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Ace came running, "What the hell is going here?"

Samson came running. "Did someone call or a-" he then noticed Poly and Alicia. "Damn!" Samson saw Poly not breathing, and decided he should first try hands-only CPR. "What happened?"

(... And... I'm going to sleep. Ciao.)

Edited by BravuraLevi
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Alicia did all in her power to get Poly breathing again, her mind slipping back into the grip of blackness of the panic attack. Tears streaming down her face, her own breath becoming choked with sobs. Even as she took over CPR from Sampson.
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Ace came running, "What the hell is going here?"

Crizix was about to respond to Glaedyr, but someone's shrieking caught her attention, especially because it called her name...along with Yuffie's. She ran over to where Alicia was before Glaedyr could react. "Wh...What happened?" Alicia was performing CPR on Polydeuces...Well, that's not odd at all. "He's not breathing, I presume?"

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*Comes in*

Isabelle: That bad, eh? =o

Well...I don't think any ordinary healing from a staff is going to do this. Alicia should hope to do this as I'm lousy at medical care other than staves. Where's Yuffie when you need him?

Edited by Dark_Huntress
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"I see." Crizix silently put two fingers on Polydeuces's neck. "Hmm...His pulse is very faint...Does anyone have any idea what happened to him?"

Alicia shook her head, "I don't know what's wrong...Ooooooh, I just wanted him to know I was not dead. I didn't want him to leave me for dead and forget about me..."*Sobbing*

Ace walks in, "Ugh...I feel like all I do is hold together your marriage Sis. Lemme look at hi---" *Discovers the bite wound from Zombie!Duck* "ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?! Ugh....Its beginning to get infected...I swear..." Crizix, I need ointment for a bite wound STAT! Any other healers around start healing NOW!"

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Alicia shook her head, "I don't know what's wrong...Ooooooh, I just wanted him to know I was not dead. I didn't want him to leave me for dead and forget about me..."*Sobbing*

Ace walks in, "Ugh...I feel like all I do is hold together your marriage Sis. Lemme look at hi---" *Discovers the bite wound from Zombie!Duck* "ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?! Ugh....Its beginning to get infected...I swear..." Crizix, I need ointment for a bite wound STAT! Any other healers around start healing NOW!"

Crizix scratched her head. Alicia wasn't making much sense here...

Thank goodness Ace walked in, or else they wouldn't get much done... "A zombie bite wound that's getting infected? No wonder!" She hurriedly fished out some ointment for infected wounds from her bag and started applying it evenly on Polydeuces's injury.

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Even though her nerves were becoming frayed, Ace felt some joy in knowing now they could finally treat her brother in law, "Poly, you listen to me. Don't you freaking dare die on me now, otherwise I'm gonna personally drag your soul from wherever the freak it is back to this Earth. And Sis, pull yourself together you're falling apart at the seams."

Alicia trembled, "A zombie bite?! But how....? Aaaaaaaaah, Duck must've bitten him."*cries*

Ace: "Zombie!Duck, Sis. (Yeah...I owe Duck a punch in face...and these two lovebirds a head knocking followed by a binding together with ropes or chains...aaaaand I better pop by Kat's tent after this drama is over. My temper is starting become short again.)

Edited by Ace Tactician
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Once crizix had applied ointment, Samson reached for his mend staff. There was nothing there, so he grabbed catharsis and began to focus all his energy into it. After a good minute of focusing, he released a bright green flash. It completely covered poly in green energy. He hoped that meant it would completely heal him, as his energy was now drained for the most part.

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Alicia was still in tears and on edge, "Is he gonna be okay? Please tell me he's gonna be ok--"

Ace cut her off, "While your at it, my sister needs an evaluation. I strongly suspect Formotiis's Nightmare messed with her head. That would explain why she's been crying like a headless chicken."

Jack Taylor wasn't around to see any of this, he had resumed hunting for the mystery arrowshooter.

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Alicia was still in tears and on edge, "Is he gonna be okay? Please tell me he's gonna be ok--"

Ace cut her off, "While your at it, my sister needs a physicatric evaluation. I strongly suspect Formotiis's Nightmare induced a panic attack. That would explain why she's been crying like a headless chicken."

Jack Taylor wasn't around to see any of this, he had resumed hunting for the mystery arrowshooter.

(Panic attacks involve sudden feelings of terror that strike without warning. These episodes can occur at any time, even during sleep. A person experiencing a panic attack may believe that he or she is having a heart attack or that death is imminent. The fear and terror that a person experiences during a panic attack are not in proportion to the true situation and may be unrelated to what is happening around them. Most people with panic attacks experience several of the following symptoms:

  • "Racing" heart
  • Feeling weak, faint, or dizzy
  • Tingling or numbness in the hands and fingers
  • Sense of terror, or impending doom or death
  • Feeling sweaty or having chills
  • Chest pains
  • Breathing difficulties
  • Feeling a loss of control

Panic attacks are generally brief, lasting less than 10 minutes, although some of the symptoms may persist for a longer time.


Also, we have someone capable of a performing a psychological assessment?)


*wonders if she should go and check on the Dreamers*

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(><;;; Knew I forgot something. Though Ace does have frayed nerves atm.)

Jack Taylor was stillon the hunt for the msytery sniper when he found himself in an unfamiliar room, "Wonder what this room was used for? Taking breaks I hope."

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(Also, we have someone capable of a performing a psychological assessment?)


*wonders if she should go and check on the Dreamers*

Samson regretfully looked up. "That ...is outside my... My area of expertise... Sorry."

(I think the closest are yuffie and kat)

Edited by BravuraLevi
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*still breathing heavily, otherwise not moving yet*

Ace at this point had knocked out Alicia, hoping when she woke up maybe she'd have her rampant emotions under control. "Poly, you better pull though, or I will drag your soul back to this Earth from wherever it winds up. I swear you two have more drama in your marriage than the best selling soap saga. *Turns to Alicia* Sis, I dunno what the Demon King's Nightmare caused but FOR CRYING OUT LOUD GET IT TOGETHER! I'm getting sick and tired of always having to save your marriage from all these dramas and medical crap."
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Dan walked out of the tree with Cassandra. A new face was showing. A face full of happiness. Full of joy. But as he carried the dead rabbit he had found, the same rabbit that had slept next to him, he saw the other animals waiting for him. He walked, and they all stared at him.

A few minutes later, he had finished burying the rabbit near the Mila tree. The arrow that pierced it served as an indicator among the dirt that this was where it lay. Satisfied, he got up. "...My mother always told me I was in tune with animals more than humans. They used to gather around me whenever I went out into the woods."

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*still breathing heavily, otherwise not moving yet*

Ace at this point had knocked out Alicia, hoping when she woke up maybe she'd have her rampant emotions under control. "Poly, you better pull though, or I will drag your soul back to this Earth from wherever it winds up. I swear you two have more drama in your marriage than the best selling soap saga. *Turns to Alicia* Sis, I dunno what the Demon King's Nightmare caused but FOR CRYING OUT LOUD GET IT TOGETHER! I'm getting sick and tired of always having to save your marriage from all these dramas and medical crap."

Crizix stood up and glanced at Polydeuces, then at the knocked-out Alicia. "...I think they both need plenty of bedrest. Maybe we should start moving back to camp as well...?" She mumbled. She had no clue why Ace was yelling so much, but her negative energy was...contagious.

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It took Ace one look at Crizix's nervous expression to realize just how stressed out she was. Picking up both Poly and Alicia, Ace nodded, "Yeah, let's head back to camp."

Jack Taylor meanwhile had stumbled onto the abandoned Durandal, "Are my eyes decieving me? Is this the Blazing Blade Durandal? Who goes leaving a legendary sword in here?"

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It took Ace one look at Crizix's nervous expression to realize just how stressed out she was. Picking up both Poly and Alicia, Ace nodded, "Yeah, let's head back to camp."

Jack Taylor meanwhile had stumbled onto the abandoned Durandal, "Are my eyes decieving me? Is this the Blazing Blade Durandal? Who goes leaving a legendary sword in here?"

"... That would probably be a good idea... Everyone is ... Likely tired from this battle." Samson tiredly chipped in.
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With her twin sister and brother in law slung over her shoulders, Ace started making her way back to the camp. (I'll drop these two drama lovers off in the infirmary and leave them in the care of the healers. As for me, I'll spend the rest of my day hanging out with Kat, and that's that. I seriously need a break from those two and their crises. Heck, I'll take a fireball to the face rather than stress myself out anymore today.)

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Eirika had walked back to the camp with Marth and the others, conversing about random little things that came into their little heads. She was quite happy, but she kind of missed her brother and the other Einjerhar Lords. It's been too long since they all spoke to each other, and she couldn't wait to speak to Lady Lyndis!

Ephraim and Dusk had talked about the latter's life problems and how the former dealt with similar crisis' during the War for our Stones. Dusk had seemed to be out at ease, but he knew that he had to speak to his fiancé soon, which was something he was slightly dreading, all though he couldn't pinpoint exactly why he felt such a way. [Maybe later though. Gotta make sure everyone else is okay after that battle] He thought to himself, all though his expression caught the eye of his new friend.

"Is something on your mind, Dusk?" Ephraim asked

"Just thinking about what you said, is all"

"I see. Don't over think it, or else we might be a bit further back than square one"

"Of course..." Dusk frowned. Following Ephraim to the camp, he only wondered how he was going to handle the title of 'Leader'... Ephraim was sure going to be someone he was going to speak to a lot

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Ace finally made it back to the camp, despite having to carry two people. After dropping off the still unmoving yet breathing Poly, and the out cold Alicia at the medical tent, Ace sat down besides Kat's tent, laying down on the ground on a blanket she brought with her from her own tent. Ace then sighed, "My temper is starting to become short again. While I love my sis and brother in law, they drive me crazy sometimes. Poly especially, I swear that man is danger prone. Moreso a mentally broken, emotionally drained, walking storm of "broken heart syndrome" I have ever met! Geez, no wonder he's called The Shipping King. Sis almost dying is partically the end of the world for him and he thinks she's truly gone when she's still alive, and crazy from The Demon King's Nightmare." After letting off all those thoughts, Ace just lay there besides Kat's tent, unmoving.
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