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"I'll change... Like you said, it's unhealthy. I've gotta change myself for someone, anyway..."

"Oh, moving in on Glaedyr?"

"Point taken. With brings me to my next point. I've got a home to actually go to now, I have no intent on throwing that away. Why in Naga's name would I kill myself doing something stupid?" Silvia took a deep breath, clearing her head a bit before turning around again, casually flipping through her Waste tome again. "That's just illogical."

"Dear? You just used Lifetaker to fuel a spell? You tore a Mjolner tome?"

"Yes, I have noticed... Wear it now if you want... I do want it back though"

"But then I can't see properly."

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Poly slowly lifted himself up, noting that he'd fallen asleep early last night. Noticing Nathaniel and the others, he approached the group, wordlessly, as if to avoid ruining their conversation.

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Poly slowly lifted himself up, noting that he'd fallen asleep early last night. Noticing Nathaniel and the others, he approached the group, wordlessly, as if to avoid ruining their conversation.

"Though apparently he's right here." *waves to Poly* "So, I picked a random girl for Nathaniel to have a crush on and it turns out to be Glaedyr?"

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"Oh, moving in on Glaedyr?"

"Dear? You just used Lifetaker to fuel a spell? You tore a Mjolner tome?"

"But then I can't see properly."

Whoa. Kat knows that?

Silvia switched tomes, picking up the Flux tome instead and flipping it open, looking for the first undrained page she could fine. "The tome tearing... that was a fluke. I was enraged, I wasn't thinking. A-And I don't know what you're talking about."

(Vash, I'm surprised you didn't comment on the description of the boy? Or is Silvia not paying attention?)

Ohmygosh, I didn't see it. D:

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Whoa. Kat knows that?

Silvia switched tomes, picking up the Flux tome instead and flipping it open, looking for the first undrained page she could fine. "The tome tearing... that was a fluke. I was enraged, I wasn't thinking. A-And I don't know what you're talking about."

Ohmygosh, I didn't see it. D:

(Nope. She just picked a name.)

"Then what was the green mist?"


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"Yeah, pretty much." Poly replied, turning to Nathaniel quickly and mouthing "I regret nothing".

"Huh. I see." *gives him a look* "So… 'Lusting Meanie'? What did you do?"

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"Ugh, I don't even know... I asked why you apparently were sick, and she wasn't saying anything, so I asked Ace & Silvia... then... yeah. But maybe you can tell me what's wrong?"

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"...You're all bloody mind readers, the lot of you. Has Alicia been teaching you her mind-magic?"

"She has empathy. That's something you're born with, for one, and two, isn't mind reading."

"Ugh, I don't even know... I asked why you apparently were sick, and she wasn't saying anything, so I asked Ace & Silvia... then... yeah. But maybe you can tell me what's wrong?"

"I've caught a parasite, basically. Nothing bad, certainly not contagious, but it's enough to put me out of the fight and will get worse before it gets better." *grimaces* "You… uh… didn't accidentally accuse her of lying, did you?"

"... I see..." He frowns. "Do you not like my face?"

"Sister likes it better. So, she needs to see it."

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(Nope. She just picked a name.)

"Then what was the green mist?"


With a flick of the wrist she again pulled a few strands on her energy, less than before, and drifted her hand over the magic. Now that Flux magic was a bit more concentrated in nature, she could actually note the anomaly in question: the magic summone was purple, but upon its connection with her energy both magics turned black - a solid ball of magic wrapped in faint, jagged threads. She turned towards another crate and threw the ball at it, watching it explode on contact and taint the once brown wood a dark, molten purple. "... A hallucination, maybe?" she said, grinning wildly at the success and flipping to the next page.

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With a flick of the wrist she again pulled a few strands on her energy, less than before, and drifted her hand over the magic. Now that Flux magic was a bit more concentrated in nature, she could actually note the anomaly in question: the magic summone was purple, but upon its connection with her energy both magics turned black - a solid ball of magic wrapped in faint, jagged threads. She turned towards another crate and threw the ball at it, watching it explode on contact and taint the once brown wood a dark, molten purple. "... A hallucination, maybe?" she said, grinning wildly at the success and flipping to the next page.

"I don't hallucinate. If you lie, though, I'll start worrying more." *pouts* "I'm already sick, Silvia. Don't make me sick with worry too, please."

"Pretty sure I didn't. She also mentioned "weird dancing", so that's why I got curious."

"Did she THINK you did? Also, the weird dancing was Dusk and I doing ballroom dancing in our room. They helped with his arms."

Edited by Kat
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"Sister likes it better. So, she needs to see it."

He laughed at this, and then patted her head. "Well, that's very thoughtful of you. It doesn't help your eye problem though. Do you want to go inside?"

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He laughed at this, and then patted her head. "Well, that's very thoughtful of you. It doesn't help your eye problem though. Do you want to go inside?"

"Is the scary magic gone?"

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