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"Unless the user allows it. Which would be.....me."

Alicia: "Then, will you unfreeze Gulasca please?" *Hears convo* "Then, he's just going to stay frozen like this?!"

Silvia sighed, hating to throw away the magic that swirled around her hand, but if it bothered Klotho... she couldn't hurt the poor girl, not like that. "I suppose..." She glanced around for another crate to throw it at, and upon finding one, hurled the magic at it and watched it explode again. "I'm sorry for that, I didn't know..." She closed her fist again, shutting off access to the energy and spinning around to face Nathaniel. "You may as well... although I think I'm onto something..."

Ace: "I don't think that, you're looking for another way to fight in this war. There's got to be a way to practice without scaring Klotho. At least, I hope there is."

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@Glaedyr: (Yeah.)

Thanks ^.^

Glaedyr wandered over to where she could hear the others gathered. She hadn't seen some of them since before they'd split into their groups, so she was eager to greet them all. "Hey everyone! Had a safe journey back yesterday?"

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Alicia: "Then, will you unfreeze Gulasca please?"

Ace: "I don't think that, you're looking for another way to fight in this war. There's got to be a way to practice without scaring Klotho. At least, I hope there is."

"I would think Jxemas to be happy that I did this....but it shows that he's not strong enough to join heavens game after all..."

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Thanks ^.^

Glaedyr wandered over to where she could hear the others gathered. She hadn't seen some of them since before they'd split into their groups, so she was eager to greet them all. "Hey everyone! Had a safe journey back yesterday?"

Ace: "Hi Glaedyr. My journey back was a safe one, though my highlight over these six months will have been the day I yelled at Frederick."

Alicia: *to Light* "So, for Jxemas to join in 'Heaven's Game' his brother has to stay like this?"

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Ace: "Hi Glaedyr. My journey back was a safe one, though my highlight over these six months will have been the day I yelled at Frederick."

Alicia: *to Light* "So, for Jxemas to join in 'Heaven's Game' his brother has to stay like this?"

"No. He runs the game. I am the watcher."

"What is this heavens game you speak of?"

"....I can't tell one of such low power that. I can, to the Heiress of Order. I got that right I assume?"

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Ace: "Hi Glaedyr. My journey back was a safe one, though my highlight over these six months will have been the day I yelled at Frederick."

"Hi Ace!That's good! And that sounds...pretty funny, I would have loved to have seen that!" She chuckles.

"H-hello there, Glaedyr." Nathaniel raised his hand it greeting.

"Hey Nathaniel!" She waved at him happily in response.

"Morning guys..."

"Morning Breezy! Don't worry, I won't offer you any cake today!"

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"No. He runs the game. I am the watcher."

"....I can't tell one of such low power that. I can, to the Heiress of Order. I got that right I assume?"

Alicia: "So Jxemas runs this 'Heaven's Game' and you are the watcher. And yes, I am the Heiress of Order. What is it you wish to tell me?"

Ace: *to Glaedyr* "Oh yeah, you should have seen Frederick's face. I almost burst out laughing afterwards."

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"Nothing. I can't know who my enemies are then? Shame..."

Alicia: "Your enemies? You wish to know who your enemies are?" *thinking* (I cannot get a solid read on this guy. I can't tell what his inner motives are at all.)

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"Hi Ace!That's good! And that sounds...pretty funny, I would have loved to have seen that!" She chuckles.

"Hey Nathaniel!" She waved at him happily in response.

"Morning Breezy! Don't worry, I won't offer you any cake today!"

"Will we practice today?" Nathaniel asked, then flicked a look at Poly.
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"Hi Ace!That's good! And that sounds...pretty funny, I would have loved to have seen that!" She chuckles.

"Hey Nathaniel!" She waved at him happily in response.

"Morning Breezy! Don't worry, I won't offer you any cake today!"


It's been far too quiet..."

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Alicia: "Your enemies? You wish to know who your enemies are?" *thinking* (I cannot get a solid read on this guy. I can't tell what his inner motives are at all.)

"Of course. This war doesn't concern me. What goes on doesn't concern me. I'm also surprised that she hasn't appeared yet to fight you at all..."

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"'Practice'? Is that what you kids call it these days?"

As Cassandra wandered around, she noticed Klotho with an unfamiliar man. Letting out a small yelp, she hid in the first place she could think to hide behind. 'I can't let her see me now... I'm too nervous... what should I do...?'

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Ace: *to Glaedyr* "Oh yeah, you should have seen Frederick's face. I almost burst out laughing afterwards."

"Hehehe... Wish I could've seen THAT!"

"Will we practice today?" Nathaniel asked, then flicked a look at Poly.

"Sure, if you're up for it! Though I was wanting to find Dusk to see how he's been doing..."


It's been far too quiet..."

"Hehehe...Though Zephyr seemed to enjoy the carrot cake quite a bit..."

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