enemies, ignoring the dull throb in her shoulder from before, and the dull throb in her head after seeing one of the Dreamers die.

(I have to go now too, Night everyone! ^.^ )

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Horrified, Glaedyr turned to face Samson again. "...D-dead?!" She shook her head in disbelief. [it...It can't be...] Focusing on her new task at hand, she attempted to support Nathaniel's weight, and tried to help him move closer to Samson.

(What on earth is happening? Could this be some sort of heart condition?)"I would recommend getting him to safety for now..." He He returned fire from the warriors barrage by zapping him with his bolt axe.
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Duck coughed up more blood. He could feel something... something like a healing spell... but nothing was working. "So... rin.... Po...ly... D... Dusk... Ta... Tate..." Duck closed his eyes and spoke no more.

(In other words, good bye, RPers!)

Crizix looked around and saw a...corpse? She walked over to it and poked it. It was warm...Was this guy one of the Azure Dreamers? She...She completely missed him...? Wait, then...does that mean that she...had...failed...? She bit back the tears that were welling up in her eyes, and searched for anyone that may need healing still.

(Bye to those who left!)

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"..." *sighs and disregards what he just heard*

Jack Taylor figured this wasn't going to be easy, "I know it's not easy to lose someone you loved. Frankly speaking I haven't had a wife, but I do know when I learned my sister Mira died I felt the same way you do now. All that hard work I did to hide her from that bastard Validar, leaking false information to throw off any pursuers. I truly felt all my efforts were for naught, and I ended up rushing to my death at the hands of my rival, Wayne the annoying twit. Alicia is still up there, probably fighting when she should be taking it easy."

Meanwhile, Ace had to set Alicia down to kill the Sorcerer with a critical hit with her forged Killing Edge. Sampson seemed to be close to defeating the last foe, a single Warrior.

Edited by Ace Tactician
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The Dragon eyed up Marth and began to ascend, spewing out a humongous amount of toxic fumes across the tree. It planned on the Dreamers inhaling the fumes and slowly corrode from the inside out. Staring down at Marth like a hawk, it circled him and waited for the devastation to arise

There it was, flying into the air with its tattered wings, spewing out toxins into the air. But I couldnt reach it from up there. Darn it all. If only I could gain its attention somehow..... with no other ideas,I threw the nearest rock that I could find at it.

Over here,I'm the one you want! You'll find your battle with me!

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Crizix looked around and saw a...corpse? She walked over to it and poked it. It was warm...Was this guy one of the Azure Dreamers? She...She completely missed him...? Wait, then...does that mean that she...had...failed...? She bit back the tears that were welling up in her eyes, and searched for anyone that may need healing still.

(Bye to those who left!)

"Mrs crizix, look out!" He blocked an arrow with his axe."There are still enemies left, and we must find the source of this gas!"
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"..." *drops his axe and walks out of the tent without saying another word*

Jack Taylor sighed as he followed Poly, just in case.

Meanwhile, Alicia killed the remaining Warrior with forged Celica's Gale which cleared up some of the flumes around the spell's target radius.

Ace decided to have Crizix and Sampson look after her sister while she went to aid Marth.

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"Mrs crizix, look out!" He blocked an arrow with his axe."There are still enemies left, and we must find the source of this gas!"

"Oh! T-Thank you, sir...Well, the Dracozombie is the one spewing out this gas, but...that's King Marth's battle...I think...we should focus on the rest of the Risen." She fired a Rexcalibur in the direction where the arrow came from.

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There it was, flying into the air with its tattered wings, spewing out toxins into the air. But I couldnt reach it from up there. Darn it all. If only I could gain its attention somehow..... with no other ideas,I threw the nearest rock that I could find at it.

Over here,I'm the one you want! You'll find your battle with me!

The King's words caught the dragon's attention, but disregarded the tiny ant below it and continued to spout out more puffs of fumes across the tree to the point where the decaying muscles in its neck strained to its limits, broken wings flapping so vigorously the poisonous gases spread across the area like wildfire. All this effort didn't seem to tire the beast, but it soon began to flap more slowly and slowly, descending as it did. It eyed up Marth and let out a huge roar, in an attempt to intimidate him and some of the others

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Not only did Dan have to deal with the death of the small rabbit, but now, Duck was dead. This was enough. He couldn't take it. Too many have been lost. "No...more..." He felt something well up inside of him. Something he hadn't felt in a long time. "No...more..." His mind was flashing back. Back to his village. His mother and father dying before him. His friends, either hanging by a noose, stuck to a wall, or torn apart. No. He would not loose his family. Not. Again.

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"Oh! T-Thank you, sir...Well, the Dracozombie is the one spewing out this gas, but...that's King Marth's battle...I think...we should focus on the rest of the Risen." She fired a Rexcalibur in the direction where the arrow came from.

"Well, there are no enemies left... What do you propose we do now? I don't think inhaling more smog and just talking will do much..."
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The King's words caught the dragon's attention, but disregarded the tiny ant below it and continued to spout out more puffs of fumes across the tree to the point where the decaying muscles in its neck strained to its limits, broken wings flapping so vigorously the poisonous gases spread across the area like wildfire. All this effort didn't seem to tire the beast, but it soon began to flap more slowly and slowly, descending as it did. It eyed up Marth and let out a huge roar, in an attempt to intimidate him and some of the others

The dragon's roar was loud and full of ferocity and force, yet I remained still and ready to face it. Let this blade guide you towards eternal rest. I charged after it and sliced at its stomach, being extra sure that I don't inhale any of the toxins.

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Ace supported Marth by firing off a Valflame blast at the Draco Zombie, "If I heard right, this is Tiki. How awful, the least I can do is set you free from this...horrible form."

Alicia meanwhile was healed up from killing Risen thanks to Lifetaker, but too much stress on her thigh would cause the healed wound to open up again.

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The dragon's roar was loud and full of ferocity and force, yet I remained still and ready to face it. Let this blade guide you towards eternal rest. I charged after it and sliced at its stomach, being extra sure that I don't inhale any of the toxins.

Falchion's effectiveness and Ace's fire caused the dragon to wince, yet it still stood firm. The man that just slashed it was nothing, just something it wanted to kill. That's all it knew, after all. Its swipe was as fast as light, gashing at Marth's body before he could even react. The other humans didn't seem to be doing much, so it decided on taking the advantage and galloped at Samson, Crizix and Dan, wanting to crush and gnaw at their lifeless bodies

Edited by DodgeDusk
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Falchion's effectiveness and Ace's fire caused the dragon to wince, yet it still stood firm. The man that just slashed it was nothing, just something it wanted to kill. That's all it knew, after all. Its swipe was as fast as light, gashing at Marth's body before he could even react. The other humans didn't seem to be doing much, so it decided on taking the advantage and galloped at Samson, Crizix and Dan, wanting to crush and gnaw at their lifeless bodies

Crizix heard it coming and froze when she saw it. What should she do? There wasn't much time to think...She fired a Rexcalibur spell, hoping it'd drive it off.

Edited by Crizix
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