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Nathaniel stretched his legs as he got out of bed, yawning. His clothes had finally dried, and he decided that today was the day to make progress in the writing of his auto-biography.

It was a bit egotistical, he knew that. But this was something he felt he should do; to chronicle the war.

He began to write, starting with several chapters of his past, before moving on to the war itself.

He grimly realised he'd have to ask Dusk or Sorin about what happened before he had joined. That could be depressing...

Nathaniel left his room in search of Dusk.

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She didn't even remember the dream.

Not completely. All she recalled were tiny fragments - pieces - of it; raindrops, and stars, and blood, flowing so bright and red, washing the ground and the books below...

And the smile... the smile of someone so at peace, too much at peace for the situation... too much at peace, considering the dagger dug into their neck.

The blood was theirs.

She was yanked from the torrid dream and back into a stiller, calmer reality, her fingers twisted around the sheets in a way that almost hurt, trying to steady her breathing and try her damnest to clear the vision of her brother in his final moments, final moments that shouldn't have been final if she had just moved.

But she stayed there. Numb, And watched him die.

Nightmares, ahoy. XD

And there's actually a little theme to all of them, but I won't expect anyone to start guessing until I write more of them.

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She didn't even remember the dream.

Not completely. All she recalled were tiny fragments - pieces - of it; raindrops, and stars, and blood, flowing so bright and red, washing the ground and the books below...

And the smile... the smile of someone so at peace, too much at peace for the situation... too much at peace, considering the dagger dug into their neck.

The blood was theirs.

She was yanked from the torrid dream and back into a stiller, calmer reality, her fingers twisted around the sheets in a way that almost hurt, trying to steady her breathing and try her damnest to clear the vision of her brother in his final moments, final moments that shouldn't have been final if she had just moved.

But she stayed there. Numb, And watched him die.

Nightmares, ahoy. XD

And there's actually a little theme to all of them, but I won't expect anyone to start guessing until I write more of them.

Angie: Are you alright? Edited by shadowfrost zenbiniar
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[Gods, Kat's bedridden already?.. This has made everything so difficult...] Clutching the side of his head with his hand, he made his way back to the inn. Slumping into a chair, he buried his head into his hands and meditated on what Kat had just told him

The skit that has Kat telling Dusk she's bedridden hasn't been finished yet, but chronologically, it has happened

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"Humor me. Rate 'Peachy'."

"Li - Like I said... I'm just peachy. It was a little dream, okay?" She dropped her arm again and glanced up at the ceiling, squinting at it as if in thought. "Wait a second. How did I get in here?"

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"You couldn't walk due to your magic loss. And yes."

Silvia slowly took in the information before groaning, dipping her head into her palm. "Magic loss... Damn." She immediately made to stand up, wobbling a bit as she got adjusted to that. "Kat is going to skin me alive if she hears of this..."

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Silvia slowly took in the information before groaning, dipping her head into her palm. "Magic loss... Damn." She immediately made to stand up, wobbling a bit as she got adjusted to that. "Kat is going to skin me alive if she hears of this..."

"Careful. Need help?"

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Silvia slowly took in the information before groaning, dipping her head into her palm. "Magic loss... Damn." She immediately made to stand up, wobbling a bit as she got adjusted to that. "Kat is going to skin me alive if she hears of this..."

"Yeah, she looked pretty mad when I told her."

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Hearing his stomach growl, he decided to make himself some food. Swishing his recently-washed hair around, he tried to get the last few spots of water that he failed to dry up. Secretly however, he liked flopping his hair around, watching it fly about in the air weightlessly. One of his guilty pleasures

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Ace:*entering*"Looks like sis is studying in her room today. After that snowball fight yesterday, it would make sense for her to use today to warm up."

Alicia meanwhile was still in bed, reading a book on tactics. She had decided to use this time to brush up on battle stratagies while she sat there, wrapped in blankets.

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"Careful. Need help?"

"Yeah, she looked pretty mad when I told her."

"No, I - I think I've got this." Silvia held her arms out for balance before spinning around, letting them drop to her sides.

Just in time to almost fall over again at Klotho's statement. "You told... you told - oh, I'm so dead. Looks like I can't pretend that didn't happen anymore."

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