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…And this is why I will forever consider getting my own laptop and printer a wise investment. I don't suppose you could e-mail it?

I have both actually, but ink becomes an issue. Yeah I could email it, but its still late
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Silvia groaned and wound her fingers into her hair, slamming her head backwards into the wall with a thump.

This... had been the most pointless all-nighter she had ever pulled. Maybe she wasn't understanding the theory, maybe she wasn't properly reigning her hate and regret, it could have been anything at this point. And asking Henry was, naturally, out of the question.

Althought it still bothered her. So much.

Ever since Nathaniel told her what was required for wielding such magic, thinking about it made her a bit ill. Hate and regret? Such awful negative emotions, and yet it was the branch of magic her family excelled in. Henry, she understood, even if she didn't exactly LIKE it. He had been abandoned so often that it wasn't surprising he held so much hatred. She had even seen this, very early on, after he revealed to her why the Book of Naga was so torn and shattered. But Morgan? Her precious baby boy? She distinctly remembered him preferring Fire tomes over Dark ones solely because they responded to him better. Now, all of a sudden, she comes back and he can wield them with ease?

There was NO WAY that wasn't her fault.

But for some reason, no matter how sharp her regret was or how... deep her loathing, the tomes never fully responded to her. The text would react to her touch, yes, which meant it COULD be used, but its response was... weak. If she did manage to actually pull the spell, it would evaporate in her hands, a shadow of its true form.

She had spent hours and hours and hours toiling away at it, draining one Flux tome dry and working on the second, only to get faint wisps of magic and a mental exhaustion too complex to describe with words.

Silvia cracked her knuckles before massaging her left wrist again, pondering. Wasn't there some way to boost her magic? Some sort of spell, or hex? Henry had told her once there was a way, but the method to do so was risky, if not outright dangerous and required a significant draining of someone's life energy. Push too hard, and the wielder could effectively kill themselves.And the delay between the cast and the body's reaction to the sudden loss of energy was deceiving - you could cast the spell and feel perfectly fine, and then suddenly collapse, never to wake again.

"... Then I guess I just... have to push only a little." Silvia found herself murmuring the sentence without much deliberation on the subject. It seemed like a VERY slippery slope - once you started, you couldn't exactly stop - but she'd be damned if she was going to resort to being useless. Dark magic was extremely potent and she had yet to meet an Anna skilled in any sort of light magic. It wasn't much of an advantage, but it was one, regardless.

She blew out a sigh and shoved herself away from the wall, heading downstairs in search of a book detailing this exact hex.

My inner sadist is clearly NOT done here~!

Are you referencing the fact dark magic will and can consume and put you into a coma?
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Are you referencing the fact dark magic will and can consume and put you into a coma?

Something similar to that, yes, except in THIS case the wielder has more control over their fate since they're WILLINGLY giving up their life energy to increase the potency of their spells.

Although... the Slippery Slope phenomenon is at play here, so not that much control. XD

Since it provides a good look into her thoughts, I'd go for it.

Okay then!

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Something similar to that, yes, except in THIS case the wielder has more control over their fate since they're WILLINGLY giving up their life energy to increase the potency of their spells.

Although... the Slippery Slope phenomenon is at play here, so not that much control. XD

…You know; I've a theory about dark magic being able to be wielded by accepting yourself, flaws and all, and holding an iron will, and that the consumption comes from the inability to stand the fact that you are flawed and dark magic not being very forgiving. And I swear to god that theory came before I learned about Persona. It mostly comes from Knoll's supports with Natasha, I think? Or was it Lute's? Anyway, there's one of his conversations where there's a mention of dark magic being based in knowledge and truth.

Edited by Kat
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…You know; I've a theory about dark magic being able to be wielded by accepting yourself, flaws and all, and holding an iron will, and that the consumption comes from the inability to stand the fact that you are flawed and dark magic not being very forgiving. And I swear to god that theory came before I learned about Persona. It mostly comes from Knoll's supports with Natasha, I think? Or was it Lute's? Anyway, there's one of his conversations where there's a mention of dark magic being based in knowledge and truth.

Ha! I was right! …holy hell, I haven't played this game in years, how do I remember. Anyway, it's from his C support:

Knoll: Hm... Well, I suppose you are right about that. Your magic stems from

faith in the unknowable, the divine presence. In contrast, dark magic stems

from knowledge, from understanding. We distrust what we do not understand,

and we strive to know the unknowable. Perhaps our disciplines truly are


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You know; I've a theory about dark magic being able to be wielded by accepting yourself, flaws and all, and holding an iron will, and that the consumption comes from the inability to stand the fact that you are flawed and dark magic not being very forgiving. And I swear to god that theory came before I learned about Persona. It mostly comes from Knoll's supports with Natasha, I think? Or was it Lute's? Anyway, there's one of his conversations where there's a mention of dark magic being based in knowledge and truth.

I think it was one of the supports with Canas and Knoll from their games.
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…You know; I've a theory about dark magic being able to be wielded by accepting yourself, flaws and all, and holding an iron will, and that the consumption comes from the inability to stand the fact that you are flawed and dark magic not being very forgiving. And I swear to god that theory came before I learned about Persona.

... Ooh. I like~!

Especially since while Silvia DOES accept a great deal of herself, she does NOT accept the fact that she is rather power-hungry and the fact that she feels directionless and lost, which is why she's so task-oriented and detached (especially this time around, it wasn't as apparent earlier),

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I think it was one of the supports with Canas and Knoll from their games.

…Canas and Knoll are in two different games… unless you were stating they both have supports like that?

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... Ooh. I like~!

Especially since while Silvia DOES accept a great deal of herself, she does NOT accept the fact that she is rather power-hungry and the fact that she feels directionless and lost, which is why she's so task-oriented and detached (especially this time around, it wasn't as apparent earlier),

Check the rest of the post and the one below it. ^^ *looking up Canas's supports now*

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"Yay! Someone awake!" *laughs* "So, how many people did Klotho piss off?"

Ace: "I think it was more like who made Klotho mad. Poly kept trying to pry about why you had...fallen ill. And then the point came that Klotho got mad at Poly and ran off. She even called him Lusting Meanie."

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Ace: "I think it was more like who made Klotho mad. Poly kept trying to pry about why you had...fallen ill. And then the point came that Klotho got mad at Poly and ran off. She even called him Lusting Meanie."

Gulasca: ...Damn it all. Why do you people get up this early..
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Ace: "I think it was more like who made Klotho mad. Poly kept trying to pry about why you had...fallen ill. And then the point came that Klotho got mad at Poly and ran off. She even called him Lusting Meanie."

"Oh my. Well, I don't want him inquiring any further."


CANAS: ...Ahh, anima magic is quite wondrous... Its polished magic system and refined theory are quite elegant...

NINO: Oh yeah?

CANAS: My wife and I are magic users like yourself. When I look at one of my wife's tomes, it truly lightens my heart... Anima is the magic of nature... This communion with the spirit of all things unleashes the heart. This magic makes us feel free... The elder magic that I use requires great strength to master its forces.

NINO: Yeah, I think I understand... Sometimes, you look a little scary when you use magic...

Canas: Oh, no! They are alive! But...barely. They merely subsist...As you know, elder magic is based on the forces of darkness...It is even more powerful than nature magic, which is often called anima. But to use this magic, you must invite the dark forces within you. The temptation to submit to the darkness is...great. ...Unfortunately, the darkness took my brothers...They live...and breathe...their eyes open and close...But...they do not move. And they do not speak.

Here's what I could find from his supports.

Edited by Kat
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"Lusting meanie? Heh. This 'Klotho' isn't far off the mark! Well, he definitely does the lust part well... The meanie part is a matter of opinion." Nathaniel walked towards the others, wiping the sleep out of his eyes.
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Check the rest of the post and the one below it. ^^ *looking up Canas's supports now*

I did~!


I took my idea about Dark Magic from Once Upon a Time. The whole 'bad memories' thing...

Y-You did? :o

How did I not recognize that?

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"Oh my. Well, I don't want him inquiring any further."


CANAS: ...Ahh, anima magic is quite wondrous... Its polished magic system and refined theory are quite elegant...

NINO: Oh yeah?

CANAS: My wife and I are magic users like yourself. When I look at one of my wife's tomes, it truly lightens my heart... Anima is the magic of nature... This communion with the spirit of all things unleashes the heart. This magic makes us feel free... The elder magic that I use requires great strength to master its forces.

NINO: Yeah, I think I understand... Sometimes, you look a little scary when you use magic...

Canas: Oh, no! They are alive! But...barely. They merely subsist...As you know, elder magic is based on the forces of darkness...It is even more powerful than nature magic, which is often called anima. But to use this magic, you must invite the dark forces within you. The temptation to submit to the darkness is...great. ...Unfortunately, the darkness took my brothers...They live...and breathe...their eyes open and close...But...they do not move. And they do not speak.

Here's what I could find from his supports.

This was what I meant. Good ol Elder Magic..
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