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"That works too."

"Well, I know I'm hungry for a good fight. So I'd prefer if we left today... I think we should try and finish this quickly."

Alicia:" Okay then, I'll sleep in from this point on. I have to agree with Kat. If your not at your best, in both body and mind, then you won't give your best effort in battle. Though I am curious as to when we depart."

Ace:"Yeah, perhaps there are sights to see as Anon said. I'd like to see them before we stain the ground red with blood."

Edited by Ace Tactician
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It took a while, but here's more of Marth's Paralogue:

[spoiler=A King's Dying Wishes: Nexus Saga Act 1]

After jumping into the portal, a bright light flashed all around us. When the light faded, I was faced with something I had never seen anything like in all of Anri the Great. There was an over surplus of worlds out there to explore, some looking to be rather pleasant to the eye, like the Hot Springs and Beach Outrealms. Some on the other hand were rather dark and ominous looking, such as this one bleak world of infinite darkness and strife that bears an extremely strong resemblance to Ylisse. That world had no glimmer of hope whatsoever; innocents were being slaughtered by legions of Risen and fear was within the eyes of all that have survived……… And yet, there were still a select few that continued to fight, despite the despair that they lived in. From the look of it, they were all….. Children? One of them in particular caught my eye. She, for some reason, dressed in a manner….. similar to my own, from the attire, to color, down to donning a tiara. Then there was her sword. It was very peculiar, yet at the same time was familiar to me. After close inspection of the blade, I deduced that it was…….. Falchion? Is this girl related to me somehow? Then again, Ace did mention that Chrom’s Falchion was different from my own. Perhaps this woman is the daughter to Chrom. All in all, it was a rather exhilarating experience to behold really. I took notice of a world that looked just like the continent of Archanea; my home. Or, Marth’s home, I should say. And Hubba has the ability to look into all of them? The knowledge that he possesses must be immeasurable, stretching across all ages of history. Knowing that, it’s best that I not underestimate him anymore, despite being slightly perverse.

The joy ride had ended, for we have landed in the correct Outrealm. The moment we did, there was battle outbreak everywhere I looked. Two otherworldly armies are at war with each other, andit doesn’t look like either side is letting up for a second. I watched as one unwary cavalier had seven arrowheads lodged within his back, yet continued to fight one valiantly before being shot one more time in his heart and him letting go of the reins of his horse to fall onto the ground to meet death’s cold sting.

Marth: Have they no remorse? There are innocent bystanders nearby, yet here they are fighting amongst each other!

Hubba: Like I told you, this Outrealm is home to war between the Einherjar. Both sides want the same thing, yet continue to fight each other without stop. It’s rather entertaining really.

Marth: How can you find war to be entertaining!? They are people, like me! We are not just some tools of war to satisfy your boredom, nor are we to succumb to this cycle of constant warfare!

Hubba: You say that, yet you too have fought in them? Tell me, how do you plan to put a stop to it Marth?

Marth: I…… I do not yet know, but right now, the only possible thing I can think of that might work is to tell them the truth.

Hubba: Good luck with that endeavor. Einherjar are mere reflections of what a person once was and cannot be negotiated with. They blindly follow the orders of whomever it is that may summon them and are highly irrational.

Marth: If what you say is true, then do explain how I am here before you and not out to kill you, like the rest of them?

Hubba: Dear gods you’re right! Save me Marth! But do be kind to Eirika and Lyn for me. I have a special date planned for them huehuehue

Marth: *facepalms*As much as I would LOVE to do that, keep in mind that I am only one man. I cannot stop all of them by myself.

Hubba: Oh dear, so we really are doomed? Dear Gods! Do something Marth! I’m too young to die!

Marth:*facepalms again* Didn’t you say that you had allies that might be able to aid me?

Hubba: Oh yes! Of couse I did. Heh, I was just testing you to see if you would panick or not.

Marth: Riiight. Can you bring them here already?

Hubba: Just give me a minute, and I will open another portal for them to appear. *Chants incomprehensible words* Here me O current ruler of Ylisse and savior of previos Outrealms…. I summon thee, Chrom, the Exalted! Come forth and aid your ancestor in battle!

Marth: Wait, Chrom?

Chrom: Where are we? Is this an outrealm?

Hubba: Ah, you have returned! I mean, of course you returned! I have foretold that this day would happen after all.

Chrom: Let me guess, you need our help to bring peace to this outrealm.

Hubba: My my, you are perceptive! Only this time, someone kind of beat you to coming here! This Einherjar here is actually trying to bring peace here as well, but he can't do it all by himself! I bade him to not go off on his own but-

Marth: I think that's enough of that Hubba. Anyways, what he speaks is the truth. I am King Marth of Altea. I'm sure that you are well informed of me?

Chrom: I never imagined I'd get to aid my honored ancestor. Whatever your cause is, I'll gladly lead you my aid

Marth: You have my thanks Prince Chrom. I take it, we can skip the formalities then? I'll explain more once the battle is over.

Chrom: Yes, we can skip those until after this battle is won.

Marth: Then let’s move!

*scene change*

Seliph: Father, when is the chance of receiving help from Grannvale? Or Leonster?

Sigurd: I haven't heard from Arvis or Grannvale in a while. This army has been quite long. And with our men dwindling we can't hope to loose. But there is a bright side.

Seliph: That is?

Sigurd: Leif and his men are on their way.

Seliph: Then we will not engage the enemy until they come here. Judgral has won this fight!

Sigurd: Indeed. Let us bring up our defenses! No attacking until Leif and his army get here!

Sigurd: Thats.....Leif. I see Finn and the others as well. Now we have made our ranks stronger.

Leif: Forgive me Lord Sigurd. I was away and did not hear your call.

Seliph: That is fine. We need your help in getting the enemy off us.

Leif: Isn't that why you called us? Finn! Is our troops ready for battle?

Finn: As always Lord Leif. We will break through their ranks. We are ready for this fight.

Sigurd: Leif and Seliph go take the field. I will guard the castle with the Tyrfing. Now!

*scene change to Archanea and Valentia forces*

Pr. Marth: Catria, do you have any information on the Jugdrali forces?

Catria: Lord Marth! After scouting ahead on my pegasus, it appears to be that they are mobilizing for an assault. There are quite a lot of them over there. And they seem to be lead by a man named Sigurd, followed by two younger looking officers named Seliph and Leif. Before we could gain any more info, they spotted us. And then..... They shot down my sisters....

Pr. Marth: Oh no.... Not another one. They have wronged us, yet for what reason? Does anyone know why they are even attacking us to begin with?

Minerva: We are not certain, but one of their officers mentioned that it is we who attacked first.

Alm: *overhears Pr. Marth's conversation and steps in* What does it matter? We wanted nothing to do with them and here they are laying siege on our land. I say we push back and crush them!

Celica: Alm, please calm yourself. I'm pretty sure that there is a logical solution to all of this.

Pr. Marth: I do hope that you are right Celica. They have already decimated a number of our troops.

Alm: All the more reason to fight back. Are you going to let them walk all over you?

Pr. Marth: Of course not. I'd much rather offer parley with them, so that we can calmly discuss the problem between us.

Celica: That sounds like a good idea. But do be careful and be sure that you come back safely

Pr. Marth: I will. If they have any honor at all, they won't lay a hand on me, until the parley is over. *Proceeds to the Jugdrali Commander*

Alm: What are you all doing? This is a battlefield. It's too late to be discussing politics. If they didn't want a fight, they never should have come here

Celica: I get it Alm. But... is that really the right course of action here? It might just be a misunderstanding

Alm: Eh... perhaps. But mark my words. If they so much as lay one glare at us, if even one soldier raises a sword... Heads. Will. Roll.

*scene change to Pr. Marth parleying with Jugdral*

Seliph: You there. What brings you here?

Ced: Sir they do not appear hostile.

Seliph: Do non hostile nations attack us? I want answers. You may speak.

Pr. Marth: Soldiers of Jugdral. I am Marth: crown prince of Altea, descendant to Anri the Great and heir to the throne. I mean you no harm and wish to speak to your commander.

Seliph: How can we talk to you when you have attacked us? But if you want to be honorable, I will bring you to my father. Leif! Ced! Keep the rest of his members of parley under watch. I don't trust them as much but I think talking is the wise idea.

Leif: Of course Lord Seliph.

Ced: I will milord.

Seliph: Follow me.

Pr. Marth: Very well then. Lead the way Lord Seliph.

Sigurd: You're Prince Marth I assume? Tell me. What has made you attack us? What have the Judgral done to you?

Pr. Marth: Whatever do you mean Commander Sigurd? Archanea has done nothing of the sort. As a matter of fact, we did not even know of your continent until you raided our lands. What is your reasoning for doing so?

Seliph: That isn't true. Archanea attacked first. Right father?

Sigurd: It doesn't matter now. They have attacked and now they pay the price. I don't want to not have Grannvale's approval but..Prince Marth of Altea, prepare for battle.

Quan: My lord should I escort him back?

Sigurd: No. He can go by himself. I need you and the Gae Bog here. Now we must ready our men. This parley is over.

Pr. Marth: I am sorry that it has to come to this, but it seems that you will not secede your soldiers and make peace with us. Very well then. I will meet you next on the battlefield. *returns to Archanea/Valentia alliance camp.*

Celica: You have returned!

Caeda: Marth, tell us what happened?

Pr. Marth: Everyone..... Ready what able men we have.We are now at war with Jugdral.

Celica: Are you certain that there is no other way?

Pr. Marth: Yes. Apparently, they believe that it was us that ignited this war and will not yield to us.

Alm: I knew we couldn't trust those damn Jugdrals. I was never one to consider mercy. If they want a fight, I'll give it to them....Tenfold!

Celica: Dear Mila, even though this battle is inevitable, I pray that we can end it quickly.


Quan: Was that wise milord?

Sigurd: They entered our lands first. They must pay for their crimes.

Lewyn: We have the advantage. We have the Holy weapons of our ancestors. They do not. Let us end this quickly though. I don't appeal to bloodshed.

Sigurd: You nor to I my friend. You nor to I.


Pr. Marth: Friends of Archanea! Allies of Valencia! Everyone, please look at me! For years, we have sowed, tended to, nurtured, and safeguarded the seeds of peace and stability to our homelands. We faced many trials and were forced to make many sacrifices along the way, but in the end, the little seeds that we have planted have finally taken root and grown into a tall, strong, and mighty tree in its full bloom. Over yonder, lays the oppressors to our homes. The Jugdrali soldiers plan to take that tree from us, pluck it from the depths of our soil and burn it into to the ground. Are you willing to just sit idly and watch as the very thing that we have soaked with every salty droplet of sweat from our brows, every bittersweet tear shed from our eyes, and every crimson red spilling of our blood, shatter before our very eyes!? *Crowd roars*

*Sigurd's Army*

Sigurd: Men of Judgral! This is our land our nation and those who dare think otherwise are wrong! We are the ones who stopped Loptyr! We are the descendants of Hiem, Sety, Fala, and many more! We have lived for so long here I cannot bear leaving! We are to be rooted out like a weed to a farmer. Do we want this? No! We are strong. Grannvale has ruled over this nation and for that alliance to come and take my land sickens me. Are they not but brigands in this case! *Roaring crowd*

*Pr. Marth’s Army*

Pr. Marth: No! We shall NOT yield! We shall NOT step aside! And most importantly we shall NOT give up! We are the United League of Archanea and Valencia! We shall fight for what is important to us and against those who seek bane of what we have worked for! MY FRIENDS! ARE YOU READY!?

*Crowd roars even louder*

*Sigurd’s Army*

Sigurd: No! We have protected our lands from such infidels! And we will not ever...EVER yield! Soldiers! March and take back our land! For the Judgrai! For all the innocent caught up in this! And mostly, FOR OUR HERITAGE! SOLDIERS!!!

*Pr. Marth and Sigurd Simultaneously*


*Scene change to Marth and Chrom's Shpherds, witnessing the battle raging on from a clifftop*

Marth: It looks like the battle has already started

Chrom: It looks as though talking to them isn't going to work. Both sides seem ready to fight to the death. Look at the numbers; this is going to be a long fight.

Marth: That may be. But what if it was another Einherjar that spoke to them? I believe I might be able to get through to them. At least the leaders. Even so, stopping this fight will be no easy feat.

Lucina: Marth is right, Father. I did hear two separate voices address the troops on both sides. If those voices belonged to the leaders, then perhaps getting through to them may stop this war.

Frederick: Speaking to the leaders isn't going to be as easy as you think it may be, Lady Lucina. Both sides sounded ready to fight until the other yields. Are you sure about this?

Lucina: Even so, we mustn't give up hope that perhaps even one side'll listen to us.

Chrom: I agree with Marth and Lucina, Frederick. If Marth can reach out to even one side, then stopping this battle will be that much easier.

Frederick: And if it fails, milord?

Chrom: Then we'll have to fight through and keep trying until we succeed.

Marth: Right then. We're going against two battlefronts here. I trust that your men can fend for theirselves? As soon as your men have successfully held off both forces, make an opening for me and I will confront their commanders. Understood?

Chrom: Understood. Men prepare to move out.

Lucina: Father and I won't let you down.

Chrom: Are you ready, Lucina? This may be a long fight.

Lucina: Battles like this were common in the future, against overwleming odds. I won't lose here.

Chrom: Right then. Shepherds, let's ride!

*Battle Scene*

The battle between the ULAV and Jugdral continued to ravage the Outrealm fields of war. Alm continued to mercilessly slaughter any of the Jugdrali soldiers that would even dare to take a look at him. He allowed no survivors and after each squadron he slain, moved onward to the next without any hesitation. Celica followed behind him in support, while praying to Mila that their souls be blessed with eternal rest from their pain in life.

The Last of the Whitewings, Catria, followed her leader, the Red Drackoknight known as Minerva, into battle in hopes of avenging the death of her fellow Whitewinged sisters, but she soon followed them in death by being shot down by Jamke's Silver arrow in protection of Minerva. Distraught from the loss of her vassals Minerva proudly flew forward in vengeance, was stopped, and began air combat with another drackoknight: the heir to Gae Bolg, Altena. The two of them scoured the skies with their intense battling. The cries from their wyverns can be heard all around the battlefield as the two of them traded blows with each other, until they both charged at each other for the final blow. Minerva swung the Hauteclaire into Altena's side, while Altena pierced her chest. Both riders immediately fell from the skies, along with their wyverns and crashed onto the Earth, their bodies lifeless and cold.

Merric, the wind sage and master of Excaliber, came into battle with the heir to Forsetti, Ced. As they slung their wind spells against each other, the two wind spells collided and created a wind hurricane that swept the both of them off of the ground, along with several other officers within the area. Seeing the opportunity, Arvis came out and unleashed Valflame at the flurry of wind and incinerated all who were unlucky enough to get caught within the firestorm. The grass was charcoal black with ashes of the fallen soldiers, however, the flames continued to spread and eventually enveloped him as well.

Ares appeared and had prepared to make a fatal blow on an unsuspecting Alm. That is, until Chrom intercepted his attempt and left him incapacitated. "Your End has come!" he shouted as he stabbed him off of his dark mount. As he stood up from defeating Ares, the Shepherds gathered around him and officially joined the batte. Lon'qu squared up with Navarre in a duel, which commenced with high speed swordplay that was too fast for most to see with the untrained eye. When they concluded, Navarre was left on the ground with Lon'qu as the victor. "Who dies next?" is what he spoke out after his victory. Lucina remained close to her father Chrom shouting "You will not stop us!" and in perfect sync, activated their Aether skill and took down Julius in a double cross slash. Marth was back to back to back with Chrom and Lucina. He was rather impressed with the level of skill that they possessed as a duo and pressed forward to the next squadron alongside them.

The onslaught lasted till the evening; the clouds were turning dark, as the sun was beginning to set on the battle. Their bodies lying everywhere from both armies, as they all took heavy casualties, yet neither side would yield. On the left stood the leaders, Pr. Marth, Emperor Hardin, Alm, and Celica, while the right had Sigurd, Seliph, Leif, and Quan. As they were ready to charge at each other, Marth, along with Chrom, Lucina and Frederick, intervened between them and halted their fight.

Marth: Thats enough! Can't you see what your power struggle is bringing to the land? Both of you say that you strive for peace, yet can't bring each other to stop fighting! Marth then noticed his double. What? Is that... another me?

Pr. Marth: You... why do you appear like me? There is only one Prince Marth and I will not be subdued by an imposter!

Marth: No, you don't understand! This whole entire battle between the two of you is a setup. Someone somehow led the two of you to believe that the other attacked you. Actually, all of you arent even real

Alm: *irritated* And we are to believe you? Hah! Don't make me laugh as I crush you! Ours is the just cause and we wil see to it that justice is served!

Pr.Marth: Like Alm said, I will not falter from what I believe in. If what you speak is the truth, then lets see you dfeat us in battle. Draw!

Lucina: You must believe us! This was all set up!

Chrom: Are you sure you won't stand down and listen to what we have to say?

Frederick: Be prepared to fight, milord should trying to reason with them fail.

Chrom: Yes, if I must.

Lucina: No. Must it really come to this?

Celica: I’d rather not partake in this battle, but the losses we face are innumerable. Please, let it be easy?

Before Lucina could ready herself, Sigurd came charging towards both her and Chrom.

Sigurd: Otherworldly soldiers, face me in combat. Whether or not what you speak is true will not dishonor both me and Jugdral by yielding.

Seliph: ….. I know that this fight is unavoidable. And yet….. Something indeed doesn’t seem right about this.

Leif: So you feel it too huh? Let’s make this quick and maybe the feeling will go away.

Seliph: You really think so? Something about this fight doesn’t make sense. Perhaps…..

Marth and Pr. Marth faced off in a duel. Being the same person, the two of them were evenly matched; both swordsmen mimicked the other’s graceful footwork and swordplay. It was almost as if looking at a mirror with how even the two were. Granted, they ARE the same person, so it would be expected. Even so, despite their similarities, Marth was more experienced than his prince counterpart. He learned other techniques that the prince didn’t in life from the time he has spent fighting along both the Shepherds before, and the more recent Azure Dreamers. With his foreign bladework, Marth quickly change the tempo and pace of the duel. Pr. Marth was struggling to keep up and before he knew it, was disarmed and faced with defeat.

Pr. Marth: You have prevailed…. Looking into your eyes, I see… determination and sincerity…. *fades back into card form*

Chrom just barely blocked Sigurd's strike with Exalted Falchion. Blades clashed as Chrom and Sigurd fought each other, mounted swordsman versus one on foot. It seemed like Sigurd had the advantage being on horseback, though Chrom surprisingly held his ground despite being on foot. Though Sigurd wasn't one to give his opponent a break. Tyrfing and Exalted Falchion repeatdly clashed one blow after the other, each moment wasting not a single second. Then, as Sigurd prepared to charge again Chrom swung his sword back, the glint in his eye as he said, "Anything can change!" and critted Sigurd, the blow striking him in the chest as he fell off his horse. Hitting the ground and reverting back to card form.

Lucina barely avoided Quan's lance and unsheathed her Parallel Falchion. Matching Quan's legendary lance blow for blow, Lucina wasn't about to let up despite being caught offguard. Gae Boeing and Parallel Falchion clashed against each other in loud, quick fury. Quan kept Lucina on her toes as they fought each other, each strike seemlying in sync in an unbreaking rhythm, until Lucina held Parallel Falchion in front her face as Quan came at her again, with Chrom running to aid her, "You will not stop me!" Lucina shouted as she unleashed an Aether on Quan, first strike causing him to halt on his horse, then the second one resulting in him returning to card form.

Meanwhile, Alm decides to be reckless and take the Shepherds head on. As he charged at them, he leaped high into the air, blade at the ready. Celica used her Gale tome to give Alm a boost in altitude before he came plunging down, ripping the air as he descended. Frederick quickly ordered the Shepherds to fall back in light of Alm and Celica's attacks. Alm's descent continued to pick up more and more velocity. He aimed for the nearest Shepherd, which happened to have been Stahl, but instead crashed into the Earth when they pulled backwards. Grunting from the recoil, Alm stood back up

Alm: What's the matter? Is a whole army afraid of the wrath of Alm? You should be, because destruction is all that awaits anyone who dares to cross me!

Celica: I really wish it didnt have to come to this.... *readies another Gale spell*

Lucina: "Wait please! Can't we resolve this without anymore needless bloodshed?"

Alm: Clearly you don't understand the nature of a Dread Fighter. To protect the ones that we love and bettering ourselves, Dread Fighters battle to win. Regardless of whether you wanted this fight or not, you've still got it *looks at Chrom* And I SHALL come out the victor!

Alm begins to attack Chrom ferociously, without giving any signs of letting up fora second.

Celica: Excuse Alm here. He is very aggressive when it comes to battle. And even though, I would rather not fight myself, I.... must. For the many men that have fallen today, I cannot back down either.

Chrom: *blocking all of Alm's strikes while trying to reason with him*. "We aren't here to take away your home! This war was a set up!"

Lucina: *Speaking to Celica*, "Can you reason with Alm? We only wish to stop this pointless fighting!"

Alm: *to Chrom* If what you say is true, then defeat me. Prove to me that you speak the truth, stranger. If you can't then fall from my might.

Celica: Alm just has this stupid ideal an eye for an eye. Or, in his case, eye for a head. he's gotten better at it, but...... *sighs*

Chrom kept on blocking Alm's blows, not even trying to hurt him. The two kept getting nowhere, their movements seemly in sync together. Until finally, Chrom saw an opening and disarmed Alm. Alm was too cocky, which allowed Chrom to take that opening and strike him down.

Lucina: "So then, you too believe this fighting is pointless? Then why fight for something that isn't necessary?"

Alm: Grandpapa..... I'll see you soon... *reverts to card form*

Celica: W-well, yes, I am strongly against fighting, and even this fight seemed to be pointless. But... it was all that we knew to do. *glances over to Marth, Chrom, and Alm's Card on the ground* So then... we really are what you say we are? How could we have been so blind? And yet, you say that we have a purpose? Then allow me to accompany you in finding that out. *takes Alm's card and summons him from it.*

Alm: Ugh.... what? I'm supposed to be dead

Celica: Don't you see Alm? These foreign warriors, what they say is true. Were we not an.... "Einherjar", you would most certainly be dead. And it looks like they may be able to tell us more if we go with them.

Alm: *groans* Fine then. I'll go with it, but only because you believe it to be so.

After defeating his prince counterpart, Marth decided to speak with both Seliph and Leif and showed them the einherjar cards of both Sigurd and Quan.

Marth: You see this? This is what you guys are. I understand that it is hard to take in. I too had the horror of realizing this, but right now, I am searching for truth. I, you, and all of us have been waging war against each other for ages on end. If you join me, then we won't have to fight anymore. We can actually find a purpose, other than to be human weapons. All you have to do is trust me.

Seliph: ..This is hard to believe. Are you saying we are cards this whole time!?

Leif: This is a trick. I know it is. You need more proof than this.

Marth: So then the both of you are telling me that neither of you have felt slightly different on certain occasions? That something felt..... not right? This is the reason for that.

Hubba: If the two of you want proof, I can bring back your fathers. *summons Sigurd and Quan* Like them, you too are bound by the magic of the cards. The Einherjar will continue to fight by order of the one who summons them. But..... there were a select few that were exceptions. Marth being one of them, along with the two of you.


Hubba: All will be revealed in due time. *reverts Sigurd and Quan*

Leif: ..I don't believe you in the slightest. But. I will join you. But if this is a trick...Seliph?

Seliph: For times I had doubts. Like how this even began. You saying this is true to me. I will lend you my blade.

Leif: As you command. We both will join you.

Lucina: "The fighting stopped, oh thank Naga."

The battle between Archanea and Jugdral has now reached its conclusion as the sun had set and the moon arises into night. The aftermath has scared the very land that they stood in. What has always been a battlefield, is now littered with weapons, arrows and tomes of the fallen combatants who are now reverted into card form. As a means to ensure that no more infighting among the Einherjar occurs again, Marth bade Hubba to take possession of all of the cards lying around from the fight, so that no one could abuse them ever again, save for the ones that have joined him in his journey. Before Hubba collected all of them, Marth took a really long stare at the card of the person who meant the most to him in life: Caeda. She was just as beautiful and mesmerizing as he remembered; her long flowing hair and cerulean blue eyes almost made him forget where he was and what he was originally doing. He was lost in the nostalgia of their days living as the Hero-King of Archanea with her by his side every step of the way and the joy that she gave him whenever he was with her. In life, she was his light. The light that gave him strength. The light that no amount of darkness, or any Shadow Dragon could ever extinguish. A part of him really wanted to take her with him so that he could at least be happy with his new found Einherjar life with the one that he loved, but due to her not being one of the select few "exceptions" that Hubba mentioned, Hubba took her away from him anyway, much to Marth's frowning disappointment. Couldn't he at least allow him to give her one last kiss goodbye? Its been too long since he's been without her.

He then stumbled upon the card of himself: Prince Marth, which only brought him bewilderment.

Marth: Hubba....Why are there two of me?

Hubba: Well.... you see..... um.... In your creation, i KIND of made a mistake by not fully implementing your experiences,so I guess you could call it a....rough draft?. The Marth that you are holding reflects the days where you were still prince and once the completed Marth, you, was made, I.... might have forgotten about him?

Marth was unsure how to react to Hubba's explanation. It was already hard to take in the fact that he was an Einherjar, but having TWO? How much worse could it get?

Marth: I.....see..... *Marth then went over to Chrom and Lucina*

You and your army have been a great help to me. You have my thanks. But, I still owe you an explanation. Yes, I understand that I am what you call.... an "Einherjar". I am currently looking for the reasons behind my creation and am seeking out the Divine Dragon for answers. However, to do that, I must brave this Outrealm which houses the continental struggles of history's greatest armies and put an end to all of it. And according to Hubba, I am not the only special case. Take Alm, Celica, Seliph and Leif over there. There are still others further along the road here. I can feel it. Do you think that you can lend me your strength one more time to bring peace to this ever feudal Outrealm?

Chrom: Of course, I'll see you through to the end.

Lucina: I'm by your side, with Father.

Marth: Many thanks Prince Chrom. And you two milady. But how are your soldiers? Such a battle must require some rest before we take off. We will wait for when everyone is well rested and make our way. Hubba, where do we go next?

Hubba: Ah, yes. Your next destination will take you to a subterranean ruin, which is the only route to reaching Naga. However, there are other Einherjar waiting in that area. And from the look of it, they will be twice as hostile as this batch. You're going to have to do some planning before you get yourself killed.

Marth: Very well then. Chrom, let us make camp for the night.

And with that, Marth has successfully completed phase one of his quest for answers. At the farther corner of the realm lies the way to his destination, along with new foes from entirely different continents that he is well accustomed to. But with the aid of his newfound allies Alm, Celica, Seliph, Leif and Chrom's Shepherds, Marth is unafraid of what may lie ahead. His destiny draws ever closer

Credits go to Ace for Chrom, Lucina and Frederick, along with Shadow for playing as Jugdral. Act 2 coming soon

Edited by Hero-King
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(If you need Elibe help, hit me up Marf. I'm good with those games specifically.)

i just did and he said it was approved but...if they are in valm then everything has gone to shit

(Well, if you're approved, then go nuts. Maybe some are on this side of the ocean now?)

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Cassandra blushed at that comment. "Nonsense, Klotho... White's a pretty colour, and your hair is even prettier with it."

"We don't have a lot of time, though. It's kind of a lose-lose situation."


"If you say so."

"No, but I'd rather not see deaths due to reckless charging."

Hearing this, Dusk spat out his drink. [Did she just...] "Klotho... White is hardly boring!"


(Maybe PM the admins/Shadow to see if your plan's gonna work? I know what it is already, but...)

…I would ask that ANYONE with a plan PM the admins… because the admins have all the plot threads… ><

It took a while, but here more of Marth's Paralogue:

[spoiler=A King's Dying Wishes: Nexus Saga Act 1]

After jumping into the portal, a bright light flashed all around us. When the light faded, I was faced with something I had never seen anything like in all of Anri the Great. There was an over surplus of worlds out there to explore, some looking to be rather pleasant to the eye, like the Hot Springs and Beach Outrealms. Some on the other hand were rather dark and ominous looking, such as this one bleak world of infinite darkness and strife that bears an extremely strong resemblance to Ylisse. That world had no glimmer of hope whatsoever; innocents were being slaughtered by legions of Risen and fear was within the eyes of all that have survived……… And yet, there were still a select few that continued to fight, despite the despair that they lived in. From the look of it, they were all….. Children? One of them in particular caught my eye. She, for some reason, dressed in a manner….. similar to my own, from the attire, to color, down to donning a tiara. Then there was her sword. It was very peculiar, yet at the same time was familiar to me. After close inspection of the blade, I deduced that it was…….. Falchion? Is this girl related to me somehow? Then again, Ace did mention that Chrom’s Falchion was different from my own. Perhaps this woman is the daughter to Chrom. All in all, it was a rather exhilarating experience to behold really. I took notice of a world that looked just like the continent of Archanea; my home. Or, Marth’s home, I should say. And Hubba has the ability to look into all of them? The knowledge that he possesses must be immeasurable, stretching across all ages of history. Knowing that, it’s best that I not underestimate him anymore, despite being slightly perverse.

The joy ride had ended, for we have landed in the correct Outrealm. The moment we did, there was battle outbreak everywhere I looked. Two otherworldly armies are at war with each other, andit doesn’t look like either side is letting up for a second. I watched as one unwary cavalier had seven arrowheads lodged within his back, yet continued to fight one valiantly before being shot one more time in his heart and him letting go of the reins of his horse to fall onto the ground to meet death’s cold sting.

Marth: Have they no remorse? There are innocent bystanders nearby, yet here they are fighting amongst each other!

Hubba: Like I told you, this Outrealm is home to war between the Einherjar. Both sides want the same thing, yet continue to fight each other without stop. It’s rather entertaining really.

Marth: How can you find war to be entertaining!? They are people, like me! We are not just some tools of war to satisfy your boredom, nor are we to succumb to this cycle of constant warfare!

Hubba: You say that, yet you too have fought in them? Tell me, how do you plan to put a stop to it Marth?

Marth: I…… I do not yet know, but right now, the only possible thing I can think of that might work is to tell them the truth.

Hubba: Good luck with that endeavor. Einherjar are mere reflections of what a person once was and cannot be negotiated with. They blindly follow the orders of whomever it is that may summon them and are highly irrational.

Marth: If what you say is true, then do explain how I am here before you and not out to kill you, like the rest of them?

Hubba: Dear gods you’re right! Save me Marth! But do be kind to Eirika and Lyn for me. I have a special date planned for them huehuehue

Marth: *facepalms*As much as I would LOVE to do that, keep in mind that I am only one man. I cannot stop all of them by myself.

Hubba: Oh dear, so we really are doomed? Dear Gods! Do something Marth! I’m too young to die!

Marth:*facepalms again* Didn’t you say that you had allies that might be able to aid me?

Hubba: Oh yes! Of couse I did. Heh, I was just testing you to see if you would panick or not.

Marth: Riiight. Can you bring them here already?

Hubba: Just give me a minute, and I will open another portal for them to appear. *Chants incomprehensible words* Here me O current ruler of Ylisse and savior of previos Outrealms…. I summon thee, Chrom, the Exalted! Come forth and aid your ancestor in battle!

Marth: Wait, Chrom?

Chrom: Where are we? Is this an outrealm?

Hubba: Ah, you have returned! I mean, of course you returned! I have foretold that this day would happen after all.

Chrom: Let me guess, you need our help to bring peace to this outrealm.

Hubba: My my, you are perceptive! Only this time, someone kind of beat you to coming here! This Einherjar here is actually trying to bring peace here as well, but he can't do it all by himself! I bade him to not go off on his own but-

Marth: I think that's enough of that Hubba. Anyways, what he speaks is the truth. I am King Marth of Altea. I'm sure that you are well informed of me?

Chrom: I never imagined I'd get to aid my honored ancestor. Whatever your cause is, I'll gladly lead you my aid

Marth: You have my thanks Prince Chrom. I take it, we can skip the formalities then? I'll explain more once the battle is over.

Chrom: Yes, we can skip those until after this battle is won.

Marth: Then let’s move!

*scene change*

Seliph: Father, when is the chance of receiving help from Grannvale? Or Leonster?

Sigurd: I haven't heard from Arvis or Grannvale in a while. This army has been quite long. And with our men dwindling we can't hope to loose. But there is a bright side.

Seliph: That is?

Sigurd: Leif and his men are on their way.

Seliph: Then we will not engage the enemy until they come here. Judgral has won this fight!

Sigurd: Indeed. Let us bring up our defenses! No attacking until Leif and his army get here!

Sigurd: Thats.....Leif. I see Finn and the others as well. Now we have made our ranks stronger.

Leif: Forgive me Lord Sigurd. I was away and did not hear your call.

Seliph: That is fine. We need your help in getting the enemy off us.

Leif: Isn't that why you called us? Finn! Is our troops ready for battle?

Finn: As always Lord Leif. We will break through their ranks. We are ready for this fight.

Sigurd: Leif and Seliph go take the field. I will guard the castle with the Tyrfing. Now!

*scene change to Archanea and Valentia forces*

Pr. Marth: Catria, do you have any information on the Jugdrali forces?

Catria: Lord Marth! After scouting ahead on my pegasus, it appears to be that they are mobilizing for an assault. There are quite a lot of them over there. And they seem to be lead by a man named Sigurd, followed by two younger looking officers named Seliph and Leif. Before we could gain any more info, they spotted us. And then..... They shot down my sisters....

Pr. Marth: Oh no.... Not another one. They have wronged us, yet for what reason? Does anyone know why they are even attacking us to begin with?

Minerva: We are not certain, but one of their officers mentioned that it is we who attacked first.

Alm: *overhears Pr. Marth's conversation and steps in* What does it matter? We wanted nothing to do with them and here they are laying siege on our land. I say we push back and crush them!

Celica: Alm, please calm yourself. I'm pretty sure that there is a logical solution to all of this.

Pr. Marth: I do hope that you are right Celica. They have already decimated a number of our troops.

Alm: All the more reason to fight back. Are you going to let them walk all over you?

Pr. Marth: Of course not. I'd much rather offer parley with them, so that we can calmly discuss the problem between us.

Celica: That sounds like a good idea. But do be careful and be sure that you come back safely

Pr. Marth: I will. If they have any honor at all, they won't lay a hand on me, until the parley is over. *Proceeds to the Jugdrali Commander*

Alm: What are you all doing? This is a battlefield. It's too late to be discussing politics. If they didn't want a fight, they never should have come here

Celica: I get it Alm. But... is that really the right course of action here? It might just be a misunderstanding

Alm: Eh... perhaps. But mark my words. If they so much as lay one glare at us, if even one soldier raises a sword... Heads. Will. Roll.

*scene change to Pr. Marth parleying with Jugdral*

Seliph: You there. What brings you here?

Ced: Sir they do not appear hostile.

Seliph: Do non hostile nations attack us? I want answers. You may speak.

Pr. Marth: Soldiers of Jugdral. I am Marth: crown prince of Altea, descendant to Anri the Great and heir to the throne. I mean you no harm and wish to speak to your commander.

Seliph: How can we talk to you when you have attacked us? But if you want to be honorable, I will bring you to my father. Leif! Ced! Keep the rest of his members of parley under watch. I don't trust them as much but I think talking is the wise idea.

Leif: Of course Lord Seliph.

Ced: I will milord.

Seliph: Follow me.

Pr. Marth: Very well then. Lead the way Lord Seliph.

Sigurd: You're Prince Marth I assume? Tell me. What has made you attack us? What have the Judgral done to you?

Pr. Marth: Whatever do you mean Commander Sigurd? Archanea has done nothing of the sort. As a matter of fact, we did not even know of your continent until you raided our lands. What is your reasoning for doing so?

Seliph: That isn't true. Archanea attacked first. Right father?

Sigurd: It doesn't matter now. They have attacked and now they pay the price. I don't want to not have Grannvale's approval but..Prince Marth of Altea, prepare for battle.

Quan: My lord should I escort him back?

Sigurd: No. He can go by himself. I need you and the Gae Bog here. Now we must ready our men. This parley is over.

Pr. Marth: I am sorry that it has to come to this, but it seems that you will not secede your soldiers and make peace with us. Very well then. I will meet you next on the battlefield. *returns to Archanea/Valentia alliance camp.*

Celica: You have returned!

Caeda: Marth, tell us what happened?

Pr. Marth: Everyone..... Ready what able men we have.We are now at war with Jugdral.

Celica: Are you certain that there is no other way?

Pr. Marth: Yes. Apparently, they believe that it was us that ignited this war and will not yield to us.

Alm: I knew we couldn't trust those damn Jugdrals. I was never one to consider mercy. If they want a fight, I'll give it to them....Tenfold!

Celica: Dear Mila, even though this battle is inevitable, I pray that we can end it quickly.


Quan: Was that wise milord?

Sigurd: They entered our lands first. They must pay for their crimes.

Lewyn: We have the advantage. We have the Holy weapons of our ancestors. They do not. Let us end this quickly though. I don't appeal to bloodshed.

Sigurd: You nor to I my friend. You nor to I.


Pr. Marth: Friends of Archanea! Allies of Valencia! Everyone, please look at me! For years, we have sowed, tended to, nurtured, and safeguarded the seeds of peace and stability to our homelands. We faced many trials and were forced to make many sacrifices along the way, but in the end, the little seeds that we have planted have finally taken root and grown into a tall, strong, and mighty tree in its full bloom. Over yonder, lays the oppressors to our homes. The Jugdrali soldiers plan to take that tree from us, pluck it from the depths of our soil and burn it into to the ground. Are you willing to just sit idly and watch as the very thing that we have soaked with every salty droplet of sweat from our brows, every bittersweet tear shed from our eyes, and every crimson red spilling of our blood, shatter before our very eyes!? *Crowd roars*

*Sigurd's Army*

Sigurd: Men of Judgral! This is our land our nation and those who dare think otherwise are wrong! We are the ones who stopped Loptyr! We are the descendants of Hiem, Sety, Fala, and many more! We have lived for so long here I cannot bear leaving! We are to be rooted out like a weed to a farmer. Do we want this? No! We are strong. Grannvale has ruled over this nation and for that alliance to come and take my land sickens me. Are they not but brigands in this case! *Roaring crowd*

*Pr. Marth’s Army*

Pr. Marth: No! We shall NOT yield! We shall NOT step aside! And most importantly we shall NOT give up! We are the United League of Archanea and Valencia! We shall fight for what is important to us and against those who seek bane of what we have worked for! MY FRIENDS! ARE YOU READY!?

*Crowd roars even louder*

*Sigurd’s Army*

Sigurd: No! We have protected our lands from such infidels! And we will not ever...EVER yield! Soldiers! March and take back our land! For the Judgrai! For all the innocent caught up in this! And mostly, FOR OUR HERITAGE! SOLDIERS!!!

*Pr. Marth and Sigurd Simultaneously*


*Scene change to Marth and Chrom's Shpherds, witnessing the battle raging on from a clifftop*

Marth: It looks like the battle has already started

Chrom: It looks as though talking to them isn't going to work. Both sides seem ready to fight to the death. Look at the numbers; this is going to be a long fight.

Marth: That may be. But what if it was another Einherjar that spoke to them? I believe I might be able to get through to them. At least the leaders. Even so, stopping this fight will be no easy feat.

Lucina: Marth is right, Father. I did hear two separate voices address the troops on both sides. If those voices belonged to the leaders, then perhaps getting through to them may stop this war.

Frederick: Speaking to the leaders isn't going to be as easy as you think it may be, Lady Lucina. Both sides sounded ready to fight until the other yields. Are you sure about this?

Lucina: Even so, we mustn't give up hope that perhaps even one side'll listen to us.

Chrom: I agree with Marth and Lucina, Frederick. If Marth can reach out to even one side, then stopping this battle will be that much easier.

Frederick: And if it fails, milord?

Chrom: Then we'll have to fight through and keep trying until we succeed.

Marth: Right then. We're going against two battlefronts here. I trust that your men can fend for theirselves? As soon as your men have successfully held off both forces, make an opening for me and I will confront their commanders. Understood?

Chrom: Understood. Men prepare to move out.

Lucina: Father and I won't let you down.

Chrom: Are you ready, Lucina? This may be a long fight.

Lucina: Battles like this were common in the future, against overwleming odds. I won't lose here.

Chrom: Right then. Shepherds, let's ride!

*Battle Scene*

The battle between the ULAV and Jugdral continued to ravage the Outrealm fields of war. Alm continued to mercilessly slaughter any of the Jugdrali soldiers that would even dare to take a look at him. He allowed no survivors and after each squadron he slain, moved onward to the next without any hesitation. Celica followed behind him in support, while praying to Mila that their souls be blessed with eternal rest from their pain in life.

The Last of the Whitewings, Catria, followed her leader, the Red Drackoknight known as Minerva, into battle in hopes of avenging the death of her fellow Whitewinged sisters, but she soon followed them in death by being shot down by Jamke's Silver arrow in protection of Minerva. Distraught from the loss of her vassals Minerva proudly flew forward in vengeance, was stopped, and began air combat with another drackoknight: the heir to Gae Bolg, Altena. The two of them scoured the skies with their intense battling. The cries from their wyverns can be heard all around the battlefield as the two of them traded blows with each other, until they both charged at each other for the final blow. Minerva swung the Hauteclaire into Altena's side, while Altena pierced her chest. Both riders immediately fell from the skies, along with their wyverns and crashed onto the Earth, their bodies lifeless and cold.

Merric, the wind sage and master of Excaliber, came into battle with the heir to Forsetti, Ced. As they slung their wind spells against each other, the two wind spells collided and created a wind hurricane that swept the both of them off of the ground, along with several other officers within the area. Seeing the opportunity, Arvis came out and unleashed Valflame at the flurry of wind and incinerated all who were unlucky enough to get caught within the firestorm. The grass was charcoal black with ashes of the fallen soldiers, however, the flames continued to spread and eventually enveloped him as well.

Ares appeared and had prepared to make a fatal blow on an unsuspecting Alm. That is, until Chrom intercepted his attempt and left him incapacitated. "Your End has come!" he shouted as he stabbed him off of his dark mount. As he stood up from defeating Ares, the Shepherds gathered around him and officially joined the batte. Lon'qu squared up with Navarre in a duel, which commenced with high speed swordplay that was too fast for most to see with the untrained eye. When they concluded, Navarre was left on the ground with Lon'qu as the victor. "Who dies next?" is what he spoke out after his victory. Lucina remained close to her father Chrom shouting "You will not stop us!" and in perfect sync, activated their Aether skill and took down Julius in a double cross slash. Marth was back to back to back with Chrom and Lucina. He was rather impressed with the level of skill that they possessed as a duo and pressed forward to the next squadron alongside them.

The onslaught lasted till the evening; the clouds were turning dark, as the sun was beginning to set on the battle. Their bodies lying everywhere from both armies, as they all took heavy casualties, yet neither side would yield. On the left stood the leaders, Pr. Marth, Emperor Hardin, Alm, and Celica, while the right had Sigurd, Seliph, Leif, and Quan. As they were ready to charge at each other, Marth, along with Chrom, Lucina and Frederick, intervened between them and halted their fight.

Marth: Thats enough! Can't you see what your power struggle is bringing to the land? Both of you say that you strive for peace, yet can't bring each other to stop fighting! Marth then noticed his double. What? Is that... another me?

Pr. Marth: You... why do you appear like me? There is only one Prince Marth and I will not be subdued by an imposter!

Marth: No, you don't understand! This whole entire battle between the two of you is a setup. Someone somehow led the two of you to believe that the other attacked you. Actually, all of you arent even real

Alm: *irritated* And we are to believe you? Hah! Don't make me laugh as I crush you! Ours is the just cause and we wil see to it that justice is served!

Pr.Marth: Like Alm said, I will not falter from what I believe in. If what you speak is the truth, then lets see you dfeat us in battle. Draw!

Lucina: You must believe us! This was all set up!

Chrom: Are you sure you won't stand down and listen to what we have to say?

Frederick: Be prepared to fight, milord should trying to reason with them fail.

Chrom: Yes, if I must.

Lucina: No. Must it really come to this?

Celica: I’d rather not partake in this battle, but the losses we face are innumerable. Please, let it be easy?

Before Lucina could ready herself, Sigurd came charging towards both her and Chrom.

Sigurd: Otherworldly soldiers, face me in combat. Whether or not what you speak is true will not dishonor both me and Jugdral by yielding.

Seliph: ….. I know that this fight is unavoidable. And yet….. Something indeed doesn’t seem right about this.

Leif: So you feel it too huh? Let’s make this quick and maybe the feeling will go away.

Seliph: You really think so? Something about this fight doesn’t make sense. Perhaps…..

Marth and Pr. Marth faced off in a duel. Being the same person, the two of them were evenly matched; both swordsmen mimicked the other’s graceful footwork and swordplay. It was almost as if looking at a mirror with how even the two were. Granted, they ARE the same person, so it would be expected. Even so, despite their similarities, Marth was more experienced than his prince counterpart. He learned other techniques that the prince didn’t in life from the time he has spent fighting along both the Shepherds before, and the more recent Azure Dreamers. With his foreign bladework, Marth quickly change the tempo and pace of the duel. Pr. Marth was struggling to keep up and before he knew it, was disarmed and faced with defeat.

Pr. Marth: You have prevailed…. Looking into your eyes, I see… determination and sincerity…. *fades back into card form*

Chrom just barely blocked Sigurd's strike with Exalted Falchion. Blades clashed as Chrom and Sigurd fought each other, mounted swordsman versus one on foot. It seemed like Sigurd had the advantage being on horseback, though Chrom surprisingly held his ground despite being on foot. Though Sigurd wasn't one to give his opponent a break. Tyrfing and Exalted Falchion repeatdly clashed one blow after the other, each moment wasting not a single second. Then, as Sigurd prepared to charge again Chrom swung his sword back, the glint in his eye as he said, "Anything can change!" and critted Sigurd, the blow striking him in the chest as he fell off his horse. Hitting the ground and reverting back to card form.

Lucina barely avoided Quan's lance and unsheathed her Parallel Falchion. Matching Quan's legendary lance blow for blow, Lucina wasn't about to let up despite being caught offguard. Gae Boeing and Parallel Falchion clashed against each other in loud, quick fury. Quan kept Lucina on her toes as they fought each other, each strike seemlying in sync in an unbreaking rhythm, until Lucina held Parallel Falchion in front her face as Quan came at her again, with Chrom running to aid her, "You will not stop me!" Lucina shouted as she unleashed an Aether on Quan, first strike causing him to halt on his horse, then the second one resulting in him returning to card form.

Meanwhile, Alm decides to be reckless and take the Shepherds head on. As he charged at them, he leaped high into the air, blade at the ready. Celica used her Gale tome to give Alm a boost in altitude before he came plunging down, ripping the air as he descended. Frederick quickly ordered the Shepherds to fall back in light of Alm and Celica's attacks. Alm's descent continued to pick up more and more velocity. He aimed for the nearest Shepherd, which happened to have been Stahl, but instead crashed into the Earth when they pulled backwards. Grunting from the recoil, Alm stood back up

Alm: What's the matter? Is a whole army afraid of the wrath of Alm? You should be, because destruction is all that awaits anyone who dares to cross me!

Celica: I really wish it didnt have to come to this.... *readies another Gale spell*

Lucina: "Wait please! Can't we resolve this without anymore needless bloodshed?"

Alm: Clearly you don't understand the nature of a Dread Fighter. To protect the ones that we love and bettering ourselves, Dread Fighters battle to win. Regardless of whether you wanted this fight or not, you've still got it *looks at Chrom* And I SHALL come out the victor!

Alm begins to attack Chrom ferociously, without giving any signs of letting up fora second.

Celica: Excuse Alm here. He is very aggressive when it comes to battle. And even though, I would rather not fight myself, I.... must. For the many men that have fallen today, I cannot back down either.

Chrom: *blocking all of Alm's strikes while trying to reason with him*. "We aren't here to take away your home! This war was a set up!"

Lucina: *Speaking to Celica*, "Can you reason with Alm? We only wish to stop this pointless fighting!"

Alm: *to Chrom* If what you say is true, then defeat me. Prove to me that you speak the truth, stranger. If you can't then fall from my might.

Celica: Alm just has this stupid ideal an eye for an eye. Or, in his case, eye for a head. he's gotten better at it, but...... *sighs*

Chrom kept on blocking Alm's blows, not even trying to hurt him. The two kept getting nowhere, their movements seemly in sync together. Until finally, Chrom saw an opening and disarmed Alm. Alm was too cocky, which allowed Chrom to take that opening and strike him down.

Lucina: "So then, you too believe this fighting is pointless? Then why fight for something that isn't necessary?"

Alm: Grandpapa..... I'll see you soon... *reverts to card form*

Celica: W-well, yes, I am strongly against fighting, and even this fight seemed to be pointless. But... it was all that we knew to do. *glances over to Marth, Chrom, and Alm's Card on the ground* So then... we really are what you say we are? How could we have been so blind? And yet, you say that we have a purpose? Then allow me to accompany you in finding that out. *takes Alm's card and summons him from it.*

Alm: Ugh.... what? I'm supposed to be dead

Celica: Don't you see Alm? These foreign warriors, what they say is true. Were we not an.... "Einherjar", you would most certainly be dead. And it looks like they may be able to tell us more if we go with them.

Alm: *groans* Fine then. I'll go with it, but only because you believe it to be so.

After defeating his prince counterpart, Marth decided to speak with both Seliph and Leif and showed them the einherjar cards of both Sigurd and Quan.

Marth: You see this? This is what you guys are. I understand that it is hard to take in. I too had the horror of realizing this, but right now, I am searching for truth. I, you, and all of us have been waging war against each other for ages on end. If you join me, then we won't have to fight anymore. We can actually find a purpose, other than to be human weapons. All you have to do is trust me.

Seliph: ..This is hard to believe. Are you saying we are cards this whole time!?

Leif: This is a trick. I know it is. You need more proof than this.

Marth: So then the both of you are telling me that neither of you have felt slightly different on certain occasions? That something felt..... not right? This is the reason for that.

Hubba: If the two of you want proof, I can bring back your fathers. *summons Sigurd and Quan* Like them, you too are bound by the magic of the cards. The Einherjar will continue to fight by order of the one who summons them. But..... there were a select few that were exceptions. Marth being one of them, along with the two of you.


Hubba: All will be revealed in due time. *reverts Sigurd and Quan*

Leif: ..I don't believe you in the slightest. But. I will join you. But if this is a trick...Seliph?

Seliph: For times I had doubts. Like how this even began. You saying this is true to me. I will lend you my blade.

Leif: As you command. We both will join you.

Lucina: "The fighting stopped, oh thank Naga."

The battle between Archanea and Jugdral has now reached its conclusion as the sun had set and the moon arises into night. The aftermath has scared the very land that they stood in. What has always been a battlefield, is now littered with weapons, arrows and tomes of the fallen combatants who are now reverted into card form. As a means to ensure that no more infighting among the Einherjar occurs again, Marth bade Hubba to take possession of all of the cards lying around from the fight, so that no one could abuse them ever again, save for the ones that have joined him in his journey. Before Hubba collected all of them, Marth took a really long stare at the card of the person who meant the most to him in life: Caeda. She was just as beautiful and mesmerizing as he remembered; her long flowing hair and cerulean blue eyes almost made him forget where he was and what he was originally doing. He was lost in the nostalgia of their days living as the Hero-King of Archanea with her by his side every step of the way and the joy that she gave him whenever he was with her. In life, she was his light. The light that gave him strength. The light that no amount of darkness, or any Shadow Dragon could ever extinguish. A part of him really wanted to take her with him so that he could at least be happy with his new found Einherjar life with the one that he loved, but due to her not being one of the select few "exceptions" that Hubba mentioned, Hubba took her away from him anyway, much to Marth's frowning disappointment. Couldn't he at least allow him to give her one last kiss goodbye? Its been too long since he's been without her.

He then stumbled upon the card of himself: Prince Marth, which only brought him bewilderment.

Marth: Hubba....Why are there two of me?

Hubba: Well.... you see..... um.... In your creation, i KIND of made a mistake by not fully implementing your experiences,so I guess you could call it a....rough draft?. The Marth that you are holding reflects the days where you were still prince and once the completed Marth, you, was made, I.... might have forgotten about him?

Marth was unsure how to react to Hubba's explanation. It was already hard to take in the fact that he was an Einherjar, but having TWO? How much worse could it get?

Marth: I.....see..... *Marth then went over to Chrom and Lucina*

You and your army have been a great help to me. You have my thanks. But, I still owe you an explanation. Yes, I understand that I am what you call.... an "Einherjar". I am currently looking for the reasons behind my creation and am seeking out the Divine Dragon for answers. However, to do that, I must brave this Outrealm which houses the continental struggles of history's greatest armies and put an end to all of it. And according to Hubba, I am not the only special case. Take Alm, Celica, Seliph and Leif over there. There are still others further along the road here. I can feel it. Do you think that you can lend me your strength one more time to bring peace to this ever feudal Outrealm?

Chrom: Of course, I'll see you through to the end.

Lucina: I'm by your side, with Father.

Marth: Many thanks Prince Chrom. And you two milady. But how are your soldiers? Such a battle must require some rest before we take off. We will wait for when everyone is well rested and make our way. Hubba, where do we go next?

Hubba: Ah, yes. Your next destination will take you to a subterranean ruin, which is the only route to reaching Naga. However, there are other Einherjar waiting in that area. And from the look of it, they will be twice as hostile as this batch. You're going to have to do some planning before you get yourself killed.

Marth: Very well then. Chrom, let us make camp for the night.

And with that, Marth has successfully completed phase one of his quest for answers. At the farther corner of the realm lies the way to his destination, along with new foes from entirely different continents that he is well accustomed to. But with the aid of his newfound allies Alm, Celica, Seliph, Leif and Chrom's Shepherds, Marth is unafraid of what may lie ahead. His destiny draws ever closer

Credits go to Ace for Chrom, Lucina and Frederick, along with Shadow for playing as Jugdral. Act 2 coming soon


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"If you say so."

"No, but I'd rather not see deaths due to reckless charging."


I would ask that ANYONE with a plan PM the admins because the admins have all the plot threads ><


(Thank you. Also since I have control about which villain goes where, I am included in the message.)
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"You said... Oh, never mind" Twirling a curly stand of hair with one of his fingers, he looked down onto his clothing. [is white really so boring? My jacket is white, my trousers are white, my shirt is white... Even my hair is white! I think apart from all of my accessories, everything's white!.. No idea how though; I've basically bathed in blood in more than one occasion]

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"If you say so."

Cassandra smiled brightly. "I do say so, love." She replied, patting Klotho's head.

"No, but I'd rather not see deaths due to reckless charging."

"Well... do we have a medic handy to check on our physical states, at least?"

Edited by Polydeuces
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(Xert is at the Dragons table with a few other villains. The rest are at Valm. I'll put a list to show which one is where.)

as long as Ishtar is here with a couple other villains im good for now but if not, then ill have to put this plan on hold

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"You said... Oh, never mind" Twirling a curly stand of hair with one of his fingers, he looked down onto his clothing. [is white really so boring? My jacket is white, my trousers are white, my shirt is white... Even my hair is white! I think apart from all of my accessories, everything's white!.. No idea how though; I've basically bathed in blood in more than one occasion]

*giggles and kisses his cheek* "Relax, love. I love white."

"So... Are we talking the real villains, or Einherjar?"


Cassandra smiled brightly. "I do say so, love." She replied, patting Klotho's head.

"Well... do we have a medic handy to check on our physical states, at least?"

"Mental is what I'm more worried about."

as long as Ishtar is here with a couple other villains im good for now but if not, then ill have to put this plan on hold

(Again, PM plan please to the admins so that we know you're not going to contradict something we already have planned ><)


"Good morning."

"Morning, Captain Wind!"

(She is. I said before, go nuts.)

(Can some of us know what's going on first?)

Edited by Kat
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*giggles and kisses his cheek* "Relax, love. I love white."


"Mental is what I'm more worried about."

(Again, PM plan please to the admins so that we know you're not going to contradict something we already have planned ><)

"Good morning."

"Morning, Captain Wind!"

(Can some of us know what's going on first?)

"Today's topic of conversation is...?"
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*giggles and kisses his cheek* "Relax, love. I love white."


"Mental is what I'm more worried about."

(Again, PM plan please to the admins so that we know you're not going to contradict something we already have planned ><)

"Good morning."

"Morning, Captain Wind!"

(Can some of us know what's going on first?)

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*giggles and kisses his cheek* "Relax, love. I love white."

"Ha, thanks..." Sipping more of his tea, he turned his attention to the conversation at hand about the villains. [Looks like we're fighting all the evil doers from the sagas gone past... Welp. Looks like I'm saying a speech or something... Oh Naga, that's an awful thought. Never done a speech in my life...]

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(If you need Elibe help, hit me up Marf. I'm good with those games specifically.)

(Perfect. Are you the same with Magvel also?)

(I was expecting more feedback. Was it too long for you guys?)

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