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The travel would've taken ages, if not for the King's steed. Riding up an actual tree took the duo a bit longer than expected, but they eventually emerged from the trunk and made their way into the battlefield, still distraught about how their biggest enemy was alive once more, despite his soul being trapped in the Sacred Stone of Rausten and its body destroyed by the army the two of them led. Coming to a halt, Eirika jumped off Ephraim's steed and gazed at the Demon King, slightly baffled about seeing it once more. "Not again..." She then glanced at her brother and declared that, since he had a horse and she a stave, it might've been best for her to play the more supportive role. Ephraim nodded in agreement and eyed Formortiis. "Demon King! One thrashing wasn't enough, was it?" Ephraim sarcastically asked, not showing the tiny of doubt that just formed inside him. "We may not have any of the Sacred Stones with us this time, but that doesn't matter. My lance will perish your body AND your soul!" Gripping his signature lance tightly with one hand, he commanded his horse to charge into the nearest zombie, skewering it in a matter of moments.

Eirika on the other hand, used a physic staff on the nearest person that looked injured, who turned out to be Jack Taylor. Having no idea who he was, she just hoped that the man appreciated what she did for him.

(Ephraim: 80HP)

(Eirika: 70HP)

(What are we doing with their stats? I don't think we got anything for them)

Jack Taylor felt the Physic Staffs light mend his wounds after dispatching the zombie, glancing back he saw the Renais twins on the field. "I feel like I'm seeing history unfold before my eyes. Thanks for the healing, I appreciate it."

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Dusk was still zoned out even when the twins came to Mila Tree. Everything still rang quiet and hollow, from the shouts and grunts of battle to the footsteps he and the others may or may not have taken. The Grand General of the Dreamers shouldn't ask like this, but the thought never crossed his mind. Nothing did, except for the loss of his friends... He wanted to cry, so, so much, but he just couldn't. Maybe it was because a leader figure weeping would've demoralised the others, or perhaps he just simply couldn't any more. Wouldn't have been the first time it happened, but he just didn't know. Seeing what looked like a humanoid figure not too far him, he took our his silver axe, wandered over and aimlessly swiped at it, witnessing the thing crumble to dust the moment the blade connected to its shoulder. Not a sound channelled through his ears as he just stayed in the spot and stared up at the sky above him.

(Moved to a zombie and killed it)

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Glaedyr finally reached the top of the tree. She had been delayed due to her bandaging her shoulder wound from before, and although she hated being late, it was better to be safe than sorry! Though once she got there, she could see a battle going on before her, with zombies attacking the dreamers, and what seemed to be the Demon King Fomortiis. And then she saw Duck's zombie. She froze, horrified that the person she had only just seen die recently already turned into a zombie to be used against them, and it made her feel sick as she felt her stomach churn at the thought of them having to kill the corpse of one of their comrades. But she couldn't let that get in the way, so she unsheathed her Brave Sword and approached where the others were fighting.

(HP: 51/70 due to wounds left from previous battle)

(Glaedyr has just appeared as a reinforcement, so she will act next turn)

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Enemy Phase!!

"... Tch." *barely winces from the damage* "... Sorry about this, mate." *Moves back slightly and uses the Thaniblade's ranged attack on zombie!Duck*

(56 then.)

Duck: The light from Thaniblade appeared to do harm to it, dealing 15 damage. But it didn't give up just yet. Switching to its Brave Axe, It attacks Poly twice for 15 damage each, totaling to 30.

(Duck HP: 58)


Jack Taylor flinched a bit from the zombies attacking him, "Tsk, I'm trying to take down this one and these other freaks attack as well!"

Alicia called out to her uncle from besides Poly, "Uncle Jack, Poly and I can handle Duck. Kill these lesser zombies."

​Jack Taylor glanced at the two of them, both had injuries on them. "Y'know, you both could stand some healing. And this "Duck" fellow is proving to be troublesome pain in the neck. Though these other zombies are really irritating me. I'm torn really." Jack Taylor ultimately decided to attack the Zombie that attacked him, though he could stand some healing himself.

(Jack Taylor max health 53)

Dusk was still zoned out even when the twins came to Mila Tree. Everything still rang quiet and hollow, from the shouts and grunts of battle to the footsteps he and the others may or may not have taken. The Grand General of the Dreamers shouldn't ask like this, but the thought never crossed his mind. Nothing did, except for the loss of his friends... He wanted to cry, so, so much, but he just couldn't. Maybe it was because a leader figure weeping would've demoralised the others, or perhaps he just simply couldn't any more. Wouldn't have been the first time it happened, but he just didn't know. Seeing what looked like a humanoid figure not too far him, he took our his silver axe, wandered over and aimlessly swiped at it, witnessing the thing crumble to dust the moment the blade connected to its shoulder. Not a sound channelled through his ears as he just stayed in the spot and stared up at the sky above him.

(Moved to a zombie and killed it)


One by one, the zombies fell, and one by one were the zombies replaced by a new one, each time stronger than the last and more ferocious.

  1. Attacks Jack, but misses
  2. Attacks Ephraim for 6 damage
  3. Attacks Glaedyr for 17
  4. Attacks Dusk for 19 damage
  5. Attacks Alicia, but Poly Dual Guards
  6. Attacks Eirika for 18

Ace winced from the zombie attack while Renewal kicked in, healing 30% of her wounds. "My wound should be healed up.*to Formotiis* So? Chaos is my specialty after all. I'll see you reduced to ashes in the most painful way possible! Comeon Marth! Let's burn this Demon!" Ace moves in for an attack with Valflame.

(Ace max health back to 80 I think thanks to Renewal?)

"Gah!" Nathaniel reeled back from the first attack against him, then reached for his tome. "You're not worth my time..." Nathaniel ran towards Formotiis, and attacked, activating Luna as he did so.

Marth: *turning around before continuing his assault with Ace* Glad to see that the two of you came to help. Now, the tides have turned in our favor everyone!. *Attempts to stab its tail*

Fomortiis: Ace's Valflamme and Nathaniel's Luna!Ruin together gave throbbing pain to it, but said pain was lessened by Aegis to 30. Marth's attempt was also a failure and was whacked into a wall by its ferocious tail. It turns to Ace, with muderous intent in its eyes. You're becoming a major pest you know that? Your suffering will be the likes that'll break even the strongest of man. It activates Stun and punches her with Ravager, for a whopping 65 damage, and cannot move for the next turn. You're in the presence of all hell's fury. There is no hope for any of you! *looks at Ephraim* The Sacred Stone that housed my imprisonment is no longer of existence. Nothing can save you from entering hell's gate.

(Fomortiis HP: 53)

Player Phase!

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She grumbled incoherently as she briefly clutched her shoulder and tried not to wince. "Gah! Stupid zombies...I'll show them!" Riled up, she slashed the zombie that had just attacked her, and she made sure to jump back to dodge its attempt at a counterattack, though she found it difficult to make sudden movements without her shoulder throbbing in protest. [Gotta...keep...going...] She was distracted momentarily when she saw the Demon King attacking Ace and she felt her skin go cold. Such power...Such ferocity... It was like nothing she'd ever seen before... She'd always thought the tales of its strength had been exaggerated, but she had clearly thought wrong. She shivered, before shaking her head and focusing on the zombies around her. She may be too weak to face something like Fomortiis, but she had faith that the others could kill him. For the time being, she would stick to fighting zombies.

Current HP: 34/70

Edited by Glaedyr
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That last attack hurt, but Crizix was still standing. Really, she should retaliate, but a quick scan of the battlefield showed her that all her allies could use some healing. She brought out the new Fortify and channeled her energy through it. Since this was the first time she was actually using it, she wasn't sure how effective it'd be, but something is better than nothing, right?

Crizix's HP: 63 - 24 = 39

Edited by Crizix
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Enemy Phase!!


One by one, the zombies fell, and one by one were the zombies replaced by a new one, each time stronger than the last and more ferocious.

  1. Attacks Eirika for 18

The zombie that attacked Eirika hurt her somewhat, but she still stood firm, despite her dress being stained in blood. She saw some of the other Dreamers get assault by the onslaught of zombies, yet she had to focus on the one in front of her now. Wielding the lance, she pierced the zombie's hide and soon felled it, dress guttering slightly due to the sheer force of her thrust.

*looks at Ephraim* The Sacred Stone that housed my imprisonment is no longer of existence. Nothing can save you from entering hell's gate.

(Fomortiis HP: 53)

Ephraim didn't even register the zombie attacking him. It wouldn't do much harm any more though, as his steed simply trampled over it. His unique lance in hand, he charged towards the Demon King, fully intent on ending the foul being's life once more with his own hands. "That is not the case. I've seen you wince, suggesting you can feel pain. You not have noticed it also, but the fiery attack from the female caused a gash to appear. If you can bleed, you can be stopped" Spinning his lance in his hand, Ephraim skewered the lance through Fomortiis' tough exterior. "At the end of the day, I don't pick fights I can't win, after all. My sister may shun me for performing such a stunt, but I can afford to be a bit reckless"


One by one, the zombies fell, and one by one were the zombies replaced by a new one, each time stronger than the last and more ferocious.

  1. Attacks Dusk for 19 damage

Dusk was so dazed out, he completely missed the zombie attacking him. Suffering a slash wound on the back of his back, he turned out and quickly returned the attack, ending the 'life' of the zombie. Everything was still bizarre to him, but ever so slowly, things were beginning to get back into focus; the noises were getting louder and more recognisable, and he didn't feel as cold any more

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That last attack hurt like crazy, even with Renewal healing 30% of the damage done. Since Ace couldn't act, she just stared at Formotiis with eyes blazing, "What makes you I care? That's nothing compared to the words slung at me as a child. THOSE hurt worse than an weapon or attack, so nothing you do can even come close to topping that!" Since Ace couldn't act, all she could do was stand there and bank on Marth taking the lead.

(Ace max health 74 from both Renewal and Fortify?)


Seeing how badly Poly was hurting from Zombie!Duck's Brave Axe assault, Alicia stepped in front of Poly holding her forged Celica's Gale tome,Crizix's healing with Fortify giving her the strength to stand steady once more, Ignis flames enveloping her form. "I'll not permit you to cause my love anymore harm! Your time on this plane has ended." Alicia launches an Ignis fueled Celica's Gale spell on Zombie!Duck

(Alicia max health 80 from Fortify healing?)

Jack Taylor shuddered hearing that roar from Formotiis, glancing around he noticed Ace frozen in place from the Demon King's attack and Marth knocked against a wall. "Great...King Marth just got sent flying, leaving Ace undefended in her current state. Do I rush to defend her or aid Alicia in finally killing that zombiefied Duck fellow?"

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Feeling some sort of healing magic, Glaedyr turned to find the source. "Crizix! Thanks! You're a lifesaver...Literally!" Although her shoulder still hurt, the pain had eased somewhat and was slightly less distracting.

(This is just to say I gtg now, so someone can take over Glaedyr if they want, or you can just assume she attacks a zombie each turn! Night!)

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Jack Taylor then remembered the Alm's Blade he had on him. That sword was kinda heavy, in fact he was surprised he could still dodge while still carrying that blade. Noticing Dan in the corner with only a stick, Jack Taylor finally made a decision after careful thought about this. He walks over to Dan, holding out the Alm's Blade, "Heya, why not forget that stick and slice up some zombies with this blade? I nearly tripped over this on my way up here. I'm more of a knife kinda guy, so it's yours." Jack Taylor moves and gives Dan the Alm's Blade.

(Jack Taylor max health 70 from the healing earlier?)

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That last attack hurt, but Crizix was still standing. Really, she should retaliate, but a quick scan of the battlefield showed her that all her allies could use some healing. She brought out the new Fortify and channeled her energy through it. Since this was the first time she was actually using it, she wasn't sure how effective it'd be, but something is better than nothing, right?

Crizix's HP: 63 - 24 = 39

Samson was unharmed, but could see Crizix was struggling,so he used his mend stave on her, restoring 31 HP.
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Jack Taylor then remembered the Alm's Blade he had on him. That sword was kinda heavy, in fact he was surprised he could still dodge while still carrying that blade. Noticing Dan in the corner with only a stick, Jack Taylor finally made a decision after careful thought about this. He walks over to Dan, holding out the Alm's Blade, "Heya, why not forget that stick and slice up some zombies with this blade? I nearly tripped over this on my way up here. I'm more of a knife kinda guy, so it's yours." Jack Taylor moves and gives Dan the Alm's Blade.

(Jack Taylor max health 70 from the healing earlier?)

"I was wondering where this was. Thank you." Dan took the blade in hand and started to run towards one of the zombies.


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That last attack hurt, but Crizix was still standing. Really, she should retaliate, but a quick scan of the battlefield showed her that all her allies could use some healing. She brought out the new Fortify and channeled her energy through it. Since this was the first time she was actually using it, she wasn't sure how effective it'd be, but something is better than nothing, right?

Crizix's HP: 63 - 24 = 39

(How much does she heal by?)

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(Dusko, you can control Natty)

I'm not sure how much health Natty has left... I'll edit this post in a bit.

Nathaniel: 60/80.

I have to go. Toodles!

Edited by Wizard
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Samson was unharmed, but could see Crizix was struggling,so he used his mend stave on her, restoring 31 HP.

"Many thanks, Samson." Crizix said, surprised. This was convenient; she didn't realize that he could use staffs...

(Doing the maths... 35 HP the formula is (mag/2(24) + staff bonus(8) + weapon rank bonus (A: 3))And also

Samson: 80/80

(Oh, I'll try to remember that for future reference. ^^;)

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"Many thanks, Samson." Crizix said, surprised. This was convenient; she didn't realize that he could use staffs...

(Oh, I'll try to remember that for future reference. ^^;)

Samson smirked at her surprise "Didn't know about my staves, did you? Well, I'm a war monk, after all"

(With mend, the staff bonus turns from 8 to 11)

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Samson smirked at her surprise "Didn't know about my staves, did you? Well, I'm a war monk, after all"

(With mend, the staff bonus turns from 8 to 11)

"Ah...No, I'm sorry..." Crizix blushed with embarrassment as she took a look at his attire and realized that it was fitting for a War Monk. Not that she'd seen many War Monks before...

(I see...What about Physic?)

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Fomortiis: Ace's Valflamme and Nathaniel's Luna!Ruin together gave throbbing pain to it, but said pain was lessened by Aegis to 30. Marth's attempt was also a failure and was whacked into a wall by its ferocious tail. It turns to Ace, with muderous intent in its eyes. You're becoming a major pest you know that? Your suffering will be the likes that'll break even the strongest of man. It activates Stun and punches her with Ravager, for a whopping 65 damage, and cannot move for the next turn. You're in the presence of all hell's fury. There is no hope for any of you! *looks at Ephraim* The Sacred Stone that housed my imprisonment is no longer of existence. Nothing can save you from entering hell's gate.

(Fomortiis HP: 53)

That last attack hurt like crazy, even with Renewal healing 30% of the damage done. Since Ace couldn't act, she just stared at Formotiis with eyes blazing, "What makes you I care? That's nothing compared to the words slung at me as a child. THOSE hurt worse than an weapon or attack, so nothing you do can even come close to topping that!" Since Ace couldn't act, all she could do was stand there and bank on Marth taking the lead.

(Ace max health 39 from Renewal plus the Fortify healing)

(so then Ace's HP would now be 79. Thanks for the formula Bravura, but Crizix has healtouch, making it 40)

Marth: I hit the wall pretty hard. Once I looked up, Fomortiis had dealt a might blow on Ace, which i had the horror to witness. Luckily, she was healed properly, but in her current state is unable to move. The more this battle drags on, the more dangerous it becomes. This has to end! Holding Falchion to my face, I activated Starsphere Lvl 1 and rejoined the fray, being sure that Ace wasn't left unguarded and plunged Falchion into Fomortiis .

[spoiler=Marth's boosted stat gain]

Str: 45 +5

Mag: 27 +5

Skl: 45 +5

Spd: 42 +5

Luck: 45 +5

Def:43 +5

Res: 39 +5

"Ah...No, I'm sorry..." Crizix blushed with embarrassment as she took a look at his attire and realized that it was fitting for a War Monk. Not that she'd seen many War Monks before...

(Samson x Crizix. Calling it now! xD)

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(so then Ace's HP would now be 79. Thanks for the formula Bravura, but Crizix has healtouch, making it 40)

(Samson x Crizix. Calling it now! xD)

(D'oh!... And I would say that's a thing... But they don't support.)

Samson: *to Crizix* It's fine I'm part of... An endangered species, if you could call it that...

(And physic has the same modifier as fortify, 8)

Edited by BravuraLevi
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