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The notes covered the window with such a precision that no light could seep through.

The notes, dating from six months prior to just moments ago, covered everything she knew and everything she had just learned.

The moment she bid the girls farewell, she forego sleeping - again - in favor of recording... everything, from the way the threads were shaped to the way the magic turned black at her touch to the way it responded. The notes outlined everything she have possibly experiences, every memory from those past hours she engraved in ink, and lived again.

Even the mere thought of her actions made her ill. No WONDER, Henry had never expressed an sort of interest in teaching her dark magic. He must have known how... horrifically corruptible she was. There was nothing they could have done about Morgan - he arrived to them also with the knowledge, but her... he had just been trying to protect her.

That barrier had to be his doing.

And she so stupidly ripped it to shreds.

Silvia wound her ink-stained hands in her hair, pressing her forehead against the windowsill.

But, as she recalled, Nathaniel had mentioned something about there being another way. The advantage was still, there, and with the foes Anna Rosaline had mentioned they would face, she needed every advantage she could get. Even with her natural speed and agility Theresa had managed to stab her twice - TWICE! - before she could even counterattack. And Theresa wasn't even the strongest one. How awfully pathetic.

Did it matter if Kat thought her the strongest if their opponents could end her so quickly? She could have died then, and she had literally no control over what could have been her fate.

She had already subjected herself to the hands of fate. She had already let it rule over her.

Silvia pulled back, moving her fingers from her hair to the curtains and yanking them open completely, running her blank, twisted gaze from the top of the window, to the bottom, all covered in her notes.

"... And I won't let it control me again."

This is also in the development thread~ but yeah.


Edited by Vashiane
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Ace got out of bed, stretching and reaching for her glasses besides Marth's tiara. It was just like the one another youth who called herself 'Marth' wore. Well, it was eerily similar to that one. Just looking at it made Ace recall that day in the Ferox arena, with Chrom and herself facing off against 'Marth' as Flavia's champions who was Basilio's champion. How 'Marth's' mask had come off to reveal a woman behind it. She dressed similar to Marth, with that mask and her hair hidden she could pass off as Marth. But...who was she really? Ace couldn't help but think that somehow this strange woman who called herself 'Marth' was familiar somehow. For Ace had seen the look the woman had given her that night when Emmeryn was to be killed. That look that said, 'I know you.' But Ace wasn't sure, for in her dreams about Marth's journey showed that this woman's name was Lucina. The same name as her daughter. Could this woman 'Marth' that she met back home possibly be, her and Chrom's daughter from the future? The very idea made Ace's head spin, as she opened her locket and gazed at the photo of herself, Chrom and baby Lucina to the left. "When I get back, when we meet again, I'll ask if you are my daughter from the future...Lucina. If I'm correct, you won't be mad at me for figuring it out, will you?" Ace said aloud, using her fingernail to open a hidden third photo holder behind the picture of her family. "Here, is where Alicia's wedding photo will go." Ace said, looking at the empty photo holder before her eyes.

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Nathaniel woke up suddenly, a pain emanating through his cranium. He rose his head slightly and looked down at his desk, seeing a book about dark magic. He had been studying all night again.

Carefully, he lent back his chair and wiped the sleep from his eyes. Everyone was in Ferox... Soon they would leave for Valm. It didn't scare him, but he was worried about what would happen to the others...

He got up and left his room.

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Ace walked on by, thinking about the strange woman who might be her daughter from the future when she noticed Sampson having trouble finding his glasses, "Need a hand there, Sampson?"

"Who's-" He could recognize ace's voice "Ace? Why are you in my room?"

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Dusk woke up and found himself sitting on the same chair he was whistling on last night. Clearly, the guy could sleep anywhere. Slowly getting up, a slight pain found its way into his lower back muscles. "Must've slept awkwardly. Great..." Seeing Kat sleeping in her bed and very much alive, he cracked a smile, before leaving the room and heading outside

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Silvia rubbed at her eyes and yanked the curtains closed with a snap. If anyone saw this, these notes scrawled out with the tiniest of details, well... her sanity was already in question. This would no doubt remove of any question of it. She sighed, stumbling a bit as she moved around her room, restacking the tomes she had kind of thrown about.

She glanced through the tomes, deciding to read over her Arcfire instead and stowed the dark tomes into the dresser before she left the room, closing the door with a click and heading downstairs.

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Silvia rubbed at her eyes and yanked the curtains closed with a snap. If anyone saw this, these notes scrawled out with the tiniest of details, well... her sanity was already in question. This would no doubt remove of any question of it. She sighed, stumbling a bit as she moved around her room, restacking the tomes she had kind of thrown about.

She glanced through the tomes, deciding to read over her Arcfire instead and stowed the dark tomes into the dresser before she left the room, closing the door with a click and heading downstairs.

"Miss Silvia? Why are you also in my room? Do you want something?"

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"Who's-" He could recognize ace's voice "Ace? Why are you in my room?"

Ace: "You look like you could use a hand there, Sampson. As a fellow glasses wearer, I'd thought I'd lend a hand. By the way, your glasses on your right side on that dresser there."

Meanwhile, Alicia was already up. She sat at the foot of her bed gazing at the sunshine before going out of her room to see who else was up at this time. That time with Phoibus suddenly kissing her just as Poly happened to see it still fresh in her mind.

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"Hi, Ms.Silvia." Nathaniel waved. "I'll have to teach you today, right?"

"Oh!" Silvia nodded, formally recalling his intent to do that. "That WOULD be lovely, thank you."

"Miss Silvia? Why are you also in my room? Do you want something?"

She's in your room? She's at the inn, so she headed into the lobby...?

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Ace: "You look like you could use a hand there, Sampson. As a fellow glasses wearer, I'd thought I'd lend a hand. By the way, your glasses on your right side on that dresser there."

Meanwhile, Alicia was already up. She sat at the foot of her bed gazing at the sunshine before going out of her room to see who else was up at this time. That time with Phoibus suddenly kissing her just as Poly happened to see it still fresh in her mind.

"What dresser?"

"Oh!" Silvia nodded, formally recalling his intent to do that. "That WOULD be lovely, thank you."

She's in your room? She's at the inn, so she headed into the lobby...?

(I mentioned he had terrible sight. They're in the lobby, but Samson doesn't know that.)

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Emerging into the local inn, he hoped that they had a nice, cool beverage under the counter. Unfortunately, there weren't any. Fortunately however, some of the Dreamers were there. "Hello!~"

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"What dresser?"

(I mentioned he had terrible sight. They're in the lobby, but Samson doesn't know that.)

Ace: *produces Sampson's glasses* "From your room, this is the lobby of the inn so I grabbed them for you." *hands Sampson his glasses*

Alicia: *walks in* "Good morning everyone."

Ace: "Morning Sis!"

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"Right, right... Kat told me to tell you to stop using the emotions method of dark magic... I have to, too. It's unhealthy, apparently."

Silvia nodded, glancing away at the floor for a moment to think it over. "Right. That can be arranged." She hadn't even been using emotion to fuel her dark magic then... that was a promise she could throughly keep.

"What dresser?"

(I mentioned he had terrible sight. They're in the lobby, but Samson doesn't know that.)

"This is the lobby to the inn, Samson... not your room...?"

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Silvia nodded, glancing away at the floor for a moment to think it over. "Right. That can be arranged." She hadn't even been using emotion to fuel her dark magic then... that was a promise she could throughly keep.

"This is the lobby to the inn, Samson... not your room...?"


He smirked at Samson's question. "Ha, so the priest sleeps in the inn now? How weird is that?"

"I'm in an inn? What?"

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"... Oh my. Just... crawl around and find your glasses or something"

"B-but I can't see very far without my glasses. The only reason I can it's you, dusk, is because of your voice."

Edited by BravuraLevi
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