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"Then why did I hear that you did?! You're lying Klotho. I just... want you to tell me the truth. If you feel I'm overstepping my boundaries... fair enough."


Dan walked in with a walking stick. This was the second time he's had to do this because of a stab wound in the chest. He sat down near Klotho. "So...is there anything to eat?"


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Cassandra woke up in a daze. She'd spent all night dreaming of that which she feared most, and blinked fiercely when she saw the bed beside her empty. 'Oh no... she's not... she can't be gone!' She thought, frantically scrambling out of the medical tent in the hopes of finding Klotho.

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Dan looked at Samson. "It's nothing. I think it's best you leave her alone." Then he turned to Klotho. "Listen...I'm...sorry for freaking you out. Are you sure you are okay?"

"I'm fine. Are you?"

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"I figured you were beating yourself over what happened yesterday, so I thought to make sure you were at least being productive about it?" *teasing smile that turns to a frown* "You're getting some circles under your eyes. When was the last time you got a full night's rest? Honest to Mila answer here. I know some herbs that can help you get to sleep if you're having trouble."

"Are. You. Kidding." Silvia shoved herself away from the wall. "I could have killed you and you're... joking about it?"

"And I can sleep just fine..."

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Poly struggled to get up, despite being one of the most physically healthy members of the Dreamers at the moment. "Gnuuu..." he groaned out, struggling to get to his feet, before feeling the back of his head. 'Shit... that's right. I gave myself a nasty bruise on my head.'

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"Are. You. Kidding." Silvia shoved herself away from the wall. "I could have killed you and you're... joking about it?"

"And I can sleep just fine..."

​"I…" *sighs* "Dying and death don't scare me that much anymore. Sorry, I keep forgetting that most do take it seriously. However, I think I'll continue to joke to show you that it's okay, at least by my eyes, and that I refuse to let you run away from me. And are you sure? Because, like I said, you've getting some sizable circles. Any darker, and you might get a new nickname from Klotho: 'Raccoon'."

"I'm...fine...although, you don't really seem as cheery today..."

"My head feels fuzzy."

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Running back into the medical tent, Cassandra noticed that both Dan & Klotho were there, and ran up to the both of them, giving them a large hug. "Oh, you two..." she began, tearing up. "I thought I'd lost you... both of you!"

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Running back into the medical tent, Cassandra noticed that both Dan & Klotho were there, and ran up to the both of them, giving them a large hug. "Oh, you two..." she began, tearing up. "I thought I'd lost you... both of you!"

"No? I'm fine?"

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Dan looked at Samson. "It's nothing. I think it's best you leave her alone." Then he turned to Klotho. "Listen...I'm...sorry for freaking you out. Are you sure you are okay?"

(Dan too?!) *sighs* "All right, I'm done here." (I guess I'll just fade back into the background.)

"My head feels fuzzy."

(Her head feels fuzzy, but she's fine?) Samson shook his head as he walked away.

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"Gah... shit... remind me again why I did that yesterday?" Poly said to himself, snarling as he rubbed the bump on his head.

"No? I'm fine?"

"Oh, thank goodness..." Cassandra sputtered out, hugging Klotho. "I... I thought I hurt you... yesterday... I'm sorry... I'm so... so... sorry..."

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​"I…" *sighs* "Dying and death don't scare me that much anymore. Sorry, I keep forgetting that most do take it seriously. However, I think I'll continue to joke to show you that it's okay, at least by my eyes, and that I refuse to let you run away from me. And are you sure? Because, like I said, you've getting some sizable circles. Any darker, and you might get a new nickname from Klotho: 'Raccoon'."

"My head feels fuzzy."

"Right, you're immortal," Silvia said dismissively, waving a hand to do so. "Your baby is a different story ENTIRELY, and for someone who hates in-fighting so much, you see really okay with me running dark magic through your damned neck." She huffed, moving to ram her fist into the wall again but instantly deciding against it, knowing if she did, Kat wouldn't like THAT. "Positive. No trouble sleeping whatsoever." Which wasn't a lie so much as missing some added information - she could sleep fine, she just didn't LET herself sleep to finish her note-taking.

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"Oh, thank goodness..." Cassandra sputtered out, hugging Klotho. "I... I thought I hurt you... yesterday... I'm sorry... I'm so... so... sorry..."

"No, I'm just fine. Are you? Also, you're choking me."

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"Oh, thank goodness..." Cassandra sputtered out, hugging Klotho. "I... I thought I hurt you... yesterday... I'm sorry... I'm so... so... sorry..."

Since she didn't want to interrupt their reunion, Glaedyr decided to simply place the last slice of cake on a plate next to Cassandra rather than disturbing her...'moment' with Klotho.

Nathaniel leaned against a wall, trying not to catch the eye of anyone in the room. He sighed and attempted to gather his thoughts.

As she was sat in silence, observing all the goings on around her, she looked up and spotted Nathaniel sighing to himself. She wondered what was going through his head, since he looked somewhat troubled.

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"Your sister hasn't told you yet?"

Ace: "I think all the chaos with the Risen kinda put that on the back burner. Fill me in, who is this priest you seek?"

Alicia peered into Poly's room, noting he was nursing some kind of head wound, maybe a bruise.

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"No, I'm just fine. Are you? Also, you're choking me."

"Ah... I'm sorry... I'm just happy that you're okay." Cassandra replied, letting go of Klotho, before burying her face in her own hands. 'Oh... god... I have to... stop doing that..."

Alicia peered into Poly's room, noting he was nursing some kind of head wound, maybe a bruise.

"Enter, if you wish to speak to me!" Poly called out dramatically, clearly knowing that it was Alicia out there.

Edited by Suzuka Gongen
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